USING YORK ’S EXTENSIVE RESOURCES and Government Grants to Find the Solution: to Your Tedmiml or Business Probltms at Signiï¬cantly SUH-Tribune S'I'OUFFVII‘IJ". LIBRARY TIME: I2230 ~ 2:00 PM Members: FREE Nun- Members: 55 1hr power of business working for yuu lmn the Chamber today! ('nl|(91)5)642 4227 for dcmls SLEEPY HOLLOW (LC. TIME: 7:30 AM ~ 9:00 AM Members: $15 Non - Members: $20 Wednesday. 23rd lanuray lUNCH IS ON US! with Cheryl Giblon Industry Liason Manager. Innovation York. York University Collaborative Research: wnh ltxccullve Director 'rm. BUSINESS BEAT l-.dward Nellcs Monday mnrnings at | I am Whlhllc I017 M METROLINX Advancing The Big Move: A conversation about the plan. the projects underway. and the next wave of projects that will be delivered once funding is procured. Reduted Cos! .wMgk mm ‘rLY LIMIIED! JANUARY EVENTS Thursday. 17th January BREAKFAST with John Howe V. P. Investment Strategy fl. January 2013 Media Spunsm l‘.XPl;RIEN(.l~. REGISTRATION: (905) 642-4227 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Listen to um: III II On â€Hand N â€on 8995 Dell ConZDIo LOGGIIJZGigllWGig/Wildm7 5350 FULL SELECTION 0T PARTS a: ACCESSORIES flu. MAI-Cm - fluid" I'M-6PM - “(AMI-JP. P: 647-917-1592 or l-Moll: 6246 Main “In“ 2, Downtown llouflvlllo ( I Ilooll In! 0' CBC Ion]: North 3M.) alumna-u 20"8cnnlfllhn Panto-lemon Conn-o but am: comm hon MACBOOK MACBOOH PRO “Mia. mnllccntn CoreZDuo UGGMZGigIZSOWIN? lee! 1.1mmgnocmm In! Cumin 1.8611111669140ch commvnwm appu n-BooL c H : az, 30 come m‘nwr â€00:02.“ IWIGWIS.I"WM mucouznuz.omzcignnrsoocigmam1 ‘I'IIINKPAD "10 IS OuadCom 2.16m iGig‘JZO But for Tom, mountain biking is more about camaraderie than competition "I hat's why I fell In love wrth mountain blkmg in the first lace. Im not a 21-year-old trying to become a profossmnal biker These are riendly muddle- agcd men and women II’IVOIWd in a sport that's much more socnaL' he said. While he ndes four nmes a week In the summer, Canadian wmtcrs are hardly a deterrent ALL MAIOR REPAIRS 'Moumam hkmg I5 duffcu'nl hetausc I! lakes plaac â€ff paved roadsv mostly In forcsts and hills That's why mountam l‘xkcs haw fautr (â€1'5 “Hm! I luvc mm! .ll‘uul 1x :hc lung cndulanw Luca lhryguvw IUUHHI‘ mm“ In tvn hnurs a! a tlmc Idni fnur 5min muss last bummcr BOXING WEEK SPECIALS PIIIBES Vlllll WES DEC 22 "ll SAT Ill 5 MBDDIIIIIIIOIliIfliIIIIncflm trade In That mu eomnmormum [OB CASH! ‘ Quality 0“ - Lease Blaine" Computers mud-gun,» 15%0flw-lelnylew! Tom has been cycling all his life ‘Crowrng up in Unronvrlle, I remember cythng to school. I even worked as a bicycle courier one summer. Mountain brlung had pus! taken buth as a sport rn Cahfornra in the 19805 and was a natural progressron for me. I took my bike off the road and onto rhe dirt." The IT manager spends hrs days workrng and hrs evemngs ndmg on two thick wheels. On .a \lUUdY wum-l mght. when the Durham hunt 15 pm uwucd 1n wow .1 gwup of scvcn muunlam hkrn hmd out thc unc rm! WIdc path It (akt‘s [ht-m two hours, and they r hmathlc» but happy And for lam Hanrahan. .1 \luuh'vnllr tcsldrm and um: of thc ) It‘s the (hull that krcpx hum going 'I love mnunmm hiking hr 1! .1» .1 form of rxcmse or stress Iehrf It‘s .1 spun l pursur all thmugh 1hr yml," mud lhz' 4B Vt'dl- old OVER 120 COMPUTERS IN STOCK ‘All It takes IS a careful and slow-paced approach. Come wxnter tune. I By Kmlal Dash-Shah the sport They cpver 100 m1|c_s and go on for Durhafn‘forcgt u pnch black n mun head out to traverse hours, and they return homo.