lOlNIlSFOIlOOPS-themmgmd crotheflng dude for newbies and 00d pm A" 090: welcome! Some manuals pmvided butbmgyoulownflyouhmthem. mm» 2 pm. to 4 gm. Public»: Home. 123WMFounder‘sHall "£06Kle "use take out mum survey at www.mmn nmmnmum mmmmumr Rated PG PM Admission Samrday.0mmbor6hom29.m.to4p.m. Tenth Line from Aintree Drive to Main Street; Main Street from Tenth Line to Ninth Line; and Ninth Line to Hoover Park YARD WASTE COLLECTION - AN ADDITIONAL YARD WASTE COLLECTION HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 24 ON YOUR REGULAR WASTE COLLECTION DAY Please ensure all materials are Elaced curbside Erior to 7 am. “mammmfl Mflflam. BEYOND CRAFT A Ioumuts SAL! surname 34 or 00mm: mm mm: m “was, mm mm mmu OLINORI. A A mmâ€"mvmum mum" mum", m. m 15 I. A... N 5 ll. m. m ‘6 I. u. N 4 ll. mmmmmnm "NLIJIJDJJ MMLNmb nammmmmm mmmmmm WWW MMMNMW umum MINIIITHW Sam’s. mutated". mm» ":15 m. to 11:45 all . Minnaâ€. W. MMMMcmMWu-mm Tho CoIIoctod Hold Works 0' My Comoran Newcomb and Lu Parkinson Through Oxombot 23. Pickled sculpturo, printod popes linens. a giant sod’covorod ham and deIy flocked dvypotnt prlntnwan visitors to this Latcham Galhg uMleon WM-WM‘WMNW FRIDAY, December 12, from 7:30 pm. to 10:30 pm. 6240 Main Street Tickets available at the Leisure Centre in advance. YOUTH MESS (AIDS Sign up for a Youth Access Card to receive discounts on youth programs and events. Cost: 510 (September 2014 through August 2015) was/mummmu Begins online November 26 at 6 pm. for Town residents and in person at the Leisure Centre starting November 28. 1 V.'- W 5 V-M- 3 Enjoy a delicious taste of 105" U1 0W?! from Campbell Christmas Past with finger House Museum as she talks about 3 sandwiches, trifle, plum pudding how f°0d can bring hmo'y alive in S and seasonal baking! Please call Ontario Museums. Pre-registratlon to reserve youf pfefefled seating requlmd. C0“: 510 3 time. Cost: Adults $16. Children .â€" 5 (under 12) $8 Museum HISTORY ON A PLATE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1 PM. TO 3 PM. INTERESTED IN BECOMING A 2015 PAN AM GAMES TORCHBEARER? The TORONTO 2015 Pan Am Torch Relay, presented by President’s Choice and OLG, is coming to the Town of Whitchurchétouffville next spring. Threethousand torchbearers will proudly carry the flame and share its welcoming Pan Am spirit on the 41-day journey towards the lighting of the cauldron on July 10, 2015 to ofï¬cially open theGames. ‘ Town residents are invited to submit an application to become a Pan Am torchbearer by visiting: www.TORONT0201 Application deadline is December 1, 20‘14. mmmomm :...§!!E§J"_I'JS.!!9!!5!'9? MWMWHN Friday November. 21 3:30 pm. to 5:30 pm. SoccerCity, 45 Innovator Avenue. Relax in the program room or join your friends on the ï¬eld for some pick-up sports. PA DAY - FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 14 Drop-in Shinny And Skating, Stouffville Arena, 1 PM. to 3 PM. Leisure Swim, Leisure Centre, 1:30 PM. To 3:30 PM. INDOOR WALKING (WI Soccer City 45 Innovate! Avenue Monday through Friday 9 am. to 11 am Bring your little elf to our seasonal hands‘on workshop‘ Decorate freshly~baked I seasonal treats; enjoy hot chocolate and cookies; tour heritage buildings. Pre-registration required. Recommended ages 3 to 10. Cost: Children $15, Adults 55. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 10 AM.