m WW® imam Free Press Card’s TV and Appliances 5758 Main St. Stouffville 905-840-3622 Dr. ].M. MCDOWELL I)r. (LA. (BENIN 81 Assmjalvs Dr. M. delesus/ Dr. R. Zargar Optometrists 6085 Main St, Sloufl'villc 905-642-3937 Honool Auto-Sam 10868 McGowan Road Markham 90543404220 Barker Contracting Rooï¬ng. Siding and Windows 6074 19!]! Ave" Markham 905-642-7000 Fax. 905-640-4966 www.barkermoï¬ngsidingxum 9 Loss of job. loss oi illtJUIIN' Loss of car insurance Tn ()Ill'dill a lisl nf HXmeM's In thdill \'nur driver's Iii t-nm- hm k lulh (Lumplelud susimnsinn. please! visit hllpzir’www.mln.gnv.nn.cn,'onglish ’snfmy impaired. p.1rt2.shlml#rnsl Installation of an ignition interlock system Thor husim-sws and wn iu-s lislml un Iha-w pugvs » ish you 0 Happy Ilulidln Swanson and mmindrl‘uu Ihul when H mmm In drinking and drh inlu. nwrn nm- drink is hm mum. York Regional l’uliu: are reminding lhv publiL Hm! lhu R.l.l).l-I. program your-long inilialivn lhul is unhnmtod «luring lhn l'uslin- sunsnn. l)() NUT DRINK ()R USI'Z URI ’US AN!) I)Rl\’l Compass Insurance Brokers 20 l-‘reel Lane. Unit 4 5 Stouflville 905-642-6463 14186-203-6365 www.compnninsunnuun Silver Lining Party Planning (Ialvring l'xbridge 416-276-7549 wwwmilmrliningcalnrimum Shuflvillo NAPA Auto Parts 27 Winona Drive. Unit 1 Slouï¬ville 905040-3030 Slouï¬ville loin! Venture Fitness 5 Physiotherapy 6212 Main St. Sle. 202 Sloufl'ville 905-642-7004 sivphydota tog-neon: The Consequences of Making That Bad Decision Are Life Long. Upon arrest for impuined driving by alcohol and or a drug \‘nur vehiulu is impounded Your licvncv IS suspnndcd for 30 days Expenses [or mud costs Personal Injury lo you. your pussungurs nlher mulnrisls nr ecu-n .m innm-cnl pedestrian Possible prison snntunm upnn (:nnvirtinn and a ('rimindl rmurd that (nuld have an impact on future vmpluymunt or trawl nutsidn of tho muntrv PMIE Savings and Credit Uniun 6245 Main St. Slnuflvillo 905640-281 I ()wr 20 wars in Husim‘ss Sluuflville 905-640-001 I www.mlsnnhilliards.mm Nelson Billiards salt-s. wn it u. at wssnrirx k lnllnwing lhu O'Neill Funeral llnme 6324 Main St. Slouflville 905-642-2855 Slade's Caruso Ltd. 43 Cardico Dr.. Gonnley 905-888-9272 Stouï¬illc I.D.A. 6212 Main St. Stouflvillo 905-640-3324 IS il Marco Alexander Moniz Mortgage Specialisl DUI Maximum (Ihniu! Financial #117941 6248 Main 81.. Slouï¬ville 905591-1493 ' Fax. 905-591-1496 malnandorm dominionlendingxa www‘marmnlrxa nder.c0m Sally Harris 6335 Main Street, 2nd Floor Slouï¬ville 905-640-7521 Fax. 905-640-7531 sallyharrism ‘ympalirm‘n Slouf’fville Therapeutic Centre for Massage. Shiatsu and Reflexology 37 Sandiford Drive. Suite 206 Slouflville 905-642-4237 Wild Wing 5946 Main Slmel Sloufl'ville 905-642-1777 Bill Houston Ford Ltd. 5786 Main 51.. Slouflvilh- 905-640-4541 Fax. 90545424691 wwwhiIlhnuslonhrdxvnm Slouflville Fine Furnilun- 6327 Main SL. Sluuflville In“! of ninlh linvl 905-642-6774 uaigél leamsmaavom www .leamsmaa.com uwwsluuflvillemasugacom wwwshmflvilleï¬nufnmimmmm Slouflville Martial Arts Academy Gncie liu-lilsu Ninja Tab. Kmle. Self Defense 6| Ringwood Drive. Unit 3 Slouflville 905-640-7474 Slouflville Auto Service 6728 Main Street Stouï¬ville 90545424305 [MR Block 6188 Main Slreel Slouflville 905-642-2927 Belle N.Y. Nail Salon 6286 Main St, Slouflville 905-640-5145 Brawn Auto Service 450 Service Road, Unit 3 Slouffville 905-040-7090 Chnslmas / New Yea: 0 2