- SJSE $195 $125 $195 $395 $95 $150 In The Saddle seven bakers Yes. our busés are subsxdized through municipal taxes; but the region's goal is to reduce automobile dependence, which costs taxpayers far more than any transit subsrdy. A large pomon of mumdpal budgets are dedicated to accommodate a sea of cars dunng the morning and awning rush hour. Whlle development charges pay for some road work. Wt: are sull govcrm'd by a Cal‘CfanL vmon (for cxamplc. wc spend mun- pct captta on wmtcr road scrvtcc than on lzbrary A and virtually‘noltown In Ontario goes that far!) On The Buses From Page 8 from the route Comblned. these comprise 10 per cent of households in Whltchurch- Stouffvnlk- - let alone the urban area and From’ Whistler and Utah to California and Pennsylvama. Tom has navigated a Wide variety of hills and forests and Is nowhere close to 5! mg on the brakes As he points out, 'Thc older I get. the more fun I get out of It! However. it Isn't always a smooth ride for Tom despite his yea rs of practic‘c ‘lnjuries do hapren from ume to ume and I've broken a leg and a shoulder in the past. One a so occasxonally encounters porcupines an deer m the forest bu! lhey _a_r_en't a real dangerr' summer. 'She doesn't 'share' the samc love for it but we got ourselves a tandem bike and so we can now ndc together. We ate looking forward to next summer so We can get on It more often.†put «m my lug lat bums. dnulvlc up an my .qu, ulhl muum um light on my hrlmr! and anurhrr run my lulu- ' sanl lnn. “ln wmu-t, we cnd up inking mostly at night huduSc It gets daylr so early I! an be a lull: rem: mud: dense forest: but "'5 dlM) mulling and CXLlllng. Howcvcr, It Is a balancmg act and you can only hula: about lwn and a half hnurs at a umr because- your hands and lu-t eventually get cold ' It wasn't until a few years ago, however. that Tom discovered another aspect to the sport that gave L__ u 7 , ISO Mostar Street. Stouffville. For information call 905-6404 7". THANK-YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF OUR LEGION AND WELCOME TO COMMUNITY DAY Band - "Southem Fried“ 1:00 pm. - 5:00 pm. 50-50 Draw The mayor and councnl think they have done this‘ If you; like me. dunk mon- could be done to meet that goal m 2013. send an cmaxl to MayorAndCouncxkn townofwsu. or better. hop on thc bus to the mumcxpal ofï¬ces and make the pomt in person Arnold Neufeldt- Fast Slouffulle ‘Mr. Mayor, get those single-occu- pancy cars off our roads!’ should be our manna. The town‘s ofï¬cial plan states that It ‘shall cncouragr the creanon of a regional transxt system Which Will hnk the community of Stouffvllle wath othcr communitics in the region. and Wthh will also provide internal service within the community Itself." Sunday January 27th FREE CONCERT hlm_ greate'r sauï¬acuon “l deCided to start giving back and became a member of the Durham Mountain Biking Assonation (DMBA). an advocacy group for local bikers. It has 450 members and the idea 15 to enhance the hiking experience so we work hand in hand With local landowners to build and preserve trails. We also organize ) and partitipate in Earth Day clean ups and that too gives me a sense of accomplishmenif he explained, adding that mountain biking i; to him what golfing and fishing is to some people 'I do give a lot of time to the sport but it's what gets me excited " His wife Heather does complam 'cvcry once m a while' but Tom managed to ï¬nd a temporary solutnon last She doesn't share the samc love Stouffville Fm