PUBLIC NOTICE (1 3-04) Noise Iy-uw Exemption Reconstruction and Widening of Math UM Mardave Constructvon has been approved for a horse bylaw exemption to undertake night work at the interseetion of Mam Street and Ninth Lune from 7 pm. Friday, October ;25 through to 7 am. Monday. October 28. In the event of unfavourable weather conditions. the bylaw exemptron :5 approved for Fnday. November ‘I from 7 pm. through to 7 am. Monday. November 4. If you have any questrons or concerns. please contact Mrke Molinari x2359, mm“ or Troy Bauman x2311,uoymma€ mums-(mm. Thursday. 0605.! 31 « AN regcsteted lessoqs after 4.30 pm. cancde for Halloween Aquaï¬t and Lane 5mm as «bedded. ME Flcl'clESS CLASSES Sand-y. Who: 16 v Emmy Hm Nd count. buton 19572. from n 30 am. to 7.30 pm Sam M M l Sun-y, m 17 â€" Stand: ï¬rst Md (curse. barcode 19571, from ":30 Tuesday. M S at 9:30 am. Zumba Gold WM,WG¢1 7 pm Yoga Sm week session to foHow ( Mn Uth Month and Onuno Pm Libruy Week WW“ F000 M MS MO. Mlle than M 00...! 30-16 8mg a bum ï¬rm and non Whoa and overdue chug» m“ be named N01 Vlhd fov pvrvvouuy mc unod hm WWW MOMS! WWW†lizt!uu.b":“|.n. Age 3 $0 yvs mm parentquavdun Put-wt he. (coho pmmk-d - Wat’s 07 in Wmâ€"3WM3 am. to 7:30 pm magnum:an HEALTHY [MIG M May. Wu 6. ‘30 pa. e FIR six week wodnshop to empowet those with (Mom comian to opumm men hedth and wellness. Reg-stratum rpquued ADD“ OPEN SKATE SYOUFFV‘LLE AIEMAOQC 16*} Tuesday; 7:“ gun. to 0:15 M. stamng Tbesday, Novembev 5, Adam $4 50/ somon $2.75 See web page '0: fuli mum gate schedule Way. m C 'Thc Host‘ Way. bomb.†'Tangted' 000:: open at 5' 30 pm MMNWWQBW Pwvomod by “GURU MJIIIII'y’flim [0(wa (CHM? Vu' NM A (MO-ummenl ‘9 0n Yho Put (0“ SI“, nan ' {HOH on saw at "w l «yaw boommsq Sunday Navqmow ‘1 a! ‘2 p m Fm. m I! M 1:30 p... to 3:10 p... - 'Porty ham SN 00 Monmn' on Order to mtom thou dymg uh haven the so» cl Pomdonand Mfmndsembortonaqmnommo' Monston to ï¬nd the mvflmd Gob†"nu «tub um Io stop on moon! owl from mmg WPG hum! HMYMOVIEWYOUIUBMRY VMMmemmmvom tolpm hOIrtobovMNWMavoOwwfllbo mepw mmmmmmm TOWN OF WNWCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING ' Op Tuesday, November 19, 2013 the Council of the Town of Whitchurch-Stoul'fvllle will hold a public meeting. pursuant to Section 12 of the Development Charges Act, 1997, to present and obtain public input on the Town's proposed development charges ’by-raw and underlying background study. All interested parties are invited to attend the Public Meeting of Council and any person who attends the meeting may make representations relating to the proposed by-law and background study. The meeting is to be held: Tuesday. November 19, 2013 at 3pm. Council Chambers 111 Sandiford Drive, Stouffwlle, ON L4A 028 ln order that sufï¬c rent information 15 made available to the publrc, copies of the proposed by-law and background study are being made avarlable as of November 4, 201 3 from the Town Customer Service Centre at the above location (phone89OS-640-1900) and online at the Town's website (wwwtownofwsca). Interested persons may express their comments at the Public Meeting or in writing, addressed to the Town Clerk. at the above address prior to November 12. 2013. Who-tuneup... “mm, mmmummm soccerfloldthatanbemmmm ’ ï¬elds. a marine Mug area and W rooms. mmthuwmmW "Mflnmmummatwlmplxe. rmo A BUSINESS neuron: FREE WORKSHOP mnmomsmumom WW i Learn how to use the free MENTORup platform that matches entrepreneurs to potential business mentors. Please RSVP by contacting Nirvana Champion at x2301. nlrvanaxhamplonctm , WUNNNGaFREE WORKSHOP M.Novembor7fruntp.m.t03p.m. ‘ Hummus Crowdfundlng is an innovative way for not-forvproï¬t Organizations to rarse money using the Internet and ‘social media. Learn how to successfully design and implement a campaign. Please rsvp to ext; 2301 or 5m, ouch-'17.: 1 palmâ€. Make pumphm ( aches! Deconte a Iom bag4 1nd: or Ira! around the Museum! Wear your best MW «mm ("1.67% 51000. Aduh' SS 00 Recommended WlWAWM REGISTEIMTHBMY CURSE 0f THE AXE: (WWW MISSION ages 3â€"10 M Regishdm W'Qd Saturday, “mambo: 9 It 2 pm. 19 Clvk Am mm as at 19 on the Pan io see (his cu dan d()( umenhwv toilowod by 3 Q5! wnh Own 1m Robm Bram-H Donahom to the Don! Iood bank are gratefufly arm twwjmofwsn o: 905642-51“) Session 001. month Boned“; (hid 2155!. Adult 23682; Semen 002. 2.30m Encodes (Md 21552. Mun 21683 Muse M.W7M1p.m.to3nm. ‘ WWW Crowdfundlng ls an innovative way foe not-forrproï¬t wganlzations lo raise money using the Internet and social media. Learn how to successfully deslgn and implement a campalgn. Please tsvp to ext; 2301 or Learn how to use the free MENTORup platform that matches entrepreneurs to potenttal busmess mentors. Phase RSVP by contacting 'Nivvana Champion at x2301. II‘NIMJWOBW mcm mmmmmru Mmztuummmmu The Museum :5 looking far voiunmrsjo asust :1 thus annual holiday even. mmn kWh-5:11:30“ 1:30pm.. 3:309... Enyoy a detracts taste «Chm past! Wï¬ 3‘5 0°. â€" Hem coma WWW u 0: an 905 7210954 '0' move Mum