~ York hairstylists helping in ï¬ght against cancer The Central Regional (gulcer Pro- gram at Southlakc Regional Health Centre is t‘ounting on that hatr- dresser/clwnt relationship to foster a discussion on cancer screening dur. 'l'alking m a hairdresser is far cheaper than a psychiatrist and we walkout of the appointment With a fabuluus haircut. ‘Enbndg‘e also applied tar an order canoean the eustmg cemticates ot pubhc ‘ convenience and necessity to: certain geographical areas now uncerporated wrthtn the Town of thtchurch-Stmmviie and replacm them with a sngte certiï¬cate of pubm: convemence and necessty to: the Town of WhnwmhoStoutMue Yhe application has been assigned Baud ï¬te numbers EB-2013-0336 (regarde the request to: a franchise agreement) and E852013-0337 (regarding the request tor a Certiï¬cate of PUD‘IC Convenience and Necessity). The Board Intends to ptocoed wuth the spot-canon by way of a wrmen heaan untess a panysatnsfwsthoaoavdthatthmsagoodraasmfornothobmgamnmnheanng, HymobgocnotheaoadholdmgawnnenmmMSmaner. y0umustprovne WenmasonswhymomlhomBnecessaryAnysubrmssnonsobjectmtoa written hearing must be recewed by the Board wnhm 10 days 0! the puohcauon date 01 (hos Notwe ‘ On September 18. 2013. Enbndgo Gas Drsmbutron Inc ï¬led an applrcatron with the Ontario Energy Board (the ‘Board“} under the Mumcrpal Franchises Act, R S O 1990, 0 M55. tor an order renewing Enhrbge's nght to operate works and add to works (Or the Won 0' gas In the Town 0! Whrtchurch~$touflwfla 1a a W106 o! 20 years and tor an Order dodamg and Greeting. that the assent of the mumapqc eIectors us not necessary " The apphcatvon mu be deodod by the Managev. Natural Gas Apphcahons. who has been delegated thts aMhOnty pursuant to soctuon 6 of the Ontano Energy Board Act 1998. S O. 1998. c.15 (80W 8) The Manager. Natura Gas Apphcahons. does not untend to provvde 10! an awmd 0! costs when decndmg the apphcahon mummmmn To soc a copy 0! the 90 to Consumer page 0‘ the Board's websne wmumCaseWEB-m1mm0rEI-2mmhme ‘Fmd an Application“ box A copy can also be seen 31 the Board's oflice and at Enbn‘dge‘s ofï¬ce at the addmss below. ‘ Comment tt you wish to gave your Optmon on the proceedlng you are onwted to send a wntten letter at comment to the Bead no later than so day! after the publlcatlon or semce date at thrs notlce. A complete copy of your letter ot comment. lncludlng yow name. contact mtormatlon. and the content ot the letter. wltlbe prowded to the appllcant and the Board. All letters ot comment will be placed on the publlc record. Much means that the letters can be seen atnthe Board's ofï¬ces and will be avar'lable on the Board‘s websrte Before placrng the letter 01 comment on the publlc record. the Board wlll remove any personal (Le. not buslness) contact lntonnatlon from the letter at comment one. the address. tu number. phone number. and e-marl address ot the undmdual) However. the name ot the lnd'Mduel and the content at the letter of comment Wt" become part at the publlc recom. Please address your letter 01 comment to the Board Secretary at the address below. and reference tote numbers Beams-ooze and/0r 884013-0337 at the top ot your letter Howum Ontario Energy Board Commission do l'énorgie do I'Ontario If you do not wash to activeoypammpate 'm the proceedth bu! you do msh to recewe documents uswed by the Boat). you may raquest observer status. Yon! wnnen mquos! must be mowed by the Board no law! than 10 day. from tho pubhcmuon ow BY SANDRA BOLAN dmlomWyrmg mm GAS FRANCHISE AGREEMENT AND CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY FOR THE TOWN OF WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE ing its Stylists» Saw LM-s uunpaign. which mm. during National (ltrvical (miter Wk. which wraps up today, (kmhet is Breast (mm-r Awum 110% month. . l'he pmgram is based on the Be a: Bnmsl‘Frivnd