4|: Soflbauplayusoffmnaflonals Several Stouï¬ville youngsters made the cut on the softball diamond to represent Ontan‘o at national and regional champion- Kevin Matthews. 16. was selected to play for Team Ontario at the Canadian Bantam Championships in Fredericton. NB. that began Tuesday. A pitcher, Matthews was pan of a regional team based out of Port Perry that qualiï¬ed to represent Ontario at the recent Elimination Tournament held in Toanche. After that event. Matthews will also repre- sent Ontan'o along with teammates losh Eiz- enga, Daniel Wynn and Quintino Zarlenga at the Eastern Canadian Bantam Champion- ships that will also be held in Fredericton from Aug. 19 to 25. Catcher Brent Menzies. 14. was chosen to play for Team Ontario at the Eastem Cana- dian Peewee Championships in Halifax from Aug. 19 to 25. Services resume Sunday. August 31. 2014 19 on the Park 416 - 898 - 4774 Pitcher Matt Eizenga. 13, was selected Summer Break! See www.in20na.ca for summer event details. D C.‘ ;_.l'1u___.1?c_;__he.sJ #0190. me}! ' J-.-â€"â€"J A Ouch Of The Chtistiln And Missionuy Alliance In Can-d: RIV. Graham Clinton Stouffvillc Rd. at Kennedy Rd. 905-887-5651 Sunday, August 10th 10:00am BBQ Evening Prayer at 5:30pm Bring a salad or Besscrt to share Celebration Service Anglican Church of Canada 254 Sunset Blvd“ 905-640- I461 www.muuï¬villcanglicanm Sunday, August 10th 8:00am 10:00am Eucharist Nursery 8: Church School (Workshop of Wonders) at 10:00am Wednesday, Aug. 20'“ ‘ ChristChumh I o asPr-ngvale www.5pringvale.org Ed Fontaine for Team Ontario that participated in the Western Canadian Peewee Championships in ondmilmster. Alta.. last weekend. Fot Matthews. mange. Wynn and Zar- lenga. their appearance marked the second time th have represented Ontario at the national eve]. The ï¬rst took place in 2012 when they won gold for Ontario at the Eastern (Dana- dian championships in Placentia. Nfld. Each of the players were chosen after being scouted at invitational events and Ontario Amateur Softball Association tour- naments held eariier this year. Dental cllnlc gun; back min with ï¬ne Wards All Welcome COME SEE Kelly Heaton cannot stress the impor- tance of athletes utilizing pmperly ï¬tted mouthgutuds when pgnalï¬dngrinran activity. A sbokesperson‘ for [X KIDS Demail. Heaton said their Stouffville-basui clink‘ will run trwoifree mouth gumd clinicx The ï¬lm of whichâ€"will take place Aug. 25. BLOOMINOTON GOSPEL CHURCH Thursday Aug. 7 Stouffville cemetery service for the late Lillian Davidson Family friends invitéd 4:00 pm. Rev. loan Masterton. ministrr Aï¬-iendlyï¬mily than]: ST. IAMES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 13660 Ninth Line N. (905) 6424414 Rev. Peter Pallant 6432 Main St. Sumffvllle 905.640. 3| 5| Sunday. Aug. 10 Service of Worship Leader ~ Yvonne Hurst Special music 10:00 a.m‘ Everyone Welcome! Sunday, Aug. 10 10:30 am Worship Scru'cc Speaker: Rev. Peter Pallam Ilealon noted their clinic usually gives away sorpeISO mouth guards a year to pro- ving back and suPporting the community at we practice in. Heaton said. hose wishing to take advantage of this clinic should call the LA KIDS Dental office and book an appointment. Vounptm can pl! for he at 30M Gum 0nd: done. participants will then be called to pick up their custom ï¬t mouth- gugrds yhen they m ready. When altohiï¬ng their appointment. a mouth guard mold will be constructed. [A KIDS Denial is ()pelifmm 10 am. to 5 pm, and is located at (1171 Main St. For further information and m upwimmcms. cull Ems-6428642. (‘Jubllnk would like to see num- young- sters gm involved jn_thc game of golf. :‘Ifsp Io} of vgork for gs. bu} it's our way of As a means of doing so. thevKing (Iity- Q‘ Stouffville . Pentecostal Church 6853 Main 81.. Slouffvillc 905.640.5696 Chmese/English/Chlldren Sen/Ice (CI (Rfllflll) / QED / 961*!“ CHURCH CONTACT (Qt...) (647) 547-3618 32 Jamesway Cres.. Stouffville adminOstouflvulIe~gbc.org www,stouffvllle«gbc.org SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:45AM Sunday Service @ IO am Sunday School fur Kids! Everyone Welcome! 0 Oscar Peterson Publtc School 850 Homer Park Dr.. Stouffvvlle (‘hildrm 'x Puxmr: Lon AINHK (‘nunxrlnrs Bumm- Bun-hard! n--- wwwspc Kids aged 3-13 Register online family.cu Youth Pushâ€: Ian Marin [tad humr: .Irfl' Lain! August 18-22 :00pm-8:30pm based golf concern has incorporated a pm- grum to encourage youngsters 18 years of age or younger to take to the fairways at their Bethesda Grange Golf (bursa or Rolling I [ills Golf Club in Stouffville. Excluding weekends and holidays. 1hr oï¬qr run yum Aug. 29. When accompanied by a paying adult 19 years of age or older. youngsters can play for free. Rolling Hills features three Iii-hole omnisâ€" es that offer challenge to the avid player and enjoyment to the beginner. 'lhe Challenge Course is 4.884 yards and is great fur the short hitter and higher hundi cappers with a par of 70. The Classic Course has a mix of shun pul' fours and par throes with a par of (32 and 4.010 yards. 'Ihi: former (Ihampiunship (Inurw hdx been rl‘launchod as Bethesda Grange (30]! (bursz after a $l .S-milliun mnuvutiun. For mom information an the lunim Bonus program or m rvsvrw a too tinw. mll linkljne at Hum-2763542. SUNDAH WBRSHIP MARINAM 34 (hurth St. N. - 905-640-1163 “09" VI! 5! A (,‘hun‘h in u Bmutiï¬d ( ‘uunmmnlv Pastor Wulh'r Ruhhlm Stouflville Christian Fellowship Sunday Service 10:30am 860 Gone. 8, Claremont 905-649-2812 ofï¬ce@stouffvilleuc.ca Lunch to follow COME A5 NUU- ARL! WINK.th Mnkw «In: UMNMN‘ I‘N [HUM