905-305-7469 H-â€"* amm"""' scam Does your child want stuff like this? We’ll help them buy it. (Summers are pretty tight-llpped about the sulden retirement ofWhitchmch-Stmlffvilleis (2A0. “15 the Town ochhurclrSlouï¬ville a better place becauseoflhveCashJ’mmit is.â€00uncillor Rich- ard Hartley told The . The Sun-Tribune reached out to all councillors. but only Mr. Bartley would comment. All othet councillors would not comment or did not Ive-tum our emails and phone calls Mt. Cash's salary was $187,671 in 2012. Mayo: Wayne Emmerson cold The Sun-'lhbune via e-mail: “I want to ensure all residents of Whitchurch- Smuï¬vï¬e that ll is business as usual. We have appointed an acting CM). Andrew McNeely. I believe all directors andthelrstaï¬willcominueto pmidethiebest levelof sew’me for our residenm" The municipality sent out a media miease amund 4:15 pm. Wednesday stating Mr. Caxh has mired. He- was not at the 1hcsday night council meeting. He was the town's CM) since 2006. “I have enjoyed my time with Whiu‘hun‘h-Smumflk‘. serving the community and wurking with the mat staï¬ a! the town." Mr. (lash said in the ‘media rcieasc. “I wuuk! like to wish everyone continued snow“ in the future.†Mr. McNeely has been with the municipality since 1999 and the town's director nf planning and building since 2008. “Ibo Sun-“ibune has reached nu! to Mr. (lash mmugh the municipality for an inteniew. He did not mspond by our publication deadline yt‘stcrday. Prior to his post in Stouffvilk‘. Mr. (Ash was 3 mm- mixsioner for the Tmm of Oakvilie. Town quiet onsudden exit of CAO tthWWchâ€"Wam MMdMM-l’mmflis.’ BY SANDRA SOLAR sbolanï¬yrmgrom Councillor Richard Bank’y on sudden mirmmn (If ( ".40