Collfomh Swat - Extra Large Tomatoes on the Vine vahn Tondot Fruit Asparagus “Push iron the Tropks‘ Bananas Farm Fresh Flavourful Celery Stalks Farm Fresh o Onuflo Hank Lu! NaturaI Selections 10096 Tm - TIM z Fresh Mulntosh,£mpiro,\ \. 4 “may Mt!" 'M“ » Cortland Apples ,, Dmmstkks. :m';}? M ROG. BIICR O! ‘ g A g}? “ AL t Green GrIPCs gï¬xn?nn;iy Sparkling Water * Finn Fnsh 0mm ‘ Poppet, luttcmm ‘ s m u Buttercup sq“.Sh u-u gmâ€! 1 t i 5 am mar um robs um SEEDLESS EX". Large Size Drumsticks, Thighs, Wings L i†AM “AH. Product of Italy Galvanina Sparkling Water ' Wm King Shrimp Hatter Frozen, New Zealand Rosemary 5. Garlic Marinated Frenched Rack of Lamb Mada Fresh Several Tunas Dany Family Sin Lasagna Thy