“ m not he the MM: '. -. t. - The All Out Clearout Sales Event otters are llmlted ttme ot1ers whlch apply to retail dellvenes ot selected new and unused models purchased trom patttrtpattng retailers on or atter November 1, 2014 Otters suhm‘t to change and may or Bllf‘lldt‘tlwtl'mlll110111 P All [l1 n ma m1 Itultw "MN" ($1.695). alr condttlonlng charge (11 applcable). tlre levy and OMVlC tee Prtclng excludes llcence. msurance, reotstratlon. any tetatler nomrnlstratlon tees. other retatler charges and other nopltcaole tees and taxes Hnenctng and lease otters avarlable to quatltteo customers on approwu mum Hetmlw mum tum» may [10 um mm Retaller may sell tor less 'Consumer Cash Dtscounts are deducted trom the negottaled once betore taxes 61.500 Ram truck LoyaNy/COrlquest/Skllled trades Bonus Cash ls avallaole on the retell purchase/lease 01 9014 Ram 1500 (excludes rte-q 11am 301411.101 mm mm . n ' -1 mm ProMaster or 2014 Ram Cargo Van and ts deducted trom the negotlated once after taxes Ftlngle customers 1nc1uoe 1 Current ownersllessees 01 a Dodge or Rem Ptcltuo Truclr or Large Van or any other menutacturer's Plclruo truck or large Van the venlcw must My? how nwm-n lt‘.l.\r‘tl by the ellglble customer and reglstered ln thelr name on or betote November 1. 2014 Proof ot ownershlo/lease agreement wtll be recurred 2 Customers who are slrllled tredesmen or are acoulrlng a slulleo trade thls mcluoes Ltcehsod lraOesmen, tierltlmd Journeyman or «11181001015 who my.» 6010010100 an AWentlceshtp Certltlcatlon A cooy 01 the Trade LlcenceICertttlcetlon recurred lelt one $1.500 bonus cash otter oer etlglble transactton Some common: apply. See your retauler tor complete oelalls t3 99% purchase tnnanctng 1or up to 96 months nvmlnnlo on new mm 1 . models through Rec. Scotlebanlr end 10 Auto Flnence Retaller order/trade may be necessary Examples 2014 Ram 1500 Quad Cab 4x4 SXT (?5A+AGR)/201t Ram 1500 Crew Cab «4 SXT (25AeAGmXFHl mm a Purchase Pnco ot 326.595/$:t0.173wttn a so mwn payment mullth mm e13 995 tor 96 months equals 203 br~weelrty payments ol srso/st 70 wlth a cost or borrowlng 01 sun/35.121 am a total oblloatlon 01 sanoa tit/335.294.00 cNonâ€"orlrna tlnenelng avallable on approved man my example 2014 Ram Sl/SX1wlth a l‘urt‘hase our» 01 3:6 mu __._-__â€" tlnanced at 4 99% over so months. equals 182 bl-weelrly payments 01 8173 tor a total 1lnance ootlgatlon 01 331.504 37 ceased on 901‘ fnerGutde ltlghway tuel consurrtotlon ratlnge Government 01 Carma test metm 0300 Your actual luet Consumptlon WIN vary based an nrwmg tmtut< andother tactors 2014 Ram 1500 412 model wlth 3.0L EcoDleael V6 and sweet! automath « Hwy 71 mm ltm (40 MPG) and Ctty 10 21/100 km (28 MPG) "Wlttt as low as It U100 am (40 MPG) hlghway ‘The SlrlusXM logo us a regtslerm trammark 01 Smust Satellltt‘ 11mm Im DOD-- 2014 RAM 1500 QUAD CAB SXT 4X4 GET EVEN MORE VALUE REBUILDING YOUR CREDIT? NONâ€"PRIME RATES FROM ONLY 4.99% OAC 2014 RAM 1500 CREW GAB SXT 4X4 PURCHASE PRICE INCLUDES $0.500 CONSUMER CASH.‘ $1.500 BONUS CASH." FREIGHT. A/C CHARGE. TIRE LEVY AHO OHVIC FEE. TAXES EXCLUDED. OTHER RETAILER CHARGES MAY APPLY? «4st: 3150 @ 3.99% II-WEEKLY‘ FOR 95 MONTHS WITH 30 DOWN WITH CLASS IV RECEIVER HITCH RAMTRUCKOFFERSLA