ï¬ NION almwickï¬fvnng. mm All submissions must be less than 400 words and Include a daytime telephone number. name and address. The Sun-Nbune reserves the right to publish or not publish and to edit for clarity and space. E-ml Wmm Dmmrmn Cmmvvr: Saunas Katherine Percheron The Sun-Tribune. pubflsned every. Inuvsday. us a division of the Metroland Media Group um In whom- ownod subsidiary of 70m: Corporation. 905-640-2612 Fu: 905-640-8778 Clan: l-800~743-3353 DISTRIBUTION 1-855-853-5613 gmm comm DIRECIOR. Busmrss ADMINISTRATION Robert lazurlco York Region Media Group community Delivery issues? Editor Iim Mason jmasonï¬yrmg‘mm Circulation Co-ordlnnor Daphne Lawrie Aluwn'errmgAwm [ETTERS POLICY Dmncmn. DISTRIBUTION Tanya Pacheco Dmurma. REAL ESTATE AND Cummm Gard Paoluca' F0! all your delivery inquiries. phase contact yrcustomelsemoeo yrmgcom DIRECIDR, AINERI‘ISING Debra Weller wish I'd kept the tattered clipboard that lived in the back of my ‘86 Jimmy. Since I was the only employee at the old Stouï¬ville Sun with such a ride. I was asked/appointed to help orga- nize and administer the delivery of the paper. We had previously relied on Canada Post. My old golf buddy. the late Eddie Luther of CFRB helicop- ter trafï¬c neponage fame. and l recruited 20 kids. carved the map of Stouflville into workable routes and flew by the seats of our ink-stained trousers. That old school clipboard was my GPS, taking me on a one-hour journey through the back sheets and neighbour- hoods of Stouffville - back when there were about 10.000 of us living in the former village. Literally hot 08' our presses in Uxbridge. that ink was barely dry when} hit the cgrriers' steps. Press breakdowns, bleak- ing news and bad breaks in the weather would occasionally snarl the process. The uf) side was getting to know so many of the carriers and their families. I got out of the delivery busi- ness before the new millennium and never really thought much of it. 0 Doug Richardson, 8 cancer survivor and one-time cancer researcher who is now director of imaging at a centre at Har~ vard University in Boston. They got the job done. Then and now. mmtmdMoSrm-Mme. WMMWW Better known as Jason Par- sons. he's a rising Canadian music star. one half of the band USS that sold out the Richmond Hill theatre last weekend. The Human Kebab brought me back That got me thinking and longing for the names on that old clipboard. From memory. it's an amazing and eclectic group. Many are parents themselves now. well into their 305. Here are some other all-time carrier allâ€"stars: “My ï¬rst he messaged measwetn'edtosetupan interview this fall. Carrier kids went on to deliver in sports,TV, medicine, clergy 0 Mike Sullivan. who starred with the Stouï¬ville Spirit. earned a hockey'scholarship to Clarkson University and was drafted by the los Angeles Kings. He works in sales in Cal~ 0 Scott (Zlubine. formerly at EastRidge Evangelical Mission- ary Church in Stoufl‘ville. is now lead pastor at Hillside Church in Mount Albert. 0 Tomas Street. creator and head writer of a family show. Kids Town. There are more. including the Neale sisters and the entire Snooks family. The kids who whined about homework and the sniffles and said they couldn't spare an hour to deliver. The few who dumped their papers in the park or hid them in their bedroom closet. At least one ended up in jail. "Hey. man. you ï¬red me." said a burly guy who looked straight from The Sopranos. Sure. there were bad apples in the bunch. He was obviouslyï¬taking full advantage of the liquor licence at a local event. “It's OK. I was a lousy deliv- erer," he said. “Why did it take you so long?†A tip? It was the kids with the supportive, yet ï¬rm moms and/ or dads who made the A team. They got the job done. Then and now. with Jim Mason Off The Top LETTER OF THE WEEK Forgiveness for food bank thieves Oh baby, candidates out of touch My mother's ï¬nal resting place on this earth is within a few metres of the west side of Churchill Church. home of the Whilchurch-Stouffville Food Bank. I was rather alarmed to open my paper and read Whitchurch-Stout‘fville mayor-elect Justin Altmann likens winning the election to giving binh. lust how much tequila had he drank when he delivered this interview? Where is this coming from? Last time I checked. Mr. Altâ€" mann doesn't have any children. l was ready to move on. only to be remind~ ed of how outâ€"ofâ€"touch male politicians can be when mayoral candidate Richard Banley responded to a question about running in the next election by saying that's like asking a woman who just gave birth if she wants another kid. Seriously. Let’s get something on the record: run- ning for mayor is nothing like giving birth. 