If you love to decorate you: home, u make sense to follow many 0! the same design pnnciplo in creating youv own Chnslmas look. Choosmg theme thal coordmates wuth youu deem cteales uniï¬ed look that flows from room to room and m: to table wnh ease and Sumplucoty In a traditional home. red. green, gold and salver are reliable choices. on their own or combmed wrth one another But consrder copper, bronze and brown tor a warm, updated colour scheme that looks stunning wrlh your nch mahogany turmture and vegetable dyed Persran carpets. as well as wrth your old srlver and gold ornaments You’ll find lots of Christmas merchandrse m these colours, so y0u can ï¬ll your tree and gariands throughout the house wuh beaumul hydrangea, boughs of leaves and berries. and umquely crafted ornaments for a lradmonal look "ml :5 refreshmgly news Make sure there's lots 0! sparkle on the ornaments and m glass accessories to catch the light and add beautiful contrast to [he rest of [he room. artificnal ones Wander outsude him your large evergwens. ov nursery io puck up pme boughs boxwood wreaths. Curly WII'OW magnolia leaves. Next. a "to lo I E" PALLISER egramtes, lemons well. Then |el y0ul my gas hlled wnl with pomegramlc orget your home MODERN “IX Design Your Christmas Decor By Valerie Clubine “HI tresr Sectional Leather N Sectional Fabric N. "I IHANGE Y0"!!! ‘oug )ntempotary 0! 1:!(1 branches aspen leave J! Mk If Jana! OUFFVILI IOCaI 0|" modern, you may want somethmg a lrttle more unexpected to update a tired Chustrnas decor Look tor decoratuona m soft blue. ecrd green and lots of white Gorgeous' Instead ot boughs 0t greenery on the mantle. drape white leather boas nnterspersed wuth sulver bolls. glass reindeer and green or blush hydrangea. You can make a knockout centrepnece in a low. contemporary crystal bowl. wrth groupings magnolm loaves. cml willow branches. la grasses» orchuds an palm leaves Create diamalic table by Simpl Inning up volwc candle from one and to th bed 01 be A modern sensnbmly :8 8|! women's. espocnallv rm fixtures )9 papev whnu U" W unhau m I" 1r "I 5i“ I" and [he CHRISTMAS and BOXING DAY SPECIALS until Dec. 31. 2009 ALL FLOOR MODELS 20-30-4000 OFF! tat namssus 0v amavylhs 'planted' on lass and topped up wulh water In any configuration Fabric or Leather and Sofas and Sectionals available in ll ondlcs lo the "In"?! pvohlc gh IOME FU mly RODUCT MADE IN CANADA soonhancud wuh natural GARAGE DOORS GARAGE DOORS GARAGE DOORS $11000 39mm 58000 39% SHOOCTEiéVHVD V [:1 PALLISER SOLID MAPLE dmuncvs The vanahons are endless huluiay look lhal is uniquely you â€" n ongoy your hard work Blessmgs to lmmly as you ceiebvale a very Merly i'alt'riv ( 'lubim‘ can be contacted at Signature Intrrt'un 905-534-0344 ' 647-403-4924 email: rrlubim'él mgrnxum Queen Bed BMW Panal Bed 5109‘.) Now $2999 you and your 0w. relax and hrustmas vesting