8 0 February 2013 Wum-ï¬m: um Commumy Ovmod NW -_,_'-.. Emgreen Hamâ€"has 3W little Jefly to seer hjs'ï¬lgndparents In a whole new revoMng ï¬ght Jeff and Stacy's eager papapappn m 'The DISCO Bau' to support The Stouffvnlle Free Press welcomés community event hstmgs from non-profit groups and organizanons. Please send a brief synopsis of upcoming events by email to swufl'vullefreepressdrogers.com Bruce Slapley ijal Dagh-Shah Hannelore Volpe Ben Embmcos Kale G-lderdale Jill McWhinnIe Editorial and Photography Contribu‘ers: UP AND COMING Ralph Pohlman Rulh Panenon Maurice Smith Dan Wigmore Rmh LeBIanc Rob Rmd uncc the Installation of the Bug Pipe In the last few years. (.0 tmn and bus scrvucs haw cxpandcd fapldl)’, pluvxdmg a vmhlc alternative to the (.1! fm many rummutets, and offering a mess [we uptmn for those vismng the my In off peak hours to: arts, cultutt. baseball, haskrtball and ~ somewhat ll! my dwells-u sumplam about rhc rlrrr: arm of Ioronro's publrc rransrr sysrcm. Whrrchurch-Srouflvrllc has been well served by CO Tranm Instead of warring for rdlock to grind trafï¬c (0 a hall on r c 404 and Don Valley Parkway, Mcrmlrnx an OHIMIO (Lovcrnmcnr agcnry (reared in 2% ru coordrnarr: and rnrcgrarc puhlrc trans" servmg the CTA amrcrpalcd the nccda of rhc future. A future that has already arnvcd rn rhrs mmmumry as a result of the cxplosron uf growth uncc rhc rmmllarrnn nf the Big Prpc In the lab! [cw years. ('.0 tram and bus scrvucs havc expanded ramdlv l was marncd by a 'udgc. I sf have asked for a lury Groucho Marx While No man 1: uuly manned unnl he understands every word his Mfr: Is NOT saying Anon Put your hand on a hut stove fut a mmuu- and n wms lukr an hnur Q" wnh a pretty gnl for an hour. and It mm: Ink: a minute That s rclanvny Albert Fmsmn ‘HC (A'Ulgl You can I buy low: on eBay Anon Marriage i c my dwellers wmplam abuul u- slate of ‘lummo's public system. Whuchurch-Stouffvnlk n well served by ()0 Tum“ ad of walling fur gndlock In an 5:3 n srlm Dcal Inn Despite a boom In our population. thr first new fulldlmc pnsmnn In .1 dcmdc was addcd m 30!] Today Wt' shnuld have 21 full lmu- smfl. but that I! money fur nnly II If munul «Us on tlw wwmly received rtcommvndatmns. 3014 and 2015 WI†he the want years our llhmrv has l'Vfl create. In Whltchutch-Slouffvlllc. the library IS also the town's 'wmmons." where new resndenls (sum: of whom are also new to Cand'da) ï¬nd Information and new connections In thc larger mmmunny. ' Th: hlvary's many fumnuns arc Imponant to naughty and prmcct In lanuary. cansultams resented counul With a Corporate HfIm-m‘y Emu-w The recommendations, are terrible for our library Thcrc are provmual gundrllnvs for the snze of librancs Councnl fust planncd for lxbraty rxpansmn 10 («kc plan. In 2009 Hus was postponed many mncs Now wc learn that mnncy Is Still tight and vxpansnon Will hkelv not happen unul 2017 ' [hue an: provmual Rmdt‘lllu'h for staffing DCSPIN‘ a boom m our pnpulatmn. thc furs: new full~nmc msmnn In .1 dcmdo w.“ add“! |n mu Library servu'es are (ntlcal for a Vlbldnl community Literacy opens up new worlds for rhlldren Llhlanans §park thc Imagination of young minds, and glvr students 0f all ages the nmav ml uhaptcr boom In our pnpulanor nsmnn In .1 decade was shnuld havc 21 full l - Tap Dance m- - Love and Marriage “UH new system. I! has somevfrustrauons - and: from the massnvc cost overruns to the pmvmcc. and lhus (he taxpayey. Allhnugh our CO station 15 now open longer. thrrc Is no ticket machine available dunng off-peak hows, which means Indus wnhuut a card have to pay the dnver In cash when they prrvcr If you want to sacrifice admiration of many men for cntmsm of one, go ahead, mamcd. Karhannr