Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Sun-Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 19 Dec 2013, p. 2

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HOLIDAY CLOSURES The Municipal Ofl'Kes ml! be dosed hom Tuesday. Decembev 24 at noon through to Wednesday, January I. The Munocapal Offices will veâ€"open Thursday January 2 at 8 am. For hours of upmalhun 0”an (mime; pie-ase- see um website. TOWN'S CORPORATE ACCESSIBILITY POLICY MEETS PROVINCIAL LEGISLATION Whitchurch-Stouflvllle Town Council approved updates to the Town's Corporate Accesslbllity Policy to ensure compliance with provincial Ieglslatlon eflectlve January 1, 2014. The Town's polkyestablishes a framework to improve opportunitres for persons With drsabmtres and ensures the core pnncrples of Independence, dognrty, Integratron and eqwl opportunrty are respected. The poIrcy applres to all Town staff, volunteers and contractors employed by the Town in the delwery of services and the unteraction WII’h the publrc. CHRISTMAS TREE COLLECTION MONDAY JANUARY 6 ONLY Heasehavetreescurbside by 7a.m.Treesgrea'erthan1.8 m (6 m in how an to be cut in half foc easy dcsposal. Plasuc bags and decorations must be removed. Phase note um collectvon crews willnotdigouutteeovdimbambanktoretneveone. W. Decembev 25 Fnday. Decembev 27 Wodnnday; luxury 1 W.bnuary2 WDKWN mammary) GARBAGE 8: RECYCLING HOLIDAY COLLECTION SCHEDULE Muhmafllhmscubsfloby7am CQUflQIL HUGHUGHTS WMCMOH: $nday,0ecembev 27 M, Decembev 28 Thursday, Jammy 2 FndayJammyB My. January 4 Whrtchurch-Stouffvrlle Town Councrl recewed an update regardmg the pilot prolect for the temporary closure of Burkholder Street at Memonal Park. In May 2013. Councrl approved a recommendation to temporary close Burkholder Street between Park Drive arid the current access driveway to the Whrtchurch-Stouffvllle Public Library/Leisure Centre. The Closure occurred from-3 pm each Friday to 8pm. each Sunday from May to October 2013 and was put m place to allow for increased pedestnan actwrty and programming opportumtres.’ Road activity m the area was monrtored during the pilot progect to assess any operational :s‘sues associated with the closure. The pulot progect was a great success in advance of the 2014 season and staff m" be returnan to Counci! in (Ce document est egaternent dispontble en hangars au bureau de votre commrs munrcrpal local.) Thus notrce as for anyone proposrng to be a candidate in the mumcrpal election on October 27,2014. Candodates may Me a nomination form during regular business hours commencing January 2. 2014 vn'th the last trme for fitting bangzmonmil 2014. Aprescnbedfee.Mid1may berefundable,htheamomtol5200.00forMayoratcancfidates and $100.00 for all other candidates. must be submitted dong wath the normnatron torn. by cash, debit card. certified cheque or money order. Candidates wit! berequired to providea S24Sdeposit pursuant to the Town's Sign and Fees 8: Charges try-law. Candidates must not spend or raise funds for their election campaign until the" nomination form is fried. The nommatron form rs avarlable at. Cierk's Department or Ontano Munrcrpal Aliens and Housrng websrte mmhaovma Muchele Kennedy. Town C Ierk How can you help us?When parking, ask yourself it your vehicle will block the passage of an emergency vehicle or snow plow. If yes. please move your vehicle. Wherever possible. please park in your garage or fully on your driveway. When it snows and it possible. please try to remove your vehicle of! the road. Remember that Winter Parking restrictions are in effect until “arch 31. There is to be no parking between 2 am. and 6 am. Obstructing the sidewalk by 50 per cent or more will also result in a ticket beirig issued. Help us keep the roads clear. safe and easily accessible. 1014 RECYCUNG a. WASTE COLLEC‘NON CALENDAR A copy of the new 2014 Re-cydmg and Waste Coflectron Cahndar Mibemfihdtodimmwfnusehofidsmthmmmwnof WWMMdW6.Acwydflwnew cm can also be obtamed from our Join us f0! 3 free New Year's Eve cekbratuon that pfOMlseS to be a fun family night out! Horse-drawn wagon ndes. bonfire. skatingjweather permming), musnc. oce sculptmg, complimentaty hot dogs. hot chocolate and other goodues. Fireworks at 9 pm. For more informatton about parking in Whitchutc h-Stouffvilie, pkase visit on: website. MAYOR'S NEW YEAR'S DAY FREE SKATE mammrn from I mums”. Bung your famfly out for a free skate aV’Slouffvme Chppers Sports Comptex U20 Weldon Road) on Pad 1. . _MAYOR'S FAMILY NEW YEAR'S EVE CELEBRA‘NON Tuesday, Dumbo: 31 at 6:30 pm.

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