With profound sadness we say goodbye to Doreen Brown. who passed away peacefully at her home on October 27th. 2014. at the age of 78, after a courageous battle with cancer She will be dearly missed by her husband and soul mate. Ray Brown of 59 years. Beloved mother of Steve (Cindy). Jim (Nicola).b and Leanne Tummon (Ryan). Wonderful Nana to her randc ildren. Taylor, Jamie. Mackenzre. Rachel. Emily, endra and Evan. She leaves behind her brothers Lorne Harper (Alice) and Nelson Ha r (Millie). Predeceased by her sisters Ruth Carr (Albert and Helen Appleton ( arf). Dear sisterâ€"rn-iaw to Jack Brown. Murray Brown ( tty. Fred Brown (Sandra). Barbara Skelton (Larry), Glen Brown (Donna) and an Brown. Remembered by many nieces and nephews. friends and amiiy. too many to mention but not forgotten. A special thank you to Drs. Trinkaus and Patterson of Markham-StoutMHe Hospital for their excellent care during her fight with cancer. We would also like to thank her sister-in~law Betty Brown and great-niece Melissa Skelton for givmg up their time and providing so much support during her illness. Family and friends may call to the Dixon-Garland Funeral Home. 166 Main Street North, (Markham Rd.) Markham. Ontario. to celebrate her life from 2-4 p m and 7-9 pm. on Monday. November 3rd. 2014, A funeral serVice Will be held at Dixon-Garland Funeral Home on Tuesday, November 4th, 2014 at 1 pm with reception to follow. In lieu of flowers. please consuder ‘a donation to the Markham- Stouffvllle Hospital or the Canadian Cancer Socrety Passed away on Saturda. October 25, 2014 Lovrng mother oi Janet Kent (KAichael Benton) and Louise Ehrkamp (Mike). Beloved Grammy oi Emily and John Ehrkamp. Best inend and companion oi Hal Brooks Predeceased by husbands; John Kent and Don Scobie. son Jimmy Kent. and Sister Fran Robertson, Born in Winnipeg. Manitoba. she was in her 89th year. She had a liielong passron ior dancrng and acting, appearing in many movies and TV commercials. as wel as extensrve modelling. She worked tor radio stations CJCL and later The Fan 590. She was a member oi the Variety Club ior man years and gave much oi her time helping people with disabilities. She retired rom the Luggage Leathergoods Association where she was General Manager ior 13 years She was a member oi the Sir Edmund Hillary Foundation and director on her Condo Board. She volunteered with Older Adults in Action. sat on the Board oi the Markham Theatre and greeter at St. Phillps-on-theHill Anglican Church which are all located in Markham. Cremation has taken place. Friends will be received at the DlXON~GARLAND FUNERAL HOME. 166 Main Street N. (Markham Road) Markham. on Saturday. November 8. 2014 from 12 pm. until the time oi Memorial Service in the Chapel at 2 pm. Reoeptlon to iollow. In lieu oi flowers. donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation or to the Alzheimer's Society. Born October 22. 2014. at 8:44 pm weighing 7le. 501. at Lakeridgc Health‘ Oshawa. Proud parents, Karen Ryan Burnett. Big snstcr Alannah.grnndpmnts Diane Kennedy. Jan Lyn Burnett. aunt Heather and uncle Jay. SCOBIE. Joyce (Landau. Kent) You would be tumrng 32 on Sunday. and it Is hard to have your bmhday comc. and know you won't be there to celebratc it. As we remember you. we {ch blessed you wen: in our lives even for such 1: Wm time md you will always he our pn‘uoux son We are so happy you had tho low ol your sisters. Michelle Alisha. hrothvn In-law Andy Ray. grandma. clnst‘ family 8: so many wonderful friends You now have 3 nieces Ella. Avery. Ava that you haven't met. but we know you love Ind protect them, We mm you so very much and love you with all our beans Burnett- Autumn Lyn Love Mom. Dad family. .rxoo Nuvcmhct 2. 