Police worried cat killer will turn ’violent on people’ And while poliu: continue to go duor-to-dmr -»â€"- im'luding another blitz tomnrmw -» to ï¬nd the culprit. a psydmkjgy plot-smut and a PhD student 0; mental health in on potential masons behind the hur- riï¬c an that has calmed widestm'ad disgust around the wgion and in the Town of WhitchurL‘hâ€"Stouï¬villc. Investigators are also sending feline remains to the University of Guelph m be analysed. m ï¬nd out ygrnmaldlél‘rwmg mm An "item:- st'anfh mutt-may for the persums) responsible [m leaving six dismemde cat heads un curbsidvs in Smuï¬villc several wwks agu. York Rvginnal Police has dt‘di' (fated six ofï¬cers to investigate the reams of infonnation being called in locally and fmm as far away as British ("blumhim Tickets only $20 each or 3 for $50 (WWW: OCTOBER 18. 19. 20. 2013 CRIME: Six York ofï¬cers, OPP working Stouffville beheadings Generoust donated by Town+Country BMW Call h ‘We want to with this person, lhcrr's something svriously wning. www.hope.mshf.on.ca BY "ENEMY GIIMALDI 905.472.7059 "We're working with outside agmu'ies‘ and there's a In: of infur- mation coming into our 1mm." he said. “()nbcaller made us aware of a case in 813.. wv’m expu‘ting sonwlhing soon from poliu- in Maple Ridge.“ In that c2150. 24 dismembered cats haw been found within a two. kilumctn: radius over the lust two years in a residential neighbour- hood in Maple Ridge. including on (m (mwrs' lawns where the ani‘ mals had been cut in halfwith a saw or a knife. according to the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadm'u Nous. DCL-(lonst. Scott 'I lunlcr. a lead investigator. he is intent on prtu‘msing all infurmanun pmâ€" vided to the force's dedicated can: phone line. As to the question of who mmld perform such inhumanv acts agaimt amther living rmatum and methodically placing bloodless heath un curbside, within a nnu kilomotm radius of 'l‘vnth l.in and Main Street. lkt.-(;onst. Hunter said inwstigaturs are intent on get- ting the individual ufl] the streets. “th body parts had been ml up 0: snan Icï¬ lhvm by [ya-damn. \ ummou mu Wc'n gunning. 1090mm. ECCNMIST SL'N AllumSki.com Medga Parme! Although it’s dang-row» to spur- ulate too much about this indi- vidual. he said it '5 likely the per sun is a young adi'ih or adolescent male. a solitary individual who gets a thrill out of performing these acts and others' reaction. said Steve Wormith, a professor from the Uni~ versity of Saskau‘m’wan. wlm spe- cializrs in forensic and correctional When asked about a number of serial killers who began tortur- ing animals in their youth. most recently Luka Mpgnotta. he said cvidentr does not show that those “Our concerns is if this abuser tx-(‘umes viult-nl toward pooplv," he added. "We wam to catch this pcrmn. them's something serious- ly w1()ng.\/\kâ€v9 been working with the behavioural service unit from !h(-:( )PR" Pat Vandcrvoon holds Sasha. one of he! three cats, at her Tenth Line home She lives in the neighbourhood in which six cats were beheaded -.lhis year. ON THE COVER: Dun... u.-I-~’ mm Get your coupon at www.mve co Dewitt: agreeing with Dr. Wommh in regards to “mixed evi- dence" whén it came to the “vin- lencc graduation hyflothesis". Rochelle Simnson. who is com- pleting her PhD thesis on intimate partner violence and anima! cru- elty. said the incidents have raised "big red flags†for her. “'l‘hese arc certainly isolated and very dramatic casts. howev- er, the evidence is very unclear or indecisive whether there's a casu- al rclalitmship or escalating into something mom serious," he said. “This kind 0! activity is not terribly uncommon it's clearly unusual and unacceptable behaviour. ever. if the individual is not caught. it doesn't mean a few‘ywrs later there will be horriï¬c harm done to Furthermore. Dr. Wormilh added, this person's actions could be a release of frustration or anger and also offered the possibility the incidents could be a result 0f peer pressure. who harm animals at a yuung age liu‘cssarily escalau.‘ Iheir behavâ€" iour or move onto humans. ' "’1wa arc certainly isolated and very dramatic cases. huwvv- cr. the evidence is Very urticar or imiccisive whether mate's a casu- al rclaliunship or escalating imo something mom serious," he “II doesn't seem to be the behav- iour ni someone ashamed of what they are she “This could be a case of smnconc to gain a sense of their own pnwer.†Another theory is that the per- son may be sum-ring abuse and farting out to minimiu- their own feeling of victimization. humans perpetrated by this por- EfOVGCO w “on-nun“... I- u' Ms Stevenson added that the own and public nature ofthc dis- play is worrying and could Show a broader pattern 0! disregaxd and disintmst in the feeling of others. :ADOIhEI theory is this is part of a s‘timulatim-seeking behaviour that centres on the need to bun human bein in some way.†she Anyone with information relat- ing to the me. is asked to Contact the dedicated police line on 905- 898-1221.ex1. 2693. ‘It doesn’t scan to be the behavibur of someone ashamed of what they . \i are doing. CHEESE SPREAD Iotaâ€"d