pm'pn‘l. whim ran m the Hamilton and Niagara mm». to awareness about the impor- tanfl' nf rmmm' hrmsl summing fur women 50 and older. accum- mg to Alisha 50ml]. junior health NOTICE OF APPLICATION ENBRIDGE GAS DISTRIBUTION INC. "11u-se arr-flu! thru- mnu'rs that have pnwina‘al orgaan wreeumg programs based 0n sufï¬cient (-vi- dvncu shmving that the hc-nvï¬ts of the «(melting outweigh the potential harms." M5 50ij told [he Sun-Iri- pmmoler for the Rtegn'unad ('11:an Summing Program. R‘uuthlake Stylists Save Lives. fm‘uws on bmasl. cervical and cqlup cancer summing Regional I lea]d1,(‘mtrc semce date of thus notice. Au teners requestmg observer status was become pan 01 the pubhc record. which means the: the beaten-3 can be seen at the Boanfs oiflces and wifl be ptaced 0n the Board's websne‘ BefOre piecing the request for observer status on the pubhc recovd. the Board v'wll remove any potsonel 6.9.. not business) comm ‘ mfon'nahOn from the request 0 e. headdress. fax numbet. phone number. and eâ€"mafl address of an mdmduan However. the name of the and the corner“ of the request 10¢ observe: statys WI" become pm of the public mead. OntarioEmrgyaoud Omani-Town PO Box 231927111 Floor 0! W 2300 Yonge Street 111 W Drive Tomnto. ON Map 1E4 , Stouane. ON LM 028 Arm Kirsten Wall: Arm: W Kennedy. Ch Board Secretary Tel: 905â€"640-1900 Tel: 1-888-632â€"6273 (TON-free) Fax: SOS-6407957 Far 416-440- 7856 E-maol' boardsécaontanoenergyboardca w you wish to acnveiy partmapate m the proceedsng (9.9. submut questions. ï¬le . aw), youmayrequestmtewenorstammnme Board. nolaaetmanioays afle! the publication 0! servace date 01 thcs notice. Instructions lo: maestmg mtervanot status are available on the Board‘s website a‘! www.0Marbmetgy‘boardsa/pamctpate. Even/mung an mtervm files wflh the Board. mowing the manners name and contact mformahomwmbeplacodonthepubï¬cracanMuchcanbeseenatme Bdard's offices and an the Board‘s website. :1 YOU do not have meme! access, phase call 1-888-632-2727 to receive mommm aboui ms proceedonq and how to patmpate, v IFYOUOONOTPARTICEPATEINACOOROANCEWWHTI-ESNOTICETHE BOARD MAY PROCEED WITHOUT YOUR WW AND YOU MU. NOT BEHITWLEDTOANYFURTHER NOTICENTHiPï¬OCEEDING. Enbddge Gas Distribution tnc. (Ho-d Ofï¬ce) 500 Consumers Road Tomato. ON M2J 1P8 Ann Gun Pannu Semov Legal Counsel. Regulatory Te! 4164956499 u Fax: 416-495-6072 E-mafl EGDRegutatovyProoeedirusDEnbndoeoom DATED at Toronto Octobu 7. 2013 bum- ‘in an e~mail. Fame Salon and Spa on Main Street is one of )6 York Region. North York and sumh Sinu'oe panicipmus. “lust to have awareness is half the hamch said Cannon Pasmro. man- ager uf futile Salon and Many clients treat going to the salon as a therapy session because they are mmftmahk- talking about very pemmal 'lhat could be because 85 per cent of stylists are 111 W Drive StoufMfle. ON USA 028 Attn: Michele Kemedy. Clerk Tel: W!!!) Fax: SOS-6407957 (Region-ION“! 101HondaBtvd Markham.ON LBCOMG Ann: Steve McGwery 8:. Manage. Opaatms. Central Regoon East Tel: 906-927â€"3184 ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD 009ml Signed By Knron Wam Board Secretary E8-2013-0336 58-2013-0337 the size of a cyst to show women what they should kmk {or in self- exammmwm women and many dumls g“ In the same flylifl. (hut-fore. it panm a comfortable atmosphere for dismiss- ing gamut u'mxing acmrding [0 Ms Somï¬. . On On. 3|. the ladies nf Snulh- lake will be at the Smuï¬nllc salon from H am. to 3 pm. balding out key chains, containing a ban about -Womnaged50 moist-«staid haveammm mmytwo ~meen21mn daqeandoldev shoddhawapap testeverythm \ MKMM mbeensexuï¬y ofageandoldev Mdoas‘awle. a-hanecoim sunning test every two yew. -lfyounoticeany dwangesommsual White mummy? Gilt lncmpotï¬cd‘ “bu gmsmgugi or; girls lllC.‘ IKMIHEVN'V mtmlv iwmrg GOOD TO KNOW Of York Regan United Way A" “M W (‘afl 905430-0776