1982 Andrew Frank Del (irande May 8. 2005 Loving husband to Lily (LI Zhu Wang) and brotherqn-Iaw to Peter (Linda). Predeceased by wrte Pamela Devoted steptather to David (Debbie) and Chnstine (Bert) Bernie will be sadly missed by his grandchildren Kyle. Sean. Jordan. Stephanie and David. Great grandfather to Myrissa and Julian Predeceased by his suster Janet Loving uncle to Peter, Karen, Michael and John and great uncle to Lee Bernie wnll be (emembered for hus wondedul sense 0! humour and for his fondness for telhng jokes. as well as his |ove for acting and sungmg. Family and friends are Invited to the O'Neill Funeral Home. 6324 Mam St . Stouf’NIlle. Ontario. 905-642â€"2855. to remember the life of Bernard on Thursday. October 30th from 7-9 p m Passed away peacefully on Fnday. ’Passed away on Thursday. October October 24th. 2014 nn hrs 915: year at E23. 2014 at Case Manor The Village of Taunton Mulls ‘ Retirement ReSIdence In Whnby. ‘1 BObCaygeon' In her 98m year’ Omano f {Clara beloved wufe or the late predeceased by ms bvmg Mei ;Gordon Munro Much loved mother Marydale (nee H0ugmon) Lovmg andr 50f sons Bruce and hrs wrfe Carol gevoted rather g! V_Mary-_Lynn‘ (Jump: ‘and Wulliam and hrs wvfe Inge Predeceased by hrs lovmg wrle Marydale (nee Houghton) Lovrng and devoted lather ol Mary-Lynn (erl. Beverly and Beth. Proud and cherished grandlather ol Enn (Jordan). Jarme‘Lynn. Jaclyn. Tyler, Rebecca. Ryan and Makayla, Dotrng great grandfather of twin baby gnrls Audrey and Olrvra Last survrvrng lamrly member ol parents Charles and Dorothy Tapscott. brothers Norman and Howard and Suster Phyllrs Dear uncle ol Adele and her lamrly and to his other many,nreces and nephews and therr lamrlles Vrsrtatron was held at the DIXON- GARLAND FUNERAL HOME. 166 Mam Street N (Markham Road) Markham. on Tuesday. October 28th. 2014 from 12.00 pm until the trme 0t Funeral Serwce In the Chapel at t 30 gm Interment Elmwood Cemetery eceptron tollowed In lieu 01 flowers. donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer 800er or to the Kidney Foundation 0! Canada. ’amela‘ Devoted steplather to David (Debbie) and Chnstine (Bert) lemie will be sadly missed by his randchildren Kyle. Sean. Jordan. Ltephanie and David. Great randlather to Myrissa and Julian ’redeceased by his Sister Janet oving uncle to Peter, Karen, flichael and John and great uncle to eel i lemie will be remembered lor hisi Iondertul sense 01 humour and for is fondness for telling jOkBS. as well i is his love for acting and Singing. 'amin and friends are invited to the A )‘Neill Funeral Home. 6324 Main lt . Stouth/ille. Ontario. 052-642â€"2855. to remember the life it Bernard on Thursday. October lOth from 7-9 p rn ‘ Onllne condolences can be made i at onellltuneralce Passed away peacefully at Pinecrest Nursrng Home. Bobcaygeon on Saturday. October 25. 2014 in her ‘100Ԡyear Beloved wrte ol the late Walter Taylor Dearest mother ol Brenda Parsons (DaVid) and gstepmother of Bob Taylor (Judy) :Lovmg grandmother ol Jason, Jordan. iJoshua, Tamara, Susan, Maelynne, land Cheryl Great Grandmother ol i Bethany. James. and Nicolas EPredeceased by her parents Maude and Frank CrOSier 01 Manchester and 1 her brother Elwood ‘Slim" CrOSIer The ‘lamily Will receive tnends at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #459 150 i lMostar Drive. Stoutfvrlle, Ontario. L4A iOY2 905-640-1714 on Friday. October i 3lst. 2014 lrom 1t 00 am until time of iserVice at 1230 pm Reception to itollow Interment Hillman Cemetery, lMarsh