Wlwn Brian Shanknun elm-Mi m M- his Nuuï¬mfle 1’15"!“ 501nm!- aw School Spamms varsity girls’ hm‘kt-y (cam in the highly mmpmi» Iiw ank Ru-giun Alhk'lk‘ Axsm'izt tiun tie: new damn this ymr. snnw playvrs qm-flkuwd his sanity. Mm all. it's been foul m ï¬vv war. since 1hr Spartans lust mm pert-d m ‘m-r unc This «mason though. lhv Spar- mm wwrdn hvad (oath Mt the timing was right to make the huld mow m ï¬tting the him-s of pen-n» ma! WWW“; uf Hill (innhcrx and «mum " \Vhik‘ nm‘ gamc (30035!“ mn- Shmihnm1§aw {he potential stitmr an vmin' seastm. the Spur There's also depth. influding mm' 24.: he against Aumra in their thl'u‘ solid fumani hut-sq n-gulax wasnn openvr at the Clip “The Ids! iimt‘ \w M‘R‘ in hot pot“; Sports Complex last lhumiay one WC gm pounded and didn't win CIS grad helping SDSS hockey girls make jump this year Sunday Worship : 1 1:00 am MMSmdayofAdwnt wvwv stimflwflechnstxanchurch ca inZOM Women “Om Upcn A Christmas' Cousteau cm In Chasm-s with Adam Canaan Han I Tasty tau' Chum-u can yufl Noumth 30. 7:30-9:00pm A Chum?! 0V Yhoichmma And Hossnnuy Man“ in Elma [W M“ IIIAH, MAYAK “VA 652 mhayukuwumv mg « um 28 Mann 5! , Stouï¬wlie 905-640-256? 418 “04774 13 in the PM: 18 Civic AwauI, smmm. Come and share the journey? STQUFFVILLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Péstm ng Amy m «that :0 Sundw 5min It 10:00 am MARKHAM MISSIONARY CHURCH H W Mawr Mmkcnnc Dnvr East. Markham 905.294 502%! l kmtwm cure-pin! fur “ Sn"! ( 'muwr'mm might pmv'ldo a ray of hope. lisp-11.1")! aim-r they m'vn'mm- a 24) dd‘nil lhumgh um- prriud behm- gcmng goals from tamily Wmul, an a sklpshnl frnm Ihv point. and Ahbu- [human ukmg mth mm'ly mum by I’amn levm. has: scam)". when after playing, inst two ganws m tier two bt-fnrv lhv prmim'ml public schtml teachâ€" crx' leuur situation gamut: and shut down the mnaindvr n£ their whcd» ulv. Hwy MW? 24). Shankman saw {he potential. There's also depth. including “Muylx- we w ‘w a little jittery in tho ï¬rst period. but we waned (u gel Ix-m-t m lhc snxmd and third pcn'ud." Shank]th "And we wcn' [prwd to kill nï¬ thru- minors m lhv game. I was pleasui." WWW Anghczm Church of Canada 254 Sunset BIHL 905-040- 14.6} wwwstuuffv illcanghcanxa My new at 8003111 8: 10m am Bauhaus: Church School 8: Nursery :1 [Wm Monday. m and benmr's (Lhnstmas Lunth lLUOam m W Th Bmkfas: With Santa ll-OOam Fthpmn ( Ihnstmas Patty 8: 005887565! Sunday, December lst Quiet (ThnsIMsSavice? AU. mm 0M In Stung-HM: Rd. a: Kcnncd\ Rd Fundmser $007,111 M W 10th Espringvale, wwwspringvalenrg l 1:303:11 Classes for all ages [0:003:11 * (.ommumcm' .dcbratmn Servxcc Ed Fontainc in. 1mm «in we urn-u: a gmnc. But lhal was because we didn‘t Imu- plawh," hv said "hm sugars]. I hdd d tram wiIh abou! [our nr ï¬ve mung Grade 9 players at that mm? and nuw than they 'w in (:nuk- ‘10. ‘I had a gum! lwling wr would ln- ‘1 [mu-r team." PROM‘SINO SIAM "W0 sun- won't impmw by play ing weaker uppmwms. The tier one game is a lot faster and to play high†calihrv scams Hwy will impnwo. I! we get heal. so w;- get beat. But it's good for the gids m impmw: and to have fun." Shankman also acuimualm the pusitivvs to his team ul‘ playing ï¬t“! (me by nmmg it's the. only route to takv if they haw aspiratiom on [xmsihly cumpming at the Ontario [uh-ration 0! School Athk’ï¬c Assu- ciations playdowns. BLOOMINGTON GOSPEL CHURCH Sunday, December 8 Old fashmmd Christmas 6 pm ST. JAMES PRESBYTERIAN J CHURCH Another factor that spurred Everyone Welcome! 