1O North York The Audiology Centre 340-1333 Sheppard Ave. E., Stouffville i 20 Automall Boulevard (Millard Hwy. 48) 0 stouflvillechryslor.com ' 905-888d °mmmuumummmwnstmug-amnioommmu TORONTO HEARING SERVICES Stouffville 416498-41 SI 9% $3400 OFF UP TO Markham It“. Markham Stouï¬vrlie Heormg Servwes West End Hearing Services 905-471-4327 4| 6433-8581 203-377 Church St. CHRYSLER 2011 FORD ESCAPE 6 CYL 6cy1, FWD. grey on black cloth int, auto. air. cond. 0M group. alloys. new tires. very dean car m and out. Stock #40146A 2009 TOYOTA COROLLA LE dcyt, gas saver. sitver 0n grey Int. auto. air con. pvw group. alloys. heated seats 1 17,000 KMSH Stock #40061 A CHRYSLER _A pair of the bibs! hearing aid instruments. ï¬ï¬‚huw~ï¬ 71 1-1243 lslington Ave. DODGE ‘14,987° ‘ 9,985' lt'stimeto shareyourdream.Whitchurch- Stouffville. You're invited to the grand open- ing of Dream Star Headquarters at the Whitchurch-Slouffville Public Library July 31. Municipal dreams are pan of WS YOU 177 One Town. One Book. a community- wiqe ve‘ntgre hunched earlier this spring. It's designed to bring together éenevra~ tions and innovation for a stronger com- munity. Mayor Wayne Emmerson and other guests will launch the event. You can learn how to make Dream Stars and sign a giant star. while munching on star cookies and refreshments. You can get a free glitter face star and listen to dream-themed music and a read- ing of the award-winning Dream book. the book featured in One Town. One Book. and meet bestselling author Susan V. Bosak. All ages are welcome. The event begins at 4 pm. For more information and free registra- tion go to www.wsyoul77.org MoandsldolnMRoï¬oml Fomtmmnd Learn how to identify and protect native plants found in the York Region Forest with a guided walk this Saturday. Share dreams for Stouffville DODGE in†(mm The forest herbs and flowers walk takes place at Whitchurch-Stouffville's Porritt “apt. 15470 Kenncdy Rd. For more information and to register. go to <httpszl lyork.survcy.esolutionsgmup. cal "I‘akeSurvey.aspx?PageNumber: l Survc le=16M195l8¢Preview=true> or call l-877~ 464-9675 ext. 73000. Newchamboromployoeoutmyow There is a new membership and events co-ordinator at the Whitchurch~Stouffville Chamber of Commerce. The free. family-friendly guided walks arefmm 10 a.m._to noon and 1 103 pm. Sarah Owens was recently hired by the chamber through a job fair held at the York- works' Stouffville ofï¬ce. according to Bruno Grise. executive director at the chamber. The new position is part of the cham- ber's ongoing "improvement initiatives" at the chamber. Grise told The Sun-'l‘ribune via email. Among Owens“ duties will be new mem- ber recruitment. renewals as well as evem organizat‘ion gnd‘ sponsorship. The Chamber's membership survey is about 50 per cent complete. according to Grise. who noted Owens will incorporate that feedback into events. 2011 RAM 1500 CREW CAB SPORT Black On batch doth mm, mm me \ pwv grow. dnves great.. gas saver. door Crasma once Stock MANO‘A O8 028. :3 92m: 2:; 2,: @mox. 22.. 40:38:. mac 18:,» .m 38: mag). E90; 8.80 3:7,. 2%.; Q: can? 238 1,25 2.6335 3.2,» was. ('5 97 pl", 3 0% 83%. 7,69, .39 5» 2007 HONDA FIT SPORT $10,890' 5 23,996’ ZANCHIN AU“ MM (.I\)\ IV' "mm m am“ â€" Sandra Bolan Y MST 9H8!