Stouflvillc turned into a ghost townwhenmepowetwemmnSun- (kynidinaccomingmflrechidflob McKenzie. Wtchutch-Stouflvilkmtdark around 10 mm and that is when mmmmmm ’F‘neamanundedabmnldtenm Wm calls. according m Mr. McK- w Hedheflnonodcedmany Wdï¬vï¬ngunsafelyduflng floocï¬ngjn the Main and Sibuï¬â€˜er mtjngbcï¬omdnpowumm om. mememn. Pan ofMahSueet.Meast of Stouï¬er Street was closed timing mmmmhhounas Hydxowukmdeuedammbero! doumedmï¬omthemd. Mmenocrï¬cflincflenm. nothing m‘tuppened.‘ Mr. McK- Keswickmflndnldandpanso! Wimme mofomphtoondï¬efswas inchilg into an intersection and WWMW'm-said. “People just don‘t get the mess-me that it'safour-way stopwhenthem mmW' He added had the platoon chief not been ncutmtpingig†up to the lights. mmcouldhavebeenasenouscrash mama. Alarms, flood, trees keep crews busy "Wehavetocheckmemallfhe mmmmmm uddzï¬luflnmkmnyGrimaldi IV mu IOLAN sbolcnflyrmgxom