Hill Road. Utica In memorial ldonations to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch £459. Stouflville would i I be appreCiated by the family, Onllne condolences may be made at www.mrkertunerelhomeca. {5 Movie listings? if) Local ncwx O Find that special ~\mncihm}: in the classiï¬eds ‘0 Road your favourite column then email ll [0 a frich Onllno condohncos may be made at www.dlxongarland.com TAPSCOTT. Mauflce Witton Cherrshed grandmother ol Brad. Scott. Stephen. Shannon and Heather, 8 great grandchrldren and 2 great-great grandchuldren. Loved snster of Margaret Woods and Agnes Bennett Predeceased by her parents Mary and Seth Wrdernan. srsters and brothers Theodore Walter, Edward. Mabel, Allan, Arthur. Blanche. Lloyd. Jean and Clarence ‘ At CIara's request. crematton has taken place A private Celebratron of Lute wrll be held at a later date In Stouflvrlte Arrangements entrusted to THE HENDREN FUNERAL HOMES. MONK CHAPEL. Bobcaygeon Friends may send condolences by contacting the Funeral Home at wwwhendrenfuneralhome com or by calling 705738-3222 In 1min ' memory 0f (SLAIWS and ER'I' (‘IARKM )N Thcn‘ l\ a link dcth (.mnol \(‘\61. Low and rcmcmhmmc luxlx lurcwl MUNRO. Clara Mary Honour Our Veterans Troops . Our Pride - Our Heroes In"), yourfamilyf Family and fnends may vnsn at DIXON-GARLAND FUNERAL After a lengthy battle, on October 27. 2014 at the age ol 77 Beloved husband 0t Antonetta Lovrng tather to Marrsa (Altredl. Lrnda (chhardl and Jason (Julra) Dear grandfather to Errk. Nrcole. Cody. Shelby, and Olrvra He wrll be dearly mrssed by hrs brothers Domrnrc (late Nella), Gabnel (Rosa) Ennco (Romrlda). Ourndrno (Lrna). and hrs late srster Matrlda George wrll be mrssed by hrs nreces. nephews, extended tamrly, many snooker lrrends. and hrs dear furry lrrend Fernando HOME, 166 Mam Street North. Markham (905)2942030 on Saturday. November 1‘ 2014 fvom 9.11 am With a Servuce In the Chapel to follow Entombment m Holy Cross Cemetery In heu 0' flowers. donations may be made to the Lung Assooanon OSPCA, Humane Socnety Canadian Cancer Socuety For lunher mformanon or to leave an onhne condolence please go to www deongarland com It IS wrth sadness that we announce the passmg ot Ada North, peacefully at Markhaven on October 20th. 2014 In her lOlst year She was a much loved Mother of Tom (Sue) Sylvra. (deceasedll Lesley (Alan). Mike (Margoe) beloved grandmother ot Kathryn, Steven, Julle. Shelley Mlchael. Kerry» Shelby and Dan greatly mlssed great grandmother 0t LIHCOH, Lacey. Kayl Chandler Chelsea Jessnca. Keely. kl Lram. Zoe and Omen grandmother of celebrating her one hr ID Apnl wnh Close 1 she wan! to be wnr very brie! hnal tow days Many thanks Stafl a! Markhdven passmg a qvnm passmg a 19149014 remembered Peacemlly passed away Home On Wednesday. 0 2014 a! the age 01 95 years Lovmg and devoted wfle James Pannier Cherrshm Murray (Jean), Carl (f Davrd (late Jane) lovmg of 7 and great grandmother Ruth‘s tamrly would Irer stafl of Parkvrew Hum wonderful carp, Famnl and {norms am an O’Neil Funeral Home 63’. Stoufl‘vule tor a (‘mehratm lute on Saturday Novombo 2 pm wuth vusnatmn one Interment at Poachos (imm‘ In lieu made k Onllno condolences can be made to onolllfunoralca RODANZ. Ruth (nee Hoover) Kerry. Shelby and Dan. mlSSBd great grandmother ol Lacey. Kayla. Kohan. Chloe. 9r. Chelsea Chnsllan. Maddy Keely. Joshua. Hannah 09 and Grace and great. great other of Denver Aï¬w mg her one hundredth bmhday wnh close lamlly and lrlonds of flowers. 0 Parkvmw Hun NORTH. Ada With h tow p0 Cherished moth Carl (Donnay > Lovmg grandn 1a at nan U em nvm "w Am ms thv notm Me lf‘( IQ HP