have been lowcmd l0 half- masl at the municipalutï¬ces as well as a! all town facilities in hun- uur of Nelson Mandela. who died A memorial service was held 'mcsday. A state funeral will take place 8'! his home in Qunu sunday. A book of condolences will be [M1 5. Sign book of condolences for Mandela at town ofï¬ces BY SANDRA BOLAN Hummer» rmgmm available inlthe Inwn hall'c main foyer. Ill Sandiford 01.. until Dec. IE for residents ‘ to share their Wu and memories of MI. Manddl. It will then be sent to the African govemmem. through the Canadian embassy. Mayor Myne limmetson and the members of council extend Munich outdolcnces to Mr. Man- dela's bunny. friends and the citi- Hap/2y f/oW; ghmn¢waï¬mm¢nz9mmw * ORDERTODAW In 1991. Mt. Mandela became the ï¬rst black pmsidem of South Africa to be elected in a damnat- " After being imprisoned for 27 years by the former government of SuuthAfrica. Mr. Mandela emerged and continued his dedication to the peaceful end of apanheid in Suuth I nine of Smith Afrira, armrding m the town's media release. if HP held that omn- nn‘ï¬l 1997.}iemtomoselveastiw secmatygeneml ofthe mun-aligned movement from 19% to 1999. Mr. Mandela received more than 250 honours. including the Order of (Mada. the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize and the United States Presidential Medal of Freedom. Mr. Mmdda was also recognized by meGovemmem ofCanada and beenrecogzimdasahcmlcader andmneinspimtionwithalegacy that will be honoured by many geneadomtocomaccmdingto th’smm Pafliamem as Canada's ï¬n! hnnnr- any citizen. Mr. Mandela's commitment to South Africa and his unwavering I ll. “nu. Wand). . for all is a lasting m He hg