Healthy, free food allaround us, guru says '[he Nmnarket resident is a wfldediblesgumdmmgtoslmm herknowledgeabouthealflwy.ï¬ee He!I life as a forage: haa hem short and started yuan:- misty six ago after wandering When omen see pesky (Made- lionS. shesecsanutritiomhmr- house. When othersscé pine nee- dles. sees pine moths. When outersseeamndescflptfltmerahe seesOueenAnm‘shce. night I go ran for a walk with my huskmnd- He walks the dog and 1 image." she said. wsearrh that tamed "tantrum". By the ï¬rms spring rolled around. Ms Stephenflm was leady m fomge. “It's ptuammena! what you can do with “mix t! ha been the life- styie of out 3114:5105 for WW “mt phase one. person's trash is mother’s m seems appropri- ate For Karen Stephenson, The ‘ example Ms Stephenson memes in her educatbnal walks ’3 ltaiians and their love fur eating daxxkéiknmï¬w bitlm is a sup?!- food chock-full of nutrients, yet the [majority of Canadians only View it m a hindmwe m a beautifu! lawn. we put in our mouth today decides what we haw tumnmm.†Fan of the motivatixm for Ms Retiremn in her imam pursuits is she wants :0 provided}: best heath she can for herself and her family. That mans at the Sxephen- mhflhmiannrransam ‘lt'sflmomnlvmtmm ammnmmm Wafme †Mounts: 'fliat stuff has ingredients that IV SIHON MARTIN smarnnflyrmgxam SElMl'S wild rdibks gum Mia} Fritters Recipe b Fol mom Maturation about Green (on- onenmnmctionsmm 4mdï¬uh’piï¬od cm)mm There is a movement to eat healthier. Ms Stephenson said to look no further than the Newman ket farmers market. which is packed my Saturday with aiming to obtain healthy local food. With food prices continuing to skyrocket around the world. it’s imperative people understand free nutrition is all around them. , She started her website wildedâ€" flriefoodrom after leading mick: about the impending worldwide food crises. While the biggest chunk of her web trafï¬c comes from the United States. Canada and Eng- WWgasanumberofhitsï¬mn countries in and Asia want» in; to learn more about different 801111385 of iced. In fad, she has attracted tors from 135 countries around the gamemd at a (keen (bnnectiom ewnt in Fast (Irwillimbury. Green ( Mm is a Ybr‘k Region bated group Ms Stephenson is a pan of. “It’s a fritmdly fabulous network- ing gmup of like-minded individuâ€" “Wt-gel [.mpmpleadayat the site. It’s anally exceeded any of our expectatbm.“ she said. ‘ ()n this particular sunny August day. Ms Stephenson was espous- ing nutritional beneï¬ts of cedar tea and gnldenmd m a gmup of people "Green (hunt-(titan isn't ntxessar- ily for those who have green busi- h Hm Mflomm "8“5‘3‘5’ mm“ ". mfldm mm 3’9 Karen S! n abouva n tritional beneï¬ts of“su 00d "durin an ed cat" nal walk interesmd in sustainability.†when†M u M 5 8 U '0 2mm: @mmmmmmsepmcmpm Contact for audition mformotion.‘ Ava/no†Mar/at BASIIIB ARES: 8-109 Winn some olive ml in a skillet on the stove (keep at medium heat). Holding the underneath of the flower»: dip mm the butter. until award in thefritt‘l'r batter then place into skillet. flower Slide down Hit the milk flour and eggs and hat! until blended Remove fmm oil and allnw (min ml to .W'Xlk untn a well. mwel 0r paper mth. Ora-r they am bmwn. flip and bmwn the other side. If need be. cwm'mw flipping until the butter coating is light bmwn. 8r cn'an'vr add yourfcmoun'tc Spica: or herbs to (he frmer boner ' Eat plain or drizzle with muplr symp, hum'v. nr even ml! them in icing sugar while dry wt still warm. > Go to Yorkflegionxom 0t ediblewidfoodmm fol mom macs. SYAH PHOYO/‘MMON MARVIN