sbaianï¬ï¬wtmg mm A largtnscalr grow up is amazed m 591 up shop (m rural land «nm'whcn' on Whiichurch- Smum'ilk's Ninth Unr. 1110 federal guwmmmn racem- iy changed its lmxiicuud marijua- na ï¬mduction mgulalkms. which means smallvscalc. homobased ()pt'ralkms will be shin down by the end of March. They Wm be replaced with farm-like k'gal. ‘ ï¬ne is in Heat medici- nal marijuana like othet controlled Under the new regulations. potential operators must notify municipal staff as well as lhc local ï¬re and police departments of their application In Health (Lana- da. So far. Wtchumh-Saouï¬vifle has received one application from a Ninth line property turner. And it will be "lunar-cm! Operators must also comply BY SANDRA IOLAN Town wants say on marijuana farms “York Police has been made awam of the changes that Health Canada will be making in the licensing nf medicinal math inana gmw operations. The chang- es a more smicnimd so! (if guidelines for these operations. indud‘im notifying police of whem the manufacturing sites will be located. ‘me laws with tress-pm m the pmducxion and sale of drugs We in the Conuulled Drugs and Substances Act. which we will con- tinue to enfotce.‘ Const. Andy Pat- tenden told The Sun-mbune via wilh all federal. prmn’ncial and municipal laws and includ- ing municipal Inning bylaws. Under the program currently being phased out. there are 4200 powers licensed to produce fot a maximum of two patients each. Those growing facilities can be located anywhete. including in homes around pads and schools" “Ihete are proper places can put these things. not in resi- Legal grow-ops getting super-sized by federal goyemment dential areas.†Mayor Wayne" meerson told The Sun-’Iiibune. it is impossible 'to know if thew are any legal. operations within Whitchurch- Stmtffxflle. because. according to media spokespeople for Health Canada. in order to search their database a postal code but prefer ably an exact is required. for them to check. "WWW While the new regulations call for the licence applicant to notify the municipality of their inten- tions. them are no mechanisms in place for municipalities to say no or even have public input. acwrd- ingtoAlan szd. mangetofplan ning for Whitchurch-Stwffville. And that is what concerns the maym. “All that we want is a say where these things go and public partici- pation." Mr. mecrson told The Sun-Tribune. Municipalities. however. do have a say, acootding to PaulCalan- dra. MP for Oak Rages-Marmara For instance. while the munici- pality cannot veto the location. of a cell tower. prior to erecting it. the telecommunications compa- ny must follow a certain protocol in Whitchuich-Stouï¬ville. which includes a public hearing. The cell operator then has to report back to the federal gmemment that all conditions of the application pro- cess have been completed. "lflhe town wants to put in a mechanism where they will con- sult with the community. xhen go ahead." he told "ï¬re SunmmM. "Some municipalities may say not in our town. them is no ama suitable in our community and that is OK." he Mr. Droid is alsn concerned about the lack nl reporting mech anisms for ggmrs to prove to Health (Zanadamcyhave followed In Whitchurthï¬touflvifle. a medicinal marijuana production facility could ï¬t into the zoning STA" "BTW! 3mm Grade 4 hit the trails of Bruce’s Mill ,Conser- vation Area during the Yodn public school board’s elementary cm“- country clumpionships 1m Thursday. Mummauoomm Mcalmnmusetsbymatmmn adamanumbensexoectedtogowto 450.0000y2024. ' Mudermbeprescnbedmedo‘nal mum.menndcaldocmrandpabem mustdedateootwemlmaunems hmpanmd/mmmmusck WMMWW.WI cadmpxyordzsease.cancer.HN/MOS. mbnmdam.epiemcsequres «anmdmâ€" . “Md-mm.mmm amwmmum amwmmm. mammmumuem Candis“. bylaw's deï¬nition ‘0! agricultural Whiichurch-Siouflville's next step is a siafl report regarding whpther or not ihvsc facilities require speciï¬c consideration in the mning bylaw and/or through other regulations. BY THE NUMBERS YOU 60, GIRLS mmmmmm