Bibliophiles are a rather' difficult breed to come by in this fast- paced society of ours. Words convey our feelings. emotions. thoughts. and every single action in our busy lives. To live a life without words would not be living at all. Rather than see who can bench press the most. those who enjoy the pleasure of witnessing a story erupt before their eyes. are found in the school library during lunch discussing those often taken for granted words by means of the Starbooks Cafe The White Pine Organization is a region-wide group that selects ten Canadian written young adult novels in which students are to read. discuss. and reflect upon the themes and issues portrayed in the literature with their peers. Contemporary coming-of-age novels are constantly recurring; however. the novels do vary greatly in genre. There is always at least one good novel to appeal to the historical fans, the science fiction fans. the thriller fans.and all those OthISw-aflviflevathuhbdiuWPypothSqufl-Sum“mvupmnummOvulemaumded mammupdongthcmlsmdmpdmm.u¢ertomwhomcmwmtunwoddbtauï¬rihmhm munkuhrcmuondspeed.m.mdxumm.pomnuamsdmmwWwoduerngmdlngmdokm bizarre CWAMf ach (hungoflutumnbst phceu ckmaxedwmmmmnmdunux MM.W Febnmmflanhthemmmslowï¬ndmeddawnxolun fmwho competed an the sum". sum rm. The event ms hosted by teacher Mr, Jvmmo. who after gmng a bud recap of what had happened In the season. Introduced the challenges and got the competition started. One challenge requured partners to feed each other spaghetti while blundfolded. Another task vnvolved teams droppmg chocolate fudge into their partner's mouth. tryvng to create the least mess pomble Crowd favourite's student Logan Arundale and teacher Mrs Cr2350( were unexpectedly eliminated during a round where they had to search lor puzzle pleces under a large parachute. Finally. two teams were left standmg Charlotte Sproxton and Nathan James. and Craig McDowell and Nucole CarrollThe ï¬nal challenge was an obstacle courseand upon completion. the teams had to unravel a flag from a pole in order to win.To make matters even harder. each partner was harnessed to the other. making cooperation a valuable aspect 0! thus competmon. It was a close ï¬nish.with both teams struggling to unravel the flags after they completed the course. but in the end. Charlotte and Nathan were able to unu'e the flags first and were announced the Wlnnel’S ol the Stouï¬vvlle Survvvor 2007.The tnbe has spoken! By Daniel Prokop thWaIDflmmw-mwmwbwm AWMMWIMIWMNWwammMummwwmmMn WWW“: Ericka-0y. MM.MW.WWMWGOR.GW WHMKMWMCWWW Naool.DuHProkop.SoUuoonokop.LhSNmkovadema m-Tmmmzm.mmm Dado Sfouï¬cvflle Survivor Spartans Speak Tho'SDSS vocal ham is showingvtheir amazing talent to the world! in February alone they sang their hearts out under the Worship oers.S¢lliclt-Smith at two venues. Their ï¬rst competition 0! the semester was the Kiwanis Festival on February mm they earned ï¬rst place. The second trip was to The Ontario Vocal Festival on March I st .where professionals gave the students advice on how they (ould improve their singing There the students also had the opportunity to sing in a youp M300 singers. As one vocal student said."lt was so cool to hear what we sound like as a big choir considering that we are usually a small group." The $055 Choir sings a variety of music genres. ranging from Billy joel to a medley of songs from f'Tho SistorAct". The vocal students enjoy these opportunities to show the result of their hard work and to learn from both professionals and their fellow choir singers. Congratulations on the win singers. everyone at $055 is proud of you.and look forward to your many future mm. by: Rachel Dubenofsky §tgg¢$§ï¬lle Singers Soar iï¬uflh‘immmmu 0" Knncn Mullet. Dmd TmAth WW an. â€ï¬lm‘smwnmkmwtw TWWVO'AMMWIWGM).MMIM k Io_ MthmWMwu mdmeCWmmW. Hi umwhdmnwmumu. WW6“: 2‘.D°»’.+ Wk me!†The Sfafbwks caï¬e The Stouffville District Secondoro School poge sponsored bo Boyd’s Source for Sports and Jolana's Exceptional Home Decor. other reading fanatics. The 2007 roster of novels includes one from the legendary Margaret Atwood with her novel entitled.The Penelopiad â€" the retelling of the classical piete.The Odyssey, with a humorous twist. As though reading is not enough of a treat for the students. members are able to take a ï¬eld trip on May 9th to the Premiere Ballroom and Convention Center to attend the White Pine Conference where a guest author or two will speak about their novel. and writing in general. The atmosphere is always an exhilarating one. for when else are students able to surround themselves by others who live for the written word? WMWMMMM. m(dnmm)uwuhmdududmw aManWaummMmem min mun mmnmwhwmmubhmw aqua both crown and «human» WWW (Mun dodmï¬ndoutMmmthMl auunyoumumuaddodnmndmdmmonly Mod to ma («n-mm; «cum all W uhnhnuon ol the high-sum“ CW Onwayddumtmmmm WNMMWOMW‘MMMW (opuMItmayocwdehudml msmthMrMMdefl (00W! Menu WbmeOnudoMMInM zmhmmbanwwflIClmh'lh txomidcyumrdornuolkmï¬nonmm tummummmwumum aMmo-namlmowowhmmmllw and (he won mum WWW!"- By: Dana Kenedy bxmhhrwwmwhmum OanWModTMOtAIMIIioMHt Mr. Zoratto previously worked at Middleï¬eld Collegiate lnstlmte.When asked to compare the two schools he said that. "Both schools are very diï¬erent The cultures. for mmple. differ because most students here are comfortable with the English language; however. students at MCI mostly spuk English as their second language (ESL programs).Also. there are about 850 students here and approximamly I600 at MCI which accounts for another major diï¬erence. Lastly. about ï¬fty percent of the students who attend 5055 get bussed to school. but all the students at MCI walk or ride thelr bicycle in order to get there."We hope that MnZoramo will continue to bring positive contributions to our school and help students continue and enjoy their journey through high school. m District Secondary School proudly welcomes FE. loam as its new vice-principal. He is delighted to say tint be was welcomed by students in classrooms and in the hallways. where they would shake his hand and occasionally say a friendly greeting. He also points out that the stall has been and continues to be very helpful in assisting him with hls lob. He is very excited about working with the students and stall. and assisting them in moving to the new school. Mr. Zontm wants students and teachers to work hard and no way themselves through working hard.Worl<. in his opinion. should be an intrinsic pleasure for everyone. He refers to himselfas the facilitator of our ideas. He hopes Do be helpful to all the students and staff with projects and hmure plans and to meme that students have the best experience throughout their high school years.This would be accomplished with the availability of clubs. sports and other interactive activities that create memories and give further knowledge to the studenu who choose to partake in them. By Lisa Shmakova and Kristina ngol “What are your plans for the March Break? A few SDSS students had a few interesting answers. This Much bleak would allow me lo buy some more hip threads. adding In my wardrobe. Holt Renfrew just released the new Burbeny Men's spring xuminet 07 collection giving me the opportunity In express my British upbnnging and satisfy my bunting passion for fashion. I'm looking forward to my trip lo Collingwood with my friends and my girlfriend. because we will be snowboarding and taking pm in socially responsible ulivilics. Welcome Mr. Zoraï¬o Slouffva'lhl 7â€