I Thursday. My oomern relates to a Toronto Paris empbyw allegedly caught sleeping on the job. While the photo. published on page 6 of the Oct. 17 Toronto Sun is. on the surâ€" face. removing evidence. who's to know what perpetuated the prone position of the wearied worker or if.infact.hewassleepingatall. Perhaps he hgd a headache. a toothache or manly relaxing dur- ing a coï¬ee break Onlyhe.whoewrhemaybe.leal- ty knows. While pictures seldom lie. neither do they always tell the truth. For want of certainty. let's give thé guy a break That's Whitchurch~SmuflVille However. on occasionsw I'm prompted to enend my disarm- ments beyond municipal frontiers. This is one of those weeks. Regaidléss. if the employee had. momentarily. drifted into dreamâ€" trance? Mlh all othet current and mom perilous problems plaguing Everyone aged 6 months and older who live, work or attend school in York Region should get the flu shot. The flu vaccine is available at no cost to all Ontario residents. Get the Shot! Yoflc'chion ‘ Preventing the flu is everyone’s responsibility Admit it, haven’t we all sneaked in a snooze? penned V pondering}; within the boundaries of the vicinity when: l m a homebww comm- HEW/PWmKwP To my knOMedge. town Mayur Wayne Emmerson's can never been accused of sleeping at the switch. Tim's not to say he hasn't occa- sionally wiped sand from his eyes when debates over minor regional issues extended pas! his powers of cementration. I As for personal experiences. WP can vividly recall a annship nl‘ Uxbridge ofï¬cial dozing 0H dur ing a mid-aï¬emoon met-tinyr No one appeared to notice or. if Ihvy did. appeared to care. Not until the usual adjoummem vote did some- one bother to wake him up. era technology being what it is today. a quiet and seemingly pn. vale siesta can quickly become a public and condemning night Before lowering the boom on the party in queétion ’we should look within ourselvea Have we. while onthe job. not become so overcome with exhaustion as to seek a little shul~cye? l haw. And likely you have. too. lomnto's city hall. tms one. tn my opinion. hardly warranted the levetbemtions that resulted. 1 call it comic relief. The Royat Canadian Legion 89 Industrial Pkwy. North Aurora Cache! 29. 2013 3 pm. to 7 pm The Iiumcupa' [Fry 8‘! Ya - Administrative Centrr Great Hall 17250 Yonge Stree! Newmarket October 28. 2013 3 p m to 7 p1 565$ REE Comiï¬x - Gymnasium 19300 Centre Sheri Mount Albert November 18. 2013 3 pm. to 7 pm Holland Londiqum-mmny Com ~ York William Room 19513 Yonge Street Holland Landing November 4, 2013 3 p m to 7 pm m â€" Mum-Use Purpose Room 5279 Black River Road Sutton November 29. 2013 3 pm. to 7 pm. IUI’O Years later. while seated in the editor’s chair of this newspaper. I'd often be overcome try the intensity of slumber mpmmacy. parthflafly near the endofa 15-hour day. Let's face it. there are limits to what anyone can endure. lnduding me. I well remember sitting in a semi-conscious state while my third form math teacher attempt- ed to penetrate my mind with the essence of the Pythagorean Theo. rem. But I wasn't alone. Half the class was similarly mmatose. Pat Wheelerpnoe did a charac- teristic cartoon. She had me totally with/I'm Thomas 20 OPINION 3pm.to7p.m Trisan Centre - Mum-purpose room 25 DINane Drive Sc homberg November 20. 2013 3 pm. to 7 pm. a 233 Centre Street East Richmond Hill November 22.2013 3 pm. to 7 pm Oak Ridge‘s Community Centre - Program Room 1 12895 Baywew Ave. Richmond Hill November 26, 2013 3 pm. to 7 pm (immunity Centre - Activitykoom 1 3990 Major Mackenzie Dave E. Markham Novembu 5. 2013 3 p.m. ‘0 7 p.m Georgina la Palac- - Hall‘ u 90 Wexford Dnve Keswick November 12, 2013 3 pm. to 7 pm. Wcï¬m .ArmHofl 25 Doctms Lane 'KingCity November 25, 20l3 3 p m. to 7 pm. unployedatafbnglï¬ongbmka curious York Regional poï¬ce ofï¬- 5 Again. while doing the night stint at Markham’s AMIGA. Swan lake. it was always an ongoing 3W3 to stay awake. Mth only f0? flammsunounaeddyacamera. typewriteiandtclephone withï¬ve is above my head. An accurate 3 am. poma‘yal. Fonunately for me. my publisher wasn't privileged to While en route home after working the security night shift a! Newmarhet‘s Upper Canada Mall. lwm often by sleep Ramerthan endanger (my own Bk or the lives of others. I would ne- direcr the car from the road into Highlands school when: I'd catch a fan/Winks “ Several times. my rest was unceremoniously interrupted by c Bass Pro Court 1 Bass Pro mus Drive Vaughan November 2. 2013 10 am. to 4 pm Voila! Via... Comm Centre - Acï¬virykoom 1 1 Villa Royah Ave. Woodbndge November 23. 2013 10 am. to 4 pm Thomhil Community Centre 4mm Hofl { 7755 Bayview Ave. Thomhm November 19. 2013 3 pm. to 7 pm » Largo Hum‘Purposo Room 30 Burkholder Street Stouffvilk- November 7. 2013 3 pm. to 7 p.m CornellConMyCem 3201 WC“ Ave. Markham, ON November 21, 2013 3 pm. to 7 pm mmsammm mmbmmhmm WNewadddicï¬onarysleep as: “A natural. regulafly lecuning condition ofrestfonhebodypnd mind." ‘ Sowhynotgivemeself-eï¬acing shckamebawï¬tofmedoubtam do nothing To me it would seem he‘saheadymflemdetmugh. glmhmbedlcworslsleep nator should the sermon last Ion- pr than 1!) minutes. the hymns surpass six verses or the service Mmhmm Littlewunder myworshippetscravecushm brdxeirchairs Perhapainsome mpilkwvsmuwpewswuukjbe evennwxeappreciated This being said. Mm action simuldlerlioblbrdandCoun‘ ciilor Giorgi Mammoliti take in the parks employee IDIODIO. I commuted owh IoandfmmbyGOmimsleep- ingall down! diewaydtmnandallme waybackflleryaiflymtenjayable oompanyï¬orduepiwengefséawd nexnome.