Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Free Press (Stouffville Ontario: Stouffville Free Press Inc.), 1 Feb 2013, p. 7

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Ihe pvoposed pointy Includes a DIOVIMOII to: the nnstollutnon of signage and pavement mmhngs at new schools. [he respective school boovd wull be responsublo tun ull LU§I> und Iown Stu" wall (0 ordinate the suppty and mstollotlon of sugnage and pavement markings See Report :6 tor more Infounot-on I" Counc‘l Planmng o weddmg us an excmng. yet somehmes stressful experience If you've decrded on o destrnohon wedding, or II you gust worn somelhmg very low key and reasonably priced. let us ossrst you In plonmng o crvul momoge here at the Mun-opal Off-cos OVer the years our named mornoge olficuonls have been port 0' small, intimate groups of 4 and Iarger ponies of 50 or more In every situation, our focus rs on creotinq a mama and emovable QlDefience for the couple For more Informal-on contact our C Spring/Summer Lolwn Gum February 7 - "n onllno. Hard mpws mmlobl- m lemme Centre and Mumnpul (Mu-vs xpenmg) would be undertaken and the hndmgs reputed to Whflchurdv-StoufMlla Pubflc Ubrory Sundays, February 3. 10. 17. and 24 2:30 - 3:00 pm. Age 3 l0 yvs with parent, guard-or Peanut "EC coque pvovvdcd Storyfimo with Sharon in Chinese Spend your day drawing, painting or sculpflng with an uporioncod an nnslrudon All manuals included. Pruogistration roquuod $40 for members 0 $45 for non-members (per child! per day) Contact mica lotchomgolleryco or 905640-8954 for more informohon Latches!" Golkry "M M Bunhr Studio (Main St, 5 Moria! 5!.) February 1, 2013 - 9:00 Mn. - 4:00 pan. Learning ’how things were done' in Whitchurch- Stouflville over 100 years ago! You will try out on old~ fashioned soup recipe,» bake in [he Victorian kitchen, spend time in the paovieer classroom and much more! In“ parka for chiidron ogod 8712! Prlrogislrmion is required and participants must bring their own nub free lunch contact wsmusoummownofwsxa for more mfovmotion PA Day Workshops Mauls-9W". Museum ‘ Community Comm February 1, 2013 - 9:00 OJ“. ~ ‘:00 p.m. what's On in whitchurch-Stouffvine FEBRUARY evsms H‘t‘ 7mm." a «meon Laban-Nut ' COUNCIL'S CORNER IUS‘ SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD IMPLEMENTATION POLICY Fa! questions Council Highlights by Karen Ewart CWIL MARRIAGES AT TOWN OF WHI‘I’CHURCH-STOUFFVILLE 6E7 VOWN NEWS/UPDAFES SEN? YO VOUI HOME 0. MOBILE DEVICE FOR FREE Lobofic Labor. Cont" WWI-PLAYVSZQ) 0 Public Library WWI-READUSZJ) - r at www Immofw about these Highlights, please contact communications at ext. .732 I WHITCHURCH-S'I'OUFFVILLE I'OWN 0F 'FOI IESIOEMS' www.townofws.ca hon, our focus Is on creating a unique and enjoyable experience ustomer Service Centre or Visit our websute 'PoroNormdn' A mnsunderstoodboy talus on ghosts. (amines. and grownups k0 savo h-s town from a centuries-old CUVSC‘ Free Admission Rated PG PA Day Mm if your Library WhhchurchtoufMlle Public Library Friday. February 15 - 1:30 pm Topocs Include downloodmg ebooks and cud-o books. renewing or reserving from home. electronic booklnsls researching heoith issues, etc Free' Pveregustrotion l5 requived' Ubrory Web SR. D'mo Whflchurcbâ€"Stouflvillo Public Library Thursday, February 14 - 7:00 - 8:00 pm. This travelling exhibit is a national digital media arts and citizenship prolect aimed at engaging youth across Canada to elplore express and showcase their diverse perspectives on Canadian identity. These works are the 26 Winning pieces representing 8 provinces: territories across Canada Defining Moments: Discoveflng our Canadian Stories WhltchurdI-SloufMlle Museum 5 Cummunhy Cum February 11 - March 31, 2013 Monday to Friday - 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m‘ 10th Annual Winter Carnival Cedar Beach Pavilion on Muss-Omar: hallo February 9. 