1 think town council should get some pre-natal classes. Maybe they could watch a few videos of live births just so we can be clear what giv- ing birth is really like. Re: Food bank thieves drive across graves. Nov. 6 When I read the amide. my ï¬rst thought was, “I am glad I am not the ultimate judge of such actions." Still. I despair and cannot understand it. Does Altmann know men don't give birth and that even to him so in any analogy is stu- pidity 0f the highest degree? It‘s really unfbnunate there’s no women on council to put the seven men in their place. Mayoral candidate Phil Bannon refused to talk to The Sunâ€"'Il'ibune after the election. That's really a shame because l’m dying to hear how his campaign was like giving birth. l have known lim and 'loan Doble for more than 40 years. Their unrelenting Chris- tian dedication and service to Churchill is more than just being “good people". The volunteers 6f {he f60d_bank are a blessing for many in our community. 'Ihe need for a heat supply is real. I speak to whoever took this: You do not have to wait for us to rally and replenish the fumace oil so you may have an endless supply. There are many people in our com‘ RenThird time's charming for new mayor. Oct. 30. - I really hope for the town's sake the seven Caucasian males representing it can speak to all issues a little more intelligently the next four years. but l'm not holding my breath. SIMON MARTIN smuFFVILLE PUBLISHER Ian Proudfoot GENERAL MANAGER John Willem: First, his statement that he made no prom- ises during his campaign and that he wants us in Stouffville to have our own identity. whatever that means. and he doesn't want us to become Markham. I would like to make a few comments on the election of our new mayor. Justin Altmann. What I would like to know is â€"â€" how is he going to deal with those who are already here. and how is he going to interact with them? Does that mean he will be rolling up the wel- come mat to any group who does not ï¬t into his demographic identity? Re: Third time's charming for new mayor and New mayor will he on steep learning curve, column hy/im Mason. Oct. 30. Second, I don't think it was a well-thought- out response to a rather delicate topic. but as a rookie mayor. this could be expected. Lots of questions for new mayor Mr. Mayor. I think you are going to have to bite the bullet. cough up a well meaning apology. and get on with the job of being mayor. because if you don't. it will be dogging you for years to come. Was that quote really conect when it comes to implementing your campaign promises, because you said you didn’i make any? As the editor of our paper said. there is a lot fora rookie mayor without council experience to learn. To that. I say better him than me. Is it fair to conclude then. you got elected because you are a bom-and-bred Stouffvillite and you have a pretty face? We. the residents of Whitchumh~Stouï¬ville expect a lot of good policies from our mayor. Plenty of questions. so if you have the time. or care to nespond. I will be looking. and listening. munity who have the discernment of true need. the means and willingness to help you out. I grew up in the immediate area and am still moments away from Churchill and the cemetery. My mother's grave as well as my grandparents' adjacent sites were not des- ecrated by your action. It has been a couple of weeks now so it may be difficult to see. but others in the vicinity may also have been driven over. Although the infrastructure of natural gas is at hand. this is not economically viable for the church or the food bank. If anyone has an idea of how to fortify or safe- guard this fuel tank. I invite you to come fonvard with a solution. As for the acts of driving over grave sites to enable one to steal from a church. I am obliged to forgive. I hope the perpetrators will genuinely seek God's forgiveness. SWZTribune 6290 Main St StouflviIte, 0N. MA 167 wwwyofluegioncom RICHARD (TERRY) FORPAR BALLANTRAE GIL FRANCIS 81701 Wan F