Those 1! people include the person who called 9H. ï¬reï¬ghters and EMS wudmsaswwmpolicemrmmemm attend emergency medicalcafls. York Region survivors and Mr» cy personnel were brougu together in Mattham W); for a Stu-vim: day There are roughly ll people inoM-d in saving the life of a cardiac patient and that's before they reach the hospital. 'nlescmmcones that slipaway into menightaftermeincflentisaidï¬mh Vandemee. manager. ofï¬ce operations for the Central East Pre~hospital (hm pm- gram. which is operated out of Oshawa's lake‘ridge Hospital Mme than 560 ï¬rst rasponderswem homumdbrmeirpaninsavingdwlives {Autumn _ Harvest * PUBLIC SAFETY: Lightning bolts for cardiac arrest heroes Cl lo LISHUUHS UUll3 IU ' ' 'ilf C3 IUC‘ Eigï¬ghters by people they saved L-vnsatmflnms Surviving a cardiac arrest, the odds aren‘t very high, rationally} www.chartvnflxom RSVP at 905-472-6811 5958 16th Avenue. Markham Wmcmhelppmvideamog'e mmmamm takeadvmgooprocsorwwsits Wexperiemeï¬rstâ€"hmdhowwe're WWW“ IY SANDRA IOMN sbala nflyrmg ram PEN HOUSE September 29th E 2:00 - 4:00 pm JoinusatanyChartwefl “It's not just one thing one ï¬reï¬ghter did.“ Rocco Volpe. the deputy ï¬re chief. told The flue local Wtets «m who a lightning bolt: pin. which resents the life-saving shock given by a rillator for their efforts in these Mo incidents â€"- were Todd Balm. Chris leondrd. Michael mm. bank), Gun! Riduut and hem: Wamyk. of 49 mrk Region residan who suï¬ered a cardiac arrest. This is the seventh annual such celebration in the area. Last year; ï¬ve Whitchumh-Stouï¬vifle File and Emmgenq; Services ï¬reï¬ghters wen involved in two cardiac arrest events and were Wired for their effons “As much as it's an mm for the patient and families. it’s something these rescuers would like to have closure on. too." Ms Mareï¬messurv'nmsofmecï¬calam structural the incidents seek out. on their mdnï¬rflterswï¬ohelpedmem. ‘k's positive reafï¬rmaflon. It helps and it works.“ said Rob McKenzie. the ï¬re Acrossmecountrymptowfllkmdiac antstsoccur works out to one incident every 12 minutes. according to the Heart and Stmke Foundation of Canada’s website. When an automated extemal deï¬bril- lator and CPR are wed. the person's likeli- hoodofsutvivalisincmsgdbyï¬permnt or more, according to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada's website. Surviving a arrest. the odds aren‘t very high. natiomfly.’ Ms Vanderzee For every minute delayed in utilizing the deï¬brillator. the survival rate decreas- es by 7 to 10 per cent, according to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada's website. After more than 12 minutes of ventricular ï¬brillation. the survival rate is less than 5 per cent. F ‘As much as it’s an event far .‘the patient and families, it's something these (men would like to have closure on, loo.’ 2m. 2011 a 2012 Radon Clinic. Award Winner ‘1 A“! W mm t M. I) uu-u-rm 0W.coa Stouffville DI! (m nflstfl lmg‘fln Wi‘l In.» .1? “W 41‘†‘Im no: N I‘ much Om main-1‘." Coon-Mm nun-u ~21 ant-Iku um unit-M CLEAROUT “nun hym‘w’h’ m-«nm-‘Mw Wm M v 514?! 1 3mm. 3" “my. H! a man mama- an» m "unwan- Ian tiling-.1 «mu. byamlrhdpedmatacmnonyWednesday. Thummdtomnainanonymus. WWMWWBW souvs Executive Driven Company Car 51A" 'HOYONKI BARRETT (“mi se