m TAI CHI Come to a Taoist Tai CthM Open House during any class this week. Class times at Fun Loy Kok Institute of Tao- ism. 124 Dickson Hill Rd.. no east 0! Hwy. 48 and 19th Ave. Call 905640-0117 or visit www.moistotg for mom information. BAZAAR AND BAKERY Stouflville Uncted Church. Church Street In downtown Stouflville. hosts its annual UCW Bazaat Bake Sale from 10 am. to 1 pm. SUNDAY, NOV. 2 Carole and Edward Nelles of Stouflville are the grind prize winners of a 50-inch TV in the York Region Media Group’s online survey contest. YRMG‘sTed McFadden (right) presented the couple with their prize Friday. WM! an mums "36an um Mason at WOMEN'S HARVEST MAME! Springvale Women to Womel SATURDAY, NOV. 1 Women Present: MMHMMMINWMMOWM CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Christ Church Chnstmas Bazaat features local artisans. tea room, book nook. boutique. bake table. quilt tickets and silent auction. Doors open 10 am. to 3 pm. at the church. 254 Sunset Blvd. Parkview Village. 12184 Ninth Line. hosts it bazaar 1mm 9 am. to 1 pm. in me auditorium (east entrance of! Ninth Une). Home baked s. preserves. knitting and sitent auction _to a vanety o windows-jewelry. specialty foods and great gift ideas. Women's Harvest Markex at 7 pm. at Springvale Bap- tist Church. 3885 Stouflvme Rd. Support local women vandals and enjoy a women's night out of early Christ- mas shoppin .refreshments. treats. and speaker Denise Gilham from orn Again Shabby Chic by Denise‘ Tickets are $5 at Candlelight and Memon’es o: rachelsalvagnaï¬ gmail.com CALENDAR MMUNITY PARKVIEW BAZAAR STAFF PHOTO/MIKE BARRETT t2: