For some. this signals the beginning of summer camp. with barely enough time to catch one's breath between school ending and boarding a camp-bound bus â€"â€" some for the entire Other students. not going to sleepover camp, are enrolled in day camps For most children. this means sticking to a schedule â€" getting up at a speciï¬c time). making sure to meet their bus and going to bed eafly enough to be alert the following moming. A disciplined summer schedule is exactly what one blogger â€"- 4boysmother â€"â€" is warning against in her blog _ Sara Dimerman in May, where she oï¬ered 10 tips on giving kids (hers included) a 1970s summer. she said. includes letting the kids watch TV all day. eat whatever they want. getting them to put on a talent show and encour- ap'ng play outside without fear of them drinking from the water hose. for example. I was asked by a national radio station to comment on this blog and to respond to the question: Does a 19705 summer work in 2014? My response. in part. was “It might ifyou can get your kids 08†of their electronics. out of their bedrooms and outsideâ€. . Len to their own devices (pun intended). my guess is thatmostchildrenwouldrarelyseethellgitofdayme other part of my response focused on the working mom in 2014 compared to the mom of the '70s Forty ago. most moms stayed at home. During the summer. many patents kept their kids at home and hung out with other moms and their kids outside Nowadaysflndmgapmgamtokeepone'skldsbusy mdsafebnmwmudldiolmbutnecessity. ' The bloggerwmes. “It's totally 0K thelr parents will be atworkandnobodywlllbehomeallday.†I don‘t ï¬ndthls oommentveryfunny. Unï¬lymnchlldrenamoldenoughtobelefl alone athome. parentsneedtoplansummersdledmesin admceEvmleavingteensalonealldayisnotthebest option. as manywill llkelysleep until mld-aï¬emoon and stayupall nlghtasaresult. lfyour children resist being programmed all summer and you agree it's important to give them some down time to sleep. stay up with friends or watch W all day. but you still have to work outside the house. here sue a couple of tips Should children be left to own devices this summer? Create a co-operative of sorts Find out which of your child‘s friends' moms or dads are at home or take a "stay- cadon' and create a schedule whereby each parent takes on the responsibility of a few kids for a week a! a time. for example. This way. the children entenain one another while a parent supervises and your child doesn‘t feel his or her entire summer is rigidly scheduled. WSSaraDimnmisapsMLaummm mumm-mdwmmmmmm mmwmwmmmmmmmm mummmmmwmmmrm mmmmummw lfyou can. use sumfner as an opportunity for your children (and you) to take a bu‘aak. chiflax and rejuvenate. ow that school is oï¬lcially ï¬nished. summer break is in full swing. S ATURDAY Wc'ngohgmluvctutdeputyatthe'umSnmdny,mddnocudonhour“ncw" m‘ldW-MhIWMmmlï¬mflthflmmch for,mddnhhourmyofnyinguugdnnhfotyommpponmdhflm. Mmduyï¬uhwufln‘tmhkdmunmmbml'm'flngmï¬w ltmyhat.Mm‘nph‘mfoedmdntmflotodyymbehvelou ofumpfln‘mdouuthemmwe'nbemofln‘mfotMMwmky Withflartbuddluhndochaflwfllbeyflflngourmmlm Park WMMSNWu-Wmtw‘wmmch'fl hwalunmndemndmolAndoadnfl Mm'thmdemmmgw'flhwmmmdmmmt livcbmodcutandbeunfulqoumomightbeon thendiowith Guy Gunblcou'l‘helewel 88.5. Mumbeamrketmdoooun‘danoumdon mdmpflngnpotflnln'l‘ chppedemï¬ï¬‚beMMMmy Mnrbkfllbkcaamfly,wmhetbmhdplngfldn mkemndau.Leulnveï¬m! MWGMWW mandwkhhmmmdmkq, “MMMMM Mandibcbuiluuce. Tough}: nundmymbodalmmdvh. mwmwioginumnooï¬u C ARLI OLIVE OIL uh.uMMh www.mum m»mw mm M “ mama“ Hm I put day. Vll.l Ame (iRUleR mmmmmmw WWMMMWWW oflvedlmpwith Ithapatoflveofl! mm m w meMmea SPECIALS IN EFFECT FROM THURSDAY TO CLOSING SUNDAY, IULY l3 IIDI'IINN‘ OIOCII WHAT’S COOKIN’ DELI ! We’llmnwhhaooupthhweehmd lt’n our Cream of Lech and Potato. mmpwnw. mmwmummw V« wmewn _M mum mmmmm .mm .wmmm mm r 22:; g g; * gigé @3343: E 駧§§ g? is; égiigggz'é '{E lullydelldomnSt99'cW 4476 16th Ave 905-940-0655 STEAKS â€"â€" Wc'flhumï¬'dlmmhh Hours: Mon. ~ Fri. 8:00-8:00 Sat. 8:00-6:00 ~ Sun. 9:00-6:00 BLUE FIN . on» w. ochnncdy) LEMON WOW rms-Mym-mmmuwm- «almnhmwhtlmflflhï¬xdmmmbonspedd, “MMMMWHWWMM'H Ngmflecdvcdflundthmdny'otomtmwmflotof misï¬hnmkdooehmpmmmwhwmbe MMNW-mmahmmtoflanm «muwmwmhmmum ummuwwmmwmwm mhopcfunMnm-hmflwutbanmmm'tbcnm mdmmflmmmumhm Ianonfleflotmydshgduwemkchommhincviubk. bunkm‘tnï¬eamcnmllopfllucuh UPSIDBDOWNCAm-Mhmlmpmvedmionofmy W'OWUWW.WemMWmd mmmmmwmmmp. Wmmwlthabaudï¬llm.m'eekmm ammumm.msmuu PMCOMDAMUFPINS-Anoduoneofmyï¬voufltthwe mdemoumymomhgwithmycoï¬â€˜ecJ‘mammn mmdmetamnofdleumufï¬mfeehpmtypafeamme! Muidlaumofmugpimeohdnmlx.muudcoconutmd W. 31.39 out mumimï¬mthehvoudmwnmdk':onmylintoo. Whalmakfllmflnhaughmkddlhdemys. mdbyduncondorï¬irddnynodlingmted hem.ltunb¢dicedfo¢bumnibbkd mitigucutiuflcuncintoahdl. 1 R ()II" "In m sumo: mmmusmzsxon'rmsmx BANANABREAD E BANANA BREAD _ S OUR GUINNESS AUSAGES “Mym'flhemmmtm Mhumuknudmof'l‘omammm Muumdamï¬ï¬‚mdum blindlhcrockofSudme. Weatflï¬mlflahheammhmaeyut ant-gal. 'Ihey an on d: mild 0/ “ma-um mg “Eu-m THIS WEEK “39° CHEESE ’ANDSTAND WI-IAI’S DOIN‘ WEEK