Wlth many of us wtndlng down after a Chnstmu wtth family and friends. onhodox Chltstum at: loolung ahead to their Chnstmas on Ian 7 Whrn famlhcs contain members (If vanou: hatkgmunds, they can't help but cteate new ttadmons and memories. That's how u is for Gary and Sandra Cole Butke‘ He's a singer. she’s an artist He's Jewuh. sht's Chnsuan. When Chnstmas ttmc and Hanukkah occur together. both traditions are gtven a chance to shim" tn‘tht Burke household When the menorah candlts a": FRF [slg Fem launuuy 2013 Reesor Farm Kitchen on Ringwood Dr. will be closed for our annual winter break until Monday January 14 when we'll reopen ‘ with our regular hours. NOW THE EXCITING NEWS. We'll be moving soon! When the renovations at our new store at 5758 Main St are completed later this month or early next, we'll open our new location. It's going to be an «citing year! the: Burkcs wnll turn off the Christmas ucc and uutsidr Opal: Ila-Jo“. 9- 5:30 Than. Fri. 9 - 6:30 By thncloxt Volpc ’ We ’ ' 3:)" fl. 9 . 5:30 905-640-2270 - 5:30 m.nuorfulnkhdnn.com DEAR CUSTOMERS ’Chnslmas IS hecommg a holiday season for everybody,’ Swan said “It 15 3 mm: to recharge and refresh.†When the llangkos first arrived in Stouffville in 2009. there were already a few Sri Lankan families here‘ and they now have a big family in the area - In Niivcmber [EL lanérly cclcbrated rho: Hindu lcsrival of Diwali On Nev. Years Day they Will head to rhc Hindu temple and (hen LLlAT T LLI’ look forward ('1 Thai Fungal - iluâ€" beginning of the New Year for Tamils - in mid lanuary It 5 Hadlllrinal fui farn. c: s in Sri lanka m haunt tliLir â€LL paddius and “‘HlNl’llp rhc sun and nxake sweci rice in their from yam" In Canada hnwrvr-r, [lu- swu-r “Us UdLTlUUX‘. 1.1km place lndfififs rather than miraidc Swan llangko ongmally hails from St: lanka. and began celebrating Christmas when he came to Canada I] years ago, He and his wuft. chmayotb‘y. the" son Ahlllan and daughlct Athltal. always put up a Christmas tree and get together With family and fnrnds {or festive meals. Over the an their daughter rccclvcd gifts for th traditions. but [05! one, Instead of the uadmunal eight. for Hanukkah. But potato ‘lalkcs at Hanukkah? They are here to stay m this family. dccounvc “5’!!! Then the Chnumu use light: so back on when (hr menonh candles at: out Having lcwuh m laws I! a bonus for Sandla She relishes the fact that thzy all com: over for Chmtmu Day. ‘II ts wondctful for me 'Sandra and 'Thm- are 14 pegple!‘ , I A Season For All bookwuriis. print: and sculStunl works. The pieces work With nostalgic dccnsnonmaking and gamw’tool references. such as Eonunnellcrs. garm- board pieces and my ckagmg These ohpus become :1ch points mm which more symbolic aspn'ls of the human exprntncc can he examined and Ihr dcgms and implications "The Mann. 0! CchVEVV'e-ih-thmes and highlights the concepts and pmcesscs ththd In making A dccmon _throggh a collection of It is with great pleasure that we present lacquehn Helcherl’s solo exhibition. The Matrix of Choice, to showcase the Incredible talem, thoughtfulness and creativity thrs young amsr has to offer. Jacquelrn. who IS In the process of finishing her Masrers of Fm: Art rhesus ar Concordia University in Montreal. offered some Insight mroher upcoming exhibition. to participate in PrrView. a Latcham Gallery exhibition featuring the works of Six upand- coming local and regional artists. The long-term plan was to roll out solo exhibitions for each of the artists over the next few years to see how they and their art had evolved. Then we come [0 (ht glam Christmas tree m Dr. Bob Boadway’s ofï¬ce. The local dentist grew It himself on his farm. 'Toothacres', and It soon began to sprout mittens. Actually, (he ï¬rst palrs wen: She went on to study at York University. where she earned her Bachelor of Fm: An With great distinctron. She was then invitcd She came onto The Latcham Callcry's radar several years ago when she was attending Stouffville Dlsmct Secondary School and caught the attenuon of formex gallery tumor Maura Broadhum. At th: u'mc. Iacquclin pamcipa‘td in our annual Images exhibition showcasing the work of the graduating art class, . lacquelin Heichen grew up right Stouffvillc‘ Latcham Gallery Features Homegrown Talent By Chai Duncan At our house. La Bcfana. a good Italian thch. flxcs on the eve of Epiphany (Ian. 6) to ï¬ll socks hung up by t fireplace wuth walnuts. ï¬gs, cacctatore sausages, oranges. a 7 occasionally a can of tuna One young friend. who encountc this tradition for the first mm at our house, asked to bring on: of her socks over. And. of course. La Befana filled 1;, too! Joanne ts inspired by the variety of cultures in Stouffv and spearheaded the Stouffvrlle Multicultural Association. At the invitation of town staff she decorated Cï¬r trees at the Leisure Centre and museum On the trees paper ornaments wrth mformatwn on 12 countnes and Chnstmas ts celebrated there. As a'youngstcr, she remembers going out for a walk aft: Chnstmas dinner. thn everyone mumed. her mom had al the desserts gut and_h_et d._ad would play Irish muSIc. In the Perry and Joanne lannuzzx household. then.- an: mtmoncs of h kahan m»laws being mystified plum pudding and the weanng 0 paper has from Chnstmas crackcrs, and amazemnl On Joannc's pan (commg from English and lush parentage) at the number of courses and the amount of food covenng the Itahan relatives' table at Christmas put on the fun tree by Dr Bob's Wife, Iuhc, seven years 35),: and as each season progressed, staff and patients added to l tree The mittens are donated to the Slouffvifle Lions Club f dismbuuon to Stouffv'dle famine: in need. by Stohffwlk 0mm secondaifschod's staggering art class‘ Jacquelin will attend the opening reception for I71eMatrixobeaicron]m.12 from 1-3 pm The exhxbmon runs unul Feb 16 And fyou haven’t made it down to see [angel 2012/2013. ALTITUDE, you have until Jan. 5 to expenepce the wonderful works mated _ Chai Duncan is curate: of The La i Gallery that choices have on our everyday life highlighted.†Sevcnl (radium: are at play in the Bhaua-frolnck household. Dolly, Whoa: backgIound 15 East Indian, has been celebrating Christmas smce she w a Child Her family. whlch incl husband Nicholas (Nick) Frolic]: and thei children, Bobby and Jazmin, decora (hgrhopsg and pet sigmng Dec. 1. With hstuh'an. Cumin, Ukraiman‘ and Polxsh background. Nick ca be found In the kltchen during holxdays makmg his special meat and Cinnamon rolls I: has bcco a tradmon for wcryont to make a homemade gift for each member the family. 'Regatdlcss of rehgnon,’ Dolly said, 'it fis a rhagpy time for everyone!’ Stouffvil.