You can meet a Canadian legend in Stouffville Saturday. Three-time world ï¬gure skating champion Elvis Stojko will be signing autographs and greeting customers at Stouffvllle Nissan from 10 am. to 2 p11? Dealership general manager Darren 'Doner and Stojko are friends. They've both been involved in charitable endeavours in The Richmond Hill native is also a two~time Olympic silver megalifst anti seven-time Canadian champion. Meet skating legend Elvis Stojko at dealership Sunday Service at 10:00 am I I7 60 Woodbine Ava. Gormley (Just south of Slouffville Road) 905-887-5489 Interim Pastor - Charlie Mashimer Young Adults Intern â€" Man Hill Children‘s Ministry Intern - Caleb Manley 345 Glad Park Ave. Stoufl'ville Pastor: Fr. Michael Hughes - Don Mchvon spooï¬ng - Don works in developing our global BIC partnerships] Casual dress / Contemporary worshlp/ Nursery care I Kldz Program lor SK â€" Gr 5 Good colloe /Warm Welcome! ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH I n . . . helsehilldlurch H ‘ Women's Bible Study "Choose Joy " â€" every other Tuesday 67:00 PM 416-898-4774 19 on tha Park 19 Civic Avenue, Stouffville ‘ bung Adult: Group meets for Bible study connection 07 pm Wednesday nights + outings Lud Pastor; Gmham Clinton ST. MARK’S 905-640-6954 A Church Of Tha Chrittian And Missionary Allianca in Canada This Sunday 010:30 AM uvu comma nun] www.h¢is¢ Stouffvpill’e;(Chuncliesswelbqlgeflnw , ,) Christ Church 905-887-5651 Sunday, November 16th 10:003m Celebration Service Speaker: Ben Bartosik 11:30am Second Hour â€" 0 (553mm: Stouffvillc Rd. at Kennedy Rd. Anglican Church of Canada 254 Sunset Blvd, 905-640-1461 Sunday November 16th ACW Sunday (Shoeboxes due back) 8:003m 8r 10:00am Eucharist Nursery 8r Church School at 10:003m Tuesday November l8th Family Drop~ln 7 - 9pm Wednesday November 19th Badminton 8â€"10pm Friday November 215! Floor Hockey 7-9pm Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am. ll am. 12:30 pm Weekend Ma§§es High School Low]: Second and Fourth Fridays ofeach month Ministry Nights All Welcome COME SEE York Region. And with Stojko.‘ 42, now getting involved in auto racing, a visit to a par dealership seems like a natural. The Nissan dealership is on Automall Boulevard. at Hwy. 48 and Millard Street. After two years in temporary quarters, the dealership marked the ï¬rst anniversary in its permanent home this week. BLOOMINGTON GOSPEL CHURCH Aï¬iendhï¬zmily church Rev. loan Masterton, minister ST. JAMES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Service of Worship 10:00 a.m. Friday, November 2| Student Music Scholarship Concert hosted by St. Iames 6432 Main 81.. Stouffville 905.640‘3l51 Sunday, November 16 to be held at Stouffville District Secondary School 7:30 p.m. Adult admission $5.00 Tuesdays 6:45-8:15pm Kids Club 1» Jr. High: Kindergarten â€" Gr. 8 Wednesdays 6:30-8:15pm Sr. Youth: Gr. 9 ~12 Sundays @ 7pm Young Adults: 18+ Life Groups Sunday Service @ 10 am Stouffville Pentecostal Church 6853 Main St.. Stouffville 905.640.5696 Chinese/English/Children Service (CI! (33%!!!) / am / 9.11%?) SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:45AM Sunday School for Kids! Everyone Welcome! Children '3 Pastor: Lori Attack -lim Mason Youth Pastor: Ian Hurlev Lead Pusmr: Jeff Laird STUDENTS! NEWS ONLINE Stouflville Christian Fellowship 10:30 am - Preaching Rev Les Wheeldon will be with us for a series ofspecnal meetings He will have just returned from Arctic Bay (Baffin Island) where the spirit of God has been doing amazing things amongst the native people. Come and join us SYDU‘WIUJ Saturday, November 22 10:30am- 11:30 pm Testimony 8x Punching Brunch Served Testimony 8K Preaching 12:30.1:30 pm Sunday November 23 ofï¬ 860 Conc. 8, Claremont 905-649-2812 Special Meetings; mommy mama (“HWY PK "RM