The agenda for these meetings will be available for review at the Municipal Offices. Whitchurch-Stouflville Public Library and on our website at noon theThursday prior to the meeting. The Calendar of Council meetings for this year is available on our website. Council Meetings will be audio-recorded and broadcast on WhiStle Radio 102.7 FM at 6 pm. the day after the meeting 2014 FINAL PROPERTY TAX BILLS lst Installment Due - Friday. July 1a. 2014 2nd Installment Due â€" Frlday. Sept 19. 2014 RESIDENTIAL FINAL TAX bills have now been mailed. Ratepayers who have not received their bills should contact the Customer Service Centre as soon as possible. Failure to receive a tax bill does not eliminate the responsibility for payment of taxes or the penalty charges for late payment. TAX PAYMENTS may be made at most Financial Institutions through tellers. banking machines. telephone and Internet banking. by mail or in person at the Municipal Offices. An after-hours drop box is available at the Main Entrance doors. SUPPLEMENTARY TAXES ON NEWLY-CONSTRUC‘I‘EO Owners have been or will be receiving tax bills for the value of the'land'only excluding building, until the house is assessed by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). Once assessed, supplementary tax bills will be issued for the house. retroactive to the date of possession. This process can take two to three years and the tax bills will be due within a short time period. To estimate the annual taxes, simply multiply the purchase price of the home by 1%. Pre-payments on account or through a pre-authorized payment plan can be made to assist homeowners in planning for these future supplementary tax bills. For further information contact Customer Service. Brenda Van Essen Manager. Revenue Taxation Services NOTICE OF TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE Thursday, August 7 - Monday, Augun 11, 2014 FOR STOUFFVlLLE COUNTRY RIIFEST TUESDAY. AUGUST 19 Dinner, Dancing. Music and Performances Thursday. July 17. 2014 5 pan. - 9:30 pan. 5:30 pm. â€" Guitar music by Erwin Schack 6:15 pm. - Gypsy Jazz by Brian O'Sullivan John Washington (Windsong) 7 pm. - Part I of Shadowpath Theatre Productnons 7:15 pm. - Guitar musuc by Erwm Schack 8 pm. - Part II of Shadowpath Productions 8:30 pm. - Magic Show by Bob The Magicuan Main Street will be closed between Market Street and Park Drive from 4 pm. - 10 pm. for this event ENVIRONMENTAL GRANTS - LEAP «Tuesday. July 29. 2014 at 7 pm. Lake Slmcoe Region Conservatlon Authority‘s Landownev Envuonmental Assistance Progtam (LEAP) offers funding to all Lake Slmcoe watershed landowners to help Improve the way out water flows through the landscape. Please Vlslt our website fov more details. RSVP by Fnday. July 25 to Lon McLean 9058954281, ext. 272 o: ANIMAL TALES FOR TODDLERS Thursday, July 17 and Thursday, August 7 ’ 10 mm. -11I.m. Spend time exploring a story and then stay for a themed craft. Pre-registration encouraged. Visut for more details. Would you like to let people know more about what YOU have to offer? You are invnted to participate m "Inside Whntchutch-Stouflvllle†taking place m partnership with Moonlight Madness on: Thursday. August 21 from 6:30 pm. - 10 pm. Rain date 15 Ftlday, August 22 For more information. please contact Jean England at 905-640-1910. ext. 2274 o: DOWNTOWN STOUFFVILLE TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE SUMMER ON MAIN The WhitchurchStouffville Public Library will become Dream Star Headquarters where residents of all ages can express their hopes and aspirations for our Town. Launch event will be held Thursday, July 31. 4 - 6 pm. and Will feature a reading by Susan V. Bosak from her award-winning book, Dream. Visit www.wsyoul for more details. WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE FUTURE OF WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE?