Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Free Press (Stouffville Ontario: Stouffville Free Press Inc.), 1 Mar 2013, p. 9

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Another report County! received was the year end Growth Management Status Report The report confirmed that In 2012 582 permuts wrre rssued for new res-dermal dwellmg umls. whrch were Councul received the 2012 Drnnlmg Watt-r Ann-ml R-pnrt tnr "In Stouthllle and the Bollontroe Musselmon‘s lair.- Woter Dustnbutron Systems In accordance With the Safe Drinking Water Act for the penod January Is! to December 3lst, 2012. the teport provides a general descnpt-on and o renew of the operotron of the systems and the quulrty 00 water More Information regard-n9 these reports us OVOIIOble m Report 83 of the February 12. 2013 Councrl Agenda. Whntchurch Stoullvrlle has a responsrbrhty under the Emergency Management and Owl Protection Act to renew rts Community Emergency Response Plan an on annual barns and as appropnate update the plan the plan outlrnes how the munrcrpallty is prepared for and responds to emergency sutuatrahs occurnng wrthm its wusd-ctlons "re areas at revrew Includes Cntrcal lnlrastructure and C ommumty Rush Profile. Hazard ldentrlrcatron and Rust Assessment (MIRA); Emergency Response Plan. Annual Exercue and Trarmng; and Public Educatron on Emergency Preparedness WhrtchurchA Stoull’vrlle has met the annual regulatory complrance for an Essentral Level Emergency Management program for 20l2. More detorls are ovorlable m Report ‘2 of the February I2. 2013 Councrl Agenda. mwmm fable My Fro. Tax Clinic- HOMO-1mma-Mpmond March 10 - 12:00 pm. - ‘200 9.00. Income restrictions apply. Call the Library In mm a '6 hour OWMMIHI Spring and March Ind Mun Rog-stmtion now open for Ruidonts Program detoals avoalobh in the onlinc oGuido. Spring programs begin the mi of March 25. 905-642-PLAY (7529) or leusuro.urvucemm~nofwsoo EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ANNUAI. REVIEW “binary 15 - March 31, 2013 Taste some oi the culinary delights that Stouffvulle's Restaurants have to offer. For mm- min, vmt www townnfws rte/mu may Calm Fall-vary 11 - Much 31. 2013 1:00 gun. - 5:” p.01». This travelling exhibit is a national digital media on: and citizenship project aimed at engaging yomh across Canada ta “plan, «pass and showcase their dwerso perspectives on Canadian identity what's On in whitchurchétouffville '09 Press cm W oh: IMolmohon lot lhc Bus-om and DMIopmeM commumlm Ink-I Chi: loco! Cum" ond Rut-much om mu and updotn '0"! M: [nun minimum on upmmmq Wham-I, updotu, mmcu dogma and Canon! Mung hwy": GROWTH MANAGEMENT STAWS COMMUNITY OF STOUFFVILLE: 2012 YEAR END ASSESSMENT 2012 DRINKING WATER ANNUAL REPORT COUNCIL'S CORNER Subunbc at m townoMI 6" TOWN NEWS/UPDATES SENT TO YOUR HOME OI MOIILE DEVICE '0. Fl!! Council Highlight: by Kenn Ewan lnbovic Laban Cont" ”WHAYUSIQ) For questions about these Htghhghts. please contact communications at ext. 232] WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE www.townofws.co TUWN 0F :u ”FOR RESIDENTS” lub Match 14, 190 pm - 4:00 [NIL In moms oi 2, youth racing mound town while completing choIlongu. Prizes for winnm. $14.00/qu nginmtion he 905-642-PLAY or Mwnurmm‘m M WM2013 Match 14. 10:00 mm. - 11:” dun. th guests Goudiu Papa and mus-cal performer Sacha Vuogio ohm-«yum mecubm M Ind An Camp Day. An W audio (MM of 6291 Mdn S!) m 11 - ‘5. 