14 Haï¬z.†5.5.9.. at... .>n.£<1 >43< ï¬gs 024 U105 02 <U¢< 05(on 18> OP 0(82 .(U.D¢Ol°.¢(.PZO P4 80.: 02( 3.3. yorkregion.com NEWS ONLINE a»: $24,494 2014 ESCAPE S W mm $1.255 “J55: CANADA’S DIST-SELLING COMPAC‘I’SUV' SEATURES; mun-m humour-u FEAYURES: “-‘A-_ . humâ€"mm $2.422 2014 F450 SuErCab STX $24,327" Wuhan-s s9,172 . yorkregion.com magnum... WWI-8nd «may. WWW ontarsofordca I mom Winn-on ’LIKE’ US YET? dusk. Cats. was and Barbecue and 50/50 draws. welcome. RoboCop Mil be scmenod at dusk dunng Memorial M's free outdooc movie sodas. Next woelc Clwdy with the Chance of Meatballs 2. Series continues Fndays through Am. 15. For information on any changes to the evening, call 9053-6400749. at St. James Presbyterian Chum. 6432 Main 8!. He leaves StoufMlle this fall 1b! the Eastman Schooi of Music in Rochester. N.Y. Ptocceds to Save the Mounts. Tickets $10. Stouï¬ville's Royal Canadian Legion, 150 Mosh: St. hosts Stouflvme Cruise Night every Tuesday this summmec batman 5 pm. and dusk. Cats. trucks and motomycies welcome. We’re at 'Stoujfville Sun - Tribune" Vjolirp'm Mammy Eouwespedorm 7834 pm. TUESDAY, JULY 29 SUNDAY JULY 27 FRIDAY, JULY 25 VENDORS LET'S CRUISE