IMDxmmus bun-comm WI“ "man “mama†"dde uni-Inï¬- 1h hula-Inw- “MPF‘FI'! 905-640â€"an 4272-2333331, Make a decision that drunk “WM- Sumac-nu [ETTEIS POLKY a 1.800-743.3353 ms nuwnon Lass-35.3561 3 Fol-mm M Sun-Mu. 1 driving is unacceptable ing out for an‘ evening wim‘famfly and friends and, as 2. 2012. OPP ofï¬cers charged 693 people with having a blood doohol concentration level ave Bomnllgtamsouflnghstygafis myswithlmpdreddnvingand; I In 2012. 345 people were killed on OPRpatrolled roada Of thou: deaths. 72 were also hol-Iehted. In 2011. 60 alcohol- related deaths oocuned on OPP- impaired driving continues to be the leading cause ofcriminal death in Canada. while at the same time being a completeiy preventable crime. Witwame devotes oomidenble resources to battleimpail'taddmimr 2The fuoe's Safe Roads...Your Call pmgam encourages you to cdlSH-l ifyouspotasuspected impaheddriveumpaheddriving on the rise regionally and pro- DuringlocalRlDEspot checks in 2012 in York Regan. 12 WWMW nude. as compared with H in 2011.8in20103nlein2W9; holiday gï¬lherings are in full kawnmhingaboutwhich to g“.- game serious thought. Festive RIDE campï¬gn. OPP once“ chuged 682 motorists ondteprpvinoc’srqï¬lsudhigh- But ï¬rst. consider these sober- ing statistics: I The number of people is a crime in pm. much the same way u u Mahmud-emu and mm: a call to police. Out local RIDE program is a yen-round initiadve. but it is stepped up during the festive lemon. long weekends and dur- itinth th‘s ham: wanna and celebradngdroocw‘ophn nhead vTï¬e [1230's Deï¬ne the Ele- phun Information cunpaign is promoting responsible enter- I Between Nov. 24 and Ian. It is rwithout dispute that II is a péisdnal choice one makes before head- et's face it: dmnk driving can be stopped. ~-~hol level is .00. in out View. New this year. Deflate the Elephant is partnering with Kia Canada and MADD Canada to host the Speak Up and Mn con- test. which promotes planning ahead when entertaining and celebrates designated drivers. and help prevent impaired driv ing Throughout December until Jan. 4. 20â€. you havethe chance towindwuscbfanewZOM 103 Honda for one year by entering the contest at www.facebook. com / [)eflalethel-‘Jepham. The campaign's website (deflatelhedephanmom) offers responsible entertaining tips. almhol-free mocha“ recipes and a home banendlng chalâ€" lenge when: visitors can learn the proper pour for wine. beer. spirits and cooler; But then: is plenty that you. too. can do. Decide that it is complete- Iy unacceptable to drink and drivcl‘heonly safe blood-alco- Designate a driver ior your event at gathering if you plan to drink. stay the night at your host's or call a taxi. It's not exactly rocket sci- ence. As a caring community. let's revetse the troubling statis- tics about impaimd driving and helpputancndtomcneedlcss grief and suffering of our neigh- bours who have lost loved ones m nlcohoI-mlntcd tragedies on our mods bWhatdoyoudinkofmis ismfl-maijmsommm Aselectimofywconunents ' wilbeptblishedManupcom‘ng HAVE YOUR SAY Thc only safe blood- alcohol level is .(X). m 0141‘ m MOPTEEWM Cheer for Imseum staff, volunteets The holiday season is anespeciaflygoodtimeto apprxiateeachothenbeh family.friendsorfoswith whomwemrksol'dlie tankeme behind (be some in mi animatme Immanuel!!!» dï¬mry'eï¬un anyone put intothsevemmmdmhu wunddulmufleilaful whomlhavevohuiteaedd Wewemalléndyfotpm tasksmflsonommlm that I've had a channg recover from my mum dual‘vcmmew wisdth Don’t drink and drive, eh? Twmacabatnw Hemmmmdlemidaofdaebuve seasonfmepolbewammmdrm lsilmorkflmawwlemwkhm togetawdinStwflvIemuSpm? Buttrymgaacgbinthistownlateat night.“ lhawtalkedlopeoplemmmm lheywouldbedflnkingsolheytookad) (0ouï¬vflle'sfloyalmnadianlggionmd amngedwimdrembtobepkkedupm 11:30. “ (ht-taxian A few days later. I spoke with someone whohadasimflarexpedesweaaStmnflvme Punusnnn Ian Proudfoot Gm Iuhn Willem WEIR" II III HIE DISCUSSIOI .. Mhmm 77w 5; Mme mmmflm MPHMM team WW- eduddumdw. mmmmm mmmm and Wu and side-braid: aim. Walkm- “WWW Bruitth- ityamwdmbeps m mmï¬ctflslmerofoon- mhmdam todaooacwlmldowkhmy that and how to save in myoommunity Damion! vohmteus. who made the buNocabslmwadupbrmcm either. Asmemembetflï¬pdlairpetmnofdw mismabtofï¬mmmmm ï¬ledayandwimessmemdvehflesemer muparkinglotdurhgmedatheyhm Mmmaxe. Suwï¬-Tribune mommiemmesanwpgobâ€" A few days later, I spoke with someone who had a similar expe- rience at a Stouï¬ï¬llt bar. No cab showad up fbr than either. mama WJNJMHN Victorianme â€"bmweomxldnothave doneiawmmtstafl'slead- Mmonjob mmseeifmykdedead- mdmadhadbecndwul McGowan Road. I blew! woukh‘lmgkeitoutifthey tomatmnfldpaflty’smack DIANE WARD WITCHURCH ~STIX'FFVIUI Khdosandaduismm ldroveommybngnn'al STEVE PICKARD STUUFFWL‘LE