Hepburn (k belalcdly this season hmkcy I’hc mull u nut palm the abnluy to run murc 1mm lb hampcu-d hy 1hr Luz that lhflt‘ I: only am Link north of Mukham but we have come a long way In a very short tune. 1 hr Presto pardx which has replaced momhly passes and mulnnlc ride No matter how love-suck a woman Is. she shouldn't take [hr first pl" that comes along Joyn- Brothers frartrnlzing With the enemy Hmry Ktssingcr Low: is temporary msamty curable marriage. Ambrose Brent Nobody wnll ever wm the battle the sexes That's too much U I N )n rescarch and the library IS new resxdenls Canada) find uonrdl which has teplaced passes and muluplt ride GO and YIN/Viva. along all numhc! of TTC. natmnn. In the ugh! direction for a seamless payment system auu» the CTA‘ Lulu: any m. N ha» wmwfrusuauons tor library “us was leam that .l hkrlv not Ilvt - Library Services Critical haVC masswc cost oycnuns and lhus 2hr taxpayev. CO station Is now DCHCI'ILI mm mama-c know each that [mm seen With respect to staffing per re5idents served How do we compare With other communities our size in Ontario? With respect to per capita funding, We have been in last posmnn and dropping for a number of years. We are now 44 per cent helnw that peer group avrrage And with respect to staffing. we are solidly in last place This IS not summingnur per tapita library funding has fallen 12 per cent since 2006. In the meantime funding for parks recreation and recreation faeilities has Increased by 33 per cent far above the prm'incial average If council acts on the latest recommendations. the worst years for our library are still to come , even beyond the mandate of this Ct'lunfll While the ma w and mumil have dnne 50 many line things got our community. the library has been a huge blind spot for many years ‘There IS a feeling that Town Council may not he fully apprecrating the serwces prowded hv the lihrnry' lhis is the very last line in lanuary's 76-page (anpnrate Effitiency ReView report. lhis lack of appreciation as demonsttated in annual budgets since 2007 is affecting all of us More n'SldCl'IIS need to tell emintil immediatelv an 0m n-sndcnts need m w]! mum at an 'avaagc' hbxary ls (hr I: )m our municipal lax dnllars Amnld Ncufcldlâ€"Fast. Stoutfwllc )thcr no use slight but the My Wife and I Were happy for 20 the years - then we met. get Rodnty Dangerï¬eld Is that thry get all cxcitcc nothing, and then many tum Cher By the nme you swuar you re his Shwering and sughmg And he vows his passion IS Infmm undying â€" A good wxfe husband when Afllron Ber/c A man is incomplete until he IS manned. After that, he IS ï¬nished Zsa Zsa Cahor I love being mamcd It's sogrcat to find one sprual pctson you want to annoy fot the rest of your life. Rua Rudncr lady, makc notc m 15 lying, a tram and bus vra Umonvrllc, the card ‘reads' It as two separate trips. To remedy this, the nder has to press the override button on the Presto reader before tapping on and of! both the Ham and the bus. Presto offers a default system for people travelling between the same two destination; on a rcgular bans, which means tram ndcrs only haw: to rap on at the outset of their yourney. local ndcrs should be aware, however. that when (40 replaces a-through bus scrvm' from Unlon to Stoulfvlllc wuh a tram and bus we Unlunvrllc, (he hard (he bu fur ndfls, as m then wait catds, and hr. malt: change tickets, norm: Parkrr Iâ€. the bus This â€color. a hcnduhc lets, as man- pcoplc leplacc cash :1 wallets With debit and cu-du and holds up the bus as drivers change fat passengers wnhout .’ always [mg shr's wrong. wnl fully appreciating mry “us Is (he 6-Day: ( nrporatc all excited about .(Iml this XPIK l Stouffvme nc of ’mcn