CROWN Metal Packaging Canada LP, the Canadian duvmon of a huge global meta! packaging company us mahng mdlwduals 10! Its htgh spmad, comunuous shm carmwmuiactmmg plan! locatmi m Weston, 0N, You w‘ll be: vespavsnble for nnstalhng, vepdmng, mnslmcnng, adjustmg, replacmg and testmg electnoal mstnbunon systems. equipment and PLC control systems on accordance wnh plans, durectlves and prevenldhve nwmenance ploceduve< onhcmm wuh PLC's, you hold an Omano or [mewlowncoal \LOHSUUCIIOH and inatntenance electncuan's 0: Indusvvlal electrman‘s IICE’HCQ‘ kamg Independently v0u WI“ adjust, Set up, mamtam, mst, adam, troubteshom, overhaul. rebuild, and .mpvove OI modnv the function of electromechanical and hvdrauloc equnpment to: standard 01 speciahzed application ‘0 pcoducxs or to new methods YOU wm rebwld, reps", o: overhaul all types of hngh-speed. automated metal can manutacmnng aqmpmem Usmg vmdumst hand tools and mallwnghl skulls you wnll malmam convevmg svsloms and taps" parts as requued / Successful candudales must have pleous oxpenence workmg m an automated n‘lanulaclunng envnronmenl, an lntermedlme level of mechamcal and technucal slulls. and strong communication skulls We offer a competmve salary and complehenswe beneMs padage. nwludmg major medical, dental and vusnon care to; 0m emponees and men dependents Interested candidates should Suhnut the" remme, I'wdacatmg we posmon applvmg for and salary e‘pectatuons m the subyect hne. to HRMnmguï¬SG’crowncoctcom Machinists/Millwrights u 4;. smhcams. nowem', NW :omacted * Production Mechanics Industrial Electricians WWW.CINIIO CROWN 1mm :95» Valid Security License Fax your resume: 416-777-0555 or Email at mums. 0 Employabllity and quality Customer Service Skills - YorkSate Food Handler 8. WHMIS Certiï¬cations available 0 Techniques in dealing with Ditticult Customers Loss Prevention 0 Job Search techniques including resume 8: interview preparation qua§9 email your resume to: Maintenance NOW HIRING Duties: LAWN CUTTING TRIMMING SPRING CLEAN UP POWER RAKING AERATING ORIENTATION: Thurs. April 24th rd 9330 PROGRAM SCHEDULE: April 28 - May 16 [Mon - Fri. 9:00 - 3:00I Location; Stouffville Area Pay Rate: 512 - $13 or call' odr ofï¬ce at: 905-591-1323 l'l“1'h' 31.51!) L‘ Call ASAP to reserve a spo! as space is limited a thru-mok training program at NO COST Qo you yorkworks Employmem Services 111 Sandiford Drive 12nd Fll. Stouflville TRAINING INCLUDES; LQCATIQN York Region Media Group. a amsion ot Metroiand Media Group. is currently looking to fill a 3 month Casual Mallperson positron tor the Aurora ware- house. working up to 19 hours a week, Available shitts include Thursdays and Tuesdays morning and ahernoons Reponino to the Mailroom Supervrs- 0r. rm Mailperson is resgonsiole tor manuall insemn flyer packages into the newspaper tor distri ution. In addition. e/she wil be responsible lor manually counting hyers with the use 01 a scale m MB: o ' ol scales ' Woo and lung 01 llyers - lnsemno fryer into newspaper - Hours fluctuale seasonally based on Insert/"yer volume - Other dunes as assigned 00am _ - Ablllty to work In a fast paced. deadlme driven envuronmem - Previous expen'ence in a wanhouse emnronmenl an asset Has tuli lame seasonal labour positions. Competitive wagos‘ Must provide on Onry WEWEFWM will be Call mum Fax: 905-470-8426 Martha}. Property Services Ltd. Ability to remain alert and memtein a high level or concentration Ability to work in e test-paced environment Must have their own transportation Interested candidates are requested to toward their resume and cover letter to Erin Smyth at esm rmocom by April 22. 2014 Please reterence ' ilperson' in the sub'rect line. We appreciate your interest in Metrolend Media, On candidates selected lor an interview will be con . LABOURERS I CREW LEADERS LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION Experience an asset (‘ompctmvc pay packages. mm 3 mm Canal Pam" Mm. m 25!) MI Parkway North Submit mum. to: 0.. -_ metrolandmedm ; '6 com . UMJMM WWOW Wm. Full Our Client currently has many openings for the following positions: 0 Manufacturing Machine Maintenance Technicians 0 Manufacturing Assemblers A 0 Electronics Assemblers 0 Quality Auditors Days. Aftemoon and Night shift No rotating shifts Aemtek offers the followmg: Beneï¬ts Available Immediate!) Night Shift lneentixes Emplo) ee Recognition Program Aerotek offers the followmg: ' Beneï¬ts available immediate!) 0 Aftemoon and night shift ineentixex ' EmpIO) ee Recognition Program If you are interested please attend our job fair held: Appty In person at THE GARDEN BASKET 9275 Markham Road (at 16'" Ave.) 0! Fax E-mail/ Resume to 905-471-0922 annAchogardonbaskotm Monday April 2| 2014 at mam Sharp! Please bnng a resume and references W: are located at 213 Hurr} Walker Parkw a) Smith Ncwmarkcl L3Y 8T3 Or apply through email at: We 100mm all respmses but regret that onry rhose mm bl an mrerww mu be caner FULLTIME a. PARTNME Positions Available 'PRODUCE CLERKS ‘GARDEN CENTRE Excellent Pay and Beneï¬ts Immediate Employment MN m \MRM 'l\ www.megardenbaskema ~00 QOQIQIOCO EOE