BY MICHAEL IIAYAKAWA mhayukawuoi’yrmg mm The Stooffvillo District Secondary School Spartans thought they were going to repmsent the York Region Athletic Association at nem week's provincial championships. They wen! packing their golf bags Im the Ontario Hill-ration of School Athletic Associations boys' tourna- man in Windsor after being declared team winners at last week's YRAA championships at ("ardinal Red (1mm Golf Club near Kcfllcby. “’msom theSpanam'umofBen Seat. Connor Murphy and Iosh Burt- Mldcrwon‘th'lnmcï¬cldatdwl‘sscx (wandumnuy’uumm. [Band 17. And they're not happy about il. Rather. the Bill (ï¬remen (Union- ville) team of Alexander chh. Bran- don McLean and Maxwell Scar -â€" Ben's cousin ~- will have the honour. Designatad as a school for elite student athletes. Bill ('xmhers had been ruled ineligible to win individ~ us] and team modallionx. pennants and trophies. But the rules. Which were in place for last yar'sYRMchampbnslups. do not say the school can't go to Ol'SAA um Wm M York Regan Thank van for summing the York" High school golfers ’stripped’ of trip to provincials ITEMS MOST NEEDED: 0 Canned Vegetables. Cereal, Hearty Soups, Tea 8. Coffee, Canned Fruit, Canned Heal, Canned Slew, Juice. Powdered/Canned Milk, Canned Pasta, Peanut Butler. Rice, Crackers, llrall Dinner, Snack: - collaren’s Lunch lleallhy option: are always welcome such as whole wheal pasta, low sodium ilems. elc. I (Food Bank: are commuted to com lood elven lo mu cllents la sale. therefore. llama vlsloly damaged. opened or past the explty date are not accepted) Aurora Food Pantry Gamma Food Pantry King To?! Richmond um cnmunlly rm Bank Withdrawn-81W! 350 momma Aurora. on us 3117‘ (905)841-3101 Ion-1m Donations may he moped on at local ï¬rahalls or pa‘tlnipating grocery stores dating tequila business bouts. The lood collected at your local grocery store and lirehall will go to support a local food bank in your community. Please Stpponme PoodBarw Cï¬h‘muniï¬y â€"nmumummlm ROYAL LEPAGE IV“. ltto '0 0‘." ' Uâ€?! I 9.. 9' 161 Main St. Unionvme 905-940-4180 " ( thhcrs. which ï¬nisht‘d 14 strokes better than Stoumillc. appealed aftct this year's York ï¬nals. saying they w’vn' not pmperiy informed lx-l'nrc the start of the competition their squad would be inclig'blc for ( )l-‘SAA. A Ihret-vnwmlx-r YRAA appvab committee sided with (.lrothers and overruled the original decision Friday. an Sear. whose 73 "Was the host scum overall at the York champion- ships. will represent Stouffvillt' as one Of two YRM individual competitors. But he wants his team in Windsor. "I think the whole thing was han- dled horribly and mics should have been made before the tournament and everyone should have known how Bill Cmthers would stand." the Grade 11 student said. "My team- mates were promised a trip to Ol-XSA ‘I think thv whole thing was handlai horribly My teammau’s wcrc promised a trip to OFSSA am! wen' stripped of it.‘ York Region champs lose boardroom appeal Slew Shana. the YRAA's athletic coâ€"ordinator. called ()FSAA to see if a second YRAA entry could be sent due to the cirtumstum'm. But with a ï¬t-ld captxrd' at 120 gulfprs, chances aren't good) , _ "The Bill (lmthcrs team wasn't awan- 0f the rule W round.†he said. “The committee fd! thcydidwhatwastlwrightmingto Ck). . ‘ and were stripped u! it. Smuflvilk- deserves to go as a team and I wish they were coming with me.†"Clearly someone would be disap- poimcd with the ruling." Shanta lakes the blame. “I didn't make it clear to the Bill (Imxhers Coach beforehand.†he “'th YRAA appeals mmmiflee said I had responsibility to make the rules ultimately clear.†To prevent such an incident from cropping up again. Shana. said the YRAA hopes to incorporate a new mle that will state (‘mthcrs golfers can qualify only as individuals for ()I'SAA. ' Coaches with both teams declined offers to ooment. mat Mogehlghochoolspons Perkin merry maids. BaiSearwiflgolfatthepmvincialdwnpionslï¬psmW‘md- sor,buthisStouffVilleSemndaryteanunatcsm‘tbethm. SUN “BUN! FILE PHOTO