'Of course; he wasn‘t. “m m mar-mama bmmetJ‘eny‘sapu-ny withth introduced to many of the I“?! in “R dIY- When? 1 participants and volunteem W35 !0 Speak to p6 A bun was created. students about 3:23;!“ You’ll see many a photo of FOX National 3631003 Rt FmdetouffvifleonFace- may ï¬ne mm to say about this town. compar- ing it to mm.m community of Port (10qu- hm. 8.0. home town of the He thankw our commu- nity [at setting such a ï¬ne A town so in love with Terry Fox warmly embraces his big brother 1'" red box moved boys. 'lhe moment ‘ As a representative of the Tm Fox Foumiation’s natio ofï¬ce invancou. m. Fred ï¬lls his days with visits like this He was at two of Ontario's other top 'IbIthM‘lm Terry'ngth bigcxï¬wd at Stouflville’sTbrry Fox Run Sunday later in the day. where he was to speak to pa of students about m Fox National School Run But not before podng f0: - sperm mph. Stouffvifle run co-ordi- . nator Sandy Scull-Kenne- dy asked “the Red Shirtsâ€. (Instance? survivors in the audience to step fonvard. Tem'ï¬uismost wrthyofthekimiof Offfllel‘op WFraich The money raised a! Teny Fox Run's is poured into research that saves boys. The moment wasn‘t lost on Fred who quickly pulled out his phone and get: that connection. tum- ing our "lorry Fox Run into a community celebration of lives sued and others mbemd every Septem- peppered with stories of runs being cancelled. What a shame. “any Fox is a national hero taught in our class- momsaï¬dremembemdon thenamesofschoolsand onmonmnentsfmmcoast IDCOCSL Worthy of a local street name. given his impact on this town. (How about some-when on the run's mute. councillors?) Terry Fox is most worthy of the kind of reception Stouï¬vtlle showed Fred Fox Wtchumh-Stouï¬vflle That doesn’t happen He is worthy of a nation- animagcofthe Scam