2013 9:00 am. - 4:“ 9.0:. Draw, pom! collage and explore with an upcnencod an instructor. Sign up for one day or more. Each day will end with a different finished onwk. Conmct; 905-640-8954 or unfoolatchomgolieryco Match Brock Can” Match 11 - 15 Various locations around town Include: Comp Bollonlroe (general daycomp), Hockey comp. Atlas Sports camp, also no Latchom Gallery 905-642»PLAY or himxrvioosfl’townohs‘co March Brook schedules for aiming and winning on now available online or for pick up m the Leisure Centre. BOOK LAUNCH AND SIGNING “to m Slh: All Who“ “lusty ol 0 Huron-Waldo: Community by Dr Jenn-fer Butch 8‘ Dr Ron WINIOMSOH WhitchurcthoufMlle Museum 8- Commumty Centvev Monday March 11th, 20l3 - 7:00pm -900pm Learn more about the encomhon and the research that 'ollowed Dr. Wnllucmson and colIeogue Andrea Cornevale wull be OVOI'ObIC for questions and they'll be bungmg oneof o~|und artifacts uncovered at the we this event :5 FREE! Award of Contract foc 2013 Dovolopmonl Charges Background Study and Fitul Impact Smdy ‘ Watson 8. Associates Economists Ud Ministry of Human Resources and Skills Development :5 seelung nommotlons for the Prime Minister's Volunteer Awards vecogmz-ng achievements an 0 wide range ol volunteer octwuty Nomnnotuon deadline is March I, 20B. Vnsit wwwpm gc co awards lot more Information provuously utimotod as 470 now res-dermal stem The lorocos! for 203 is oppmximotoiy 350 new random-cl slum. Furthermore. Slofl hos fence“ the population of the municipality WI" memo" 5‘}: to 43.300 people by Jun. 2013. $00 Ropon 16 f0! more Informahon PRIME MINISYEI'S VOtUNTEER AWARDS CONTACT WHWCHURCWUFMHE'S CUSYOMEII SERVICE CENTRE 905-640-1900 or toll-fro. 1-855-642-8696 Monday to Friday: 8:00 am. to 5:00 pm. 15(8. 3rd Tuesday of each month; 8.00 am. to 8 00 p m In person: 111 Sandiford Drive, Stouflville OnIine: wwwtownofws co by clicking on 'Contnrt Us' W- m MohaflyMDay-EmhrMfl-‘m! WWW m 30, 11:00 tun. - 3:00 pm. 905-640-8954 or wwwjatchomgolloryxa hour in Hunt W - Mdn it Go Train Station Mud! 30. 10:00:!!! - 1:00pm Guided tour wary hour on th- hour. downtown, hunting for Easter Bunny 9056400749 High Blood Prawn mum Public Ubrwy March 28. 1:00 pm. Fon'd Wossoff, Loeolfhormocist Smart Nutrition and YIN/VIVA Public Inform Contra 201‘ Annual Sonics Hon Mach 19, 4:00 pm. - 7:00 gun. Munidpcl Offices » Lobby For more information visit wwwyrtca 905-6424!on (7323) / 1888-6034292 www.wh«tchurchâ€"lvbmry.on.ca Irish dancing performed by members of the lrish Dance Studio Fm Admission Sonbon' St. Patrick’s Pony WWW“. Public Library Mach 15, 10:00 mm. - 11:30 tun. Idtobuohu 'Ig Mal-M :onboobuw MARCH EVENTS common! lawman! tau 111 Sondiford Dr., Stouffville, Ontario MA 018 Customer Service Centre 905-640-1900 or 1~855-642-TOWN (8696) Automated Lines 905-640- 1910 or 1-855-642-TOWS (8697) More mformofion regarding Qhe renovated {acuity Is ovmlable In Report 15 of the February 17th agenda The Hall was ongmol constructed m 1970 by the Stou'fvclle Lions Club With the financnol support of Arthu! Lotcham. on honourmy membel 00 [he Club. On February 16, 2013 the Stouffwlle Lyons Club celebrated 75 years of servmg the Yown of Whi1church~5touflvulle The doors to Latcharn Hall have reopened lor community use. In July 17, 2012. Council authorized stall to update the facrlity. Renovations included additional octrvrty space, removal of the stage. levelling and replacement at the mom hall floor; upgrades and replacement to the kitchen cupboards and appliances; renovations and expansion to the existing men's and ladies washrooms to meet accessibility requirements and new flooring in the main hall latham Hall IS the interim location of the Silver Jubilee Club and Wlll continue to accommodate other community users such as the Brownies and the Stoulfville trons during the week and leisure sen/ices programs on weekends "to 090060 for (hm moot-n9: In“ In Mulohlo at tho Mun-c1901 ( Whnthulthsw‘vllo M: lbmvy and on the Your” “but: a! "It “undo, pnol lo Ilse mmmg Cow I'm The Council Moo! Schldukfov a... not ~| ova-We on the foam 5 unbu- FEATURED TOWN STORY 0M! 2013 Operating And Capital Budgou AVOIIOble on the Town website and at the Whltchurch-Stouffvdle Public leHer for renew RENOVATIONS AT LATCHAM COMPLETED Upcoming Council Meeting; (held at the Town's Municipal Oflicot) MARCH 19. 2013 COUNCIL MEETING » 7.00 PM MARCH 25. 2013 PUBLIC MEEUNG 700 PM ‘I ;,â€".4 Hanna I'M-Gin Council Meeting Highlights March 2013 o 9 If Recunredl

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