6432 Main St. Sta-“viii: 905.640.3151 ' Wheelchair accessible Sunday, Deatan l Scrvu- of W'orship 10:00 am. Holy ( inmmumnn Christmas Banquet Friday, November 29 Sum Dmbcr 1 9:30 Sundacy Schcml 1 1:00 am ' Wunhlp Scmcc 6:30 pm - Evening Scmcc 13660 Ninth Linc N. (905) 642â€"4414 Rrv. Peter Pallant Over $6.000 raised for whom ,musrc programs Afï¬mdlyï¬mib (bard! The Student Music Sdnahrship committee thank the community for Its concert support. Shunknmn into making the jump m'ticr unc umk plan. uï¬ the “‘0 niih the pmwmr of mmc 11331.5- temcc he's tut-Mug on the bench this war. With ( lhrisnna Davis new to the sdmol teaching staï¬ and team. Shanknmn note-d slur played the game at the collegiate k'wl while attending St. Francis Xavier Univer- sity in Amigtmisjh. NS. “She's been a gruai help and she's someone with a hockey per- qx-ctivc that I havvn't had undoing wilh me in a few wars." Shanknmn said. "She has hmughl In some m-w ideas for our team and I'm taking a back seat during practichs. With six teams in the YRAA tier one and thc mp (out making the pldypï¬s. Shankman eatd their clubs goal is to be one of the select teams In qualif) for the [xngta‘gwu m (it an or. 5’ - Wed. (at unpu- Jr. I!“ «Gr. HQ â€" Th6. Q? 6335'“ 5:. \m «any - m (a mop. \i-gAHMlS-M) -Su. cm 7m Stnufl‘villc Pentecostal Church 6853 Main 31.. Smuï¬'villc 905.640.5696 SUNDAY WORSHIP QI‘SAM Chunese/Enghsh/Children Servnce Sunduv Service «1? l0 um ('F/iXRRIMl) 0 Oscar Peterson Pubhc School 850 Hoover Park Dv.. Stouffvulle Sunday Schoul fur Kld\' Everyone Wclwme! [tad I’mmr' Ic'ï¬ luml (‘hlldrrn'x Pmlnr 14m}! Um k Yinth Pmmr Inn Marin ('uunwlm; chnu- Bun ha n1! www.5pcfamily.ca CHURCH OFFICE mun) (647) 547 3618 32 Jamesway Cres. Stoumnue admmOstoufMIc gbcorg m.stouflvofle mm; SIUDEISIS! Sn ï¬n. he said. they‘vv hum doing Ihe job. For this to happen. Shanknmn hupm 'hls wnim (Bradv 12 players in tcam cupluin and defonccmun [aura Munk along with forwards Mach-"15v Harrington and lzllt-n Brown will provide the Imdvréhip roquirt-(tnn and OH the iw “Then-'5 a lot of enthusiasm with this team and lht- gids‘ an- cuachable. I‘m happy with this team. They have a lot of heart and thw'w quick. "I'm quietly confident we will imprm'c and gut bt'tlt'f as the ma- snn gum nn. Righl’ nnw wv'n‘ going in the righl din-rliun.†Shamknmu Aflor a mad game against St. Maximilian Kullw Mumru) yo.» xcrday. the two teams will have a rvmau‘h in thc Clippers (bmplcx .‘xlnnday at 3 gun. A (.errlaz m a Bmunful ( bunm'sidr Pastor Walter Robbins Stouï¬â€™ville Christian Fellowship I‘ll-MM 34 Church St. N. - 905-640-1163 Mow-mp Saturday November 30 8:30am. Woman's Community Christmas Bteakfast Sunday Mint 1 Mann 10.30 am Worship Service foflowed by a Chnstmas Open House in the Auditorium Even-70m: Welcome! "(WM 060 Cnnc. 8. Claremont 905-649-213 12 Sunday Service 10:30am Make Room f0! Jesus Living Nativ‘tty. 7:45 In Prayer Garden infamtouflvilleucxa lunch to follow ~ï¬â‚¬ wand I". u Al‘ I)