Eaglesmith promiSes’Johnny Carson/ Rolling Stones’ show Mr. Eaflesmilh playSQSlouflville's Rayal Canadian legion Nov. 8. a slum. which he described as “)ohnny (Larson meets the Rolli Stones". Twuhm will open fox Mr. bade-smith and return 'to the stage as pan of his band. Fred Iiaglcsmith grew up singingsin church. the schme choir and working on the family fann. . It wasn't until he was 12 years old when Mr. Fagiesmith saw “some cheesy (Elvis) mavie" on 'W. did he decide he wanted to be a rock '11 when Four decades latel, Mr. 'l-‘agiesmith has “this realty big. small following†and he wouldn't change it (0: anything, Last yl-ar. Mr. Fagkwmilh and his band The Travelling Steam Show performed 266 shows. So far this year. 2m. He gets to play to 200 people a night anywhcm in the world. have mists such as lob)- k'c'ith. Alan lackwn and Minor da Lambert l‘UVt’t his mugs and still walk around Toronto virtually unnoticed. Mr. Fagimmilh said lht-y'rr nnv uf lhc last fulHimv rock and ml] shows around and "if we go home. there might not be any left". “l would'quit." Mr. l‘aghmnith said nf the Hvis-lilw fame he initially suughl as u '1 ï¬rm (CNN 0 Available in Black Tea. (nu-n Tea. 1 {crhal Tea. Fruit Tn} Havnun BY SANDRA BOLAN shulanfl’umg .nm EIOV€.CO teenager. but maimed in his 30s he didn't want. Mr. Paflesmith thnttght part 61' being ltkv meant he had to write his uwn songs. He started by penning ruligimts poetry for school. then heard lnhn Prttw and manna! “I could write that ham to the bone". 80 he. started to write about Me on his family‘s ZOOâ€"am.- farm mar Dunm'illc His mmhw liked'thc- poetry, but as a deeply religious person. didn‘t wan! him to be a musician. Some of his vigh‘l/ siblings haw yr! to sit lhruugh an e'nlm’ shim: of his. Mr. 143%th spent 10m 15 years writ ms before he became famous. A! 15, Ms father. who was. not all that thrilled With his son’s foray imo rock and roll. drove his teenager into Hamilton. when- Mr. fhgiesmith spent the $12 he had been saving on a guitar from Kellen. ~- "I think in hard m haw u whm‘h‘d-mu artist 111 your tamxly. mu dme Mum what! in du with them." hr said. Mr. Ragk-smilh's father wasn't the onty kxs-man-supponiw member 0! his family. [he road to ML liaglvsmnh'x wrsmn of success remained a laugh nnv lk'spm- wlcasing indq‘wndvm awards in his 205. it wasn't until he was m his 30.x he “1301 to write the bad out of me." he .COMING UP started gaining lmpularity. It was also a! that Iinw when Mr. Eagle- smith hoadpd to Nashville. where he signed a publishing deal and got paid to write songs. “ “My father was much mom enthusiastic after that.†ht‘ laughed.’ . M r. Iiagiesmilh, started touring the Unit- cd'Smurs in the early 1990-. and was getting some radio play. That is where Alan lackson heard Freight Train. Mr. Jackson covered it and even named his 2010 album aftet it. ~ Toby Keith had White Rose Fflling Sta» tkm gwn to him to record and he did. it's an the 2(1)? release Big Dog My. ‘ ‘: Miranda lambcn had a number of Mt. liagicsmith‘s songs given to her to l'B-l'ECOld. but she chose a different one â€" Timeto’Get 3 (Burn. whirl) appeared on her 2009 album Retolun‘on. In 199?. Mn Ingesmith won a luno for host, min toms and traditional album - Urm’rln. “0 was again mnmnated m 2008 fur best 5.0.0 mots and traditional album for 'ï¬ndcrbox. run-Ls m thv allâ€"ages Smuï¬villé show am' $25 In udvam‘l' from www.mpagie- smithxmn and $30 a! the door. 1 Thch arv about 100 other covers of Mr. Mgk‘sl‘nith's songs out their. by bsser known artists, he said. yOVGQO at your coupon or www.mvexa Fred l-‘aglesmith has had songs covered by Alan lackson and Miranda Lambert. He‘s at the h ' Slouï¬villc Nov. 8. "OWARD WEiSS PHOTO - MWIN?