2013 - 1:00 pJn. ha 41» p.m. Lots of special octiwhes for the whole family to emoy ml. o subslutron us a tenant with-n the Iown's Municipal Offices m Stouflvllle. Yhe space us to accommodate police officers, odmumstrmlve staff and an Informuuon countnr for the publrc [no detention cells), and expected to be operohonol by Your End 2013. Councrl pro» approved this coprtol budget nlem m order to expedne the renovation process See Report “I for more mformahon regarding thus new commumzy partnership mlh Vovh ROQIOHO POTENTIAL PARTNERSHIP/LEASE - YORK REGION 0W" "I. ounc CONTACT WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE'S CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRE 905-640-1900 or QolHrce 1355-6428696 has approved a partnership ml Pol-ca (YR?) to esmbhsh Monday to Friday: 8:00 o m. to 5 00 p m 1518. In pelsou‘ Ill Sanddord Dnve, Sloufhnlle 0n for consnderol See Ropon adopted, Involved a comprehensvve emn polucaes to ensure they support the Town‘s oh and recrunting and ramming o strong-(ally Sustainnbnllry In now and The CER lhe (.Ht md-cotes town sewnces are generally being unto account su other mumcupulmes selected for corr always room for rmprovement. The CER sets out seven “UNU‘PP'NH Optimize the organizational and governance st: Standardize and Improve emstung processes Use existing l1 systems more eflectively Foster 0 supportwe culture Proactively manage performance Build the talent pool [wand and leverage exrstmg partnersh-ps The project was led by a Task Force cons-sting of three Members of C SCHIOf Management Team (SMT; respechvely‘ with the ass-stance of the Integrated Into the consuhont's funol report The Countrl approved the results at the Corporate Elfncuency Revtew (CERL The CER provides Councrl and Staff with a long term 'raad map' for enhancing efficiency, so that the Town can continue to delrver hnghqualuty servnces. affordably. as the community grows. The revuew looked at luture staffing, how current servuce levels could be maintained and how best to manage resources The results will be used to maximize value for taxpayers, promote accountability. and strengthen the lawn's ability to maintain and attract qual-ty stall Counol WI” stlll need to provnde final approval for some aspects of the report such as new starting and Departmental consolndatrons 5m", umons um he 0900an M moot-nos In" 0- omdobh m tho My: Mum, and on the 1mm} whom at noon IM Thu-way s Ming Sch-duh fol "m not u ova-lot Upcomhg Council Mediums (held at the Town's Municipal Offices) CER MNP [LP The process RFR leDm Muuum 905-727-8954 OR 1-888-290-0337 Town Of Whitchurch-Stouffville Completes Corporate Efficiency Review (CER) cm on [In (on (right) lound on g In Town's home page to new - prewom Counnl thlaghn ‘ FEATU R ED TOWN STORY one of three pvole 111 Sandiford Dr., Stouffville, Ontario MA 028 cotes Iown $9! it 8. 3td Tuesday of each month- 8 00 o m to 8 00 p an Online. www‘lownofws C0 by cluclung on 'Conmct Us' tof the Km M" be presented a! the Februovy I and Report Customer Service Centre 905640-1900 or 1â€"855-642â€"TOWN (8696) Automated Lines 905-640-1910 or 1-855â€"642-TOWS (8697) FEBRUARY 25. 2013 COUNCIL MEETING 3 00 pm 010“ 2013 Capulol 8. Operotnn9 Budge; to be released Semov Management le< u oddmon to the (IR. the T( FEBRUARY 12. 2013 COUNCIl MEUING 700 pm FEBRUARY 25. 2013 PUBLIC MEHINb 100 p lo: mom dew-ls “WIT ‘volved consx vekmng lo nr Policy Revuew (CPR ammotaor Hoin rogordung the (IR and CPR had ’0 mans mtervnews 1 Membevs o! C )vevmchnng Whfld' loonlho'mlnb 9 struduve '6 long It 1nd ongngpd worhf vnnq [hp Town Council Meeting Highlights cond deluveted eH-oently. taking wponson The! sand. lheve :5 areas of focus. namely: assistance of the consulhng or Cauncd wh-ch were Whnchurch-Stouflville ,- Town's suslmnoh-lury Med 0 Rates and Fees no CPR, which Councfl 3n Februarz 2013 0 7 surveys with Towr scol susk s compe :unc .ounnl ( meeting ‘nsuhon ,ounc anllf

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