'mesday. pmvlncial Bdu~ anon MinisterUzSan- dabhidoutaomeofthc Matthew-Gymn- duaed,in conjunction Mthmxers‘sllniversitym Kingsgm and Met lhimmityhflammonh ms in aMl-daypmgamubba- tergrepuegbr Citadel mategqudeammb edimplmedmadinessï¬n (kadclcomparedtod‘m mflwhmm Parents in Newmaxka hail the Thyyaba Ahmad's dawns. Yasra, '5 now "a; Wen Va! awmm'm- dents would have 13mm move if they spend the mmmxmrdu said‘tï¬teEMthL-dfl- (handmuflzeiï¬ \ .mmm "lwoqldhavenmbeen happymlw-mfnra have also been rehmm to send her run bqs In full-day kindergarten. They had Iatebinhdays. so it wouki have been more difï¬cult for them. she said.Mdnsumtime,she undersmxismeappealfor parents Mug the munch withdrede As a “arm-home mum. it's a little Mel-em for her. she said mums uf our full -day kin- dergarten program." Ms Full-day kindergarten kids better prepared: study Ihu hnarri I:an a Ԥ . E I! SW ML! spmrrrflyvmgrom l0 of the “lhesu new ï¬ndings show that we am giving children a stmnger start in schoolandin life. The full-day program is helping the Wt harms develop the valu- able skills that will live mesocialpmgamevaiuaâ€" mityassociatepmï¬sm Dr. lee described the team's researchaspmvitï¬ngsub- standalevidenceon mufï¬n: province‘s MWe-npm- gsznRayMPetas OfMUMtyami maimmhdae Compamdtostudmts with no fun-day gluon Wmdme Menwkhmyemsm fmmlOï¬percemmsz pamntuflamdmedr'ï¬k in m and cognitive developing“ from 16.4 pacemtoupesmem.’ lemma risks in commw from [0.5 per centrm 5.6 pattern. Principal evaiuator in Rm ï¬esearéh Gmp adding m: childrenpr:th and 52 per cent ferrule. am 1253:1300}; In cnmlled ln_ M4133! kin- for V junior kindergarten and senior Wen. 2l0chiflmnwemh1anau- dayprogmnimcmyear. toaM-daypmgmn, The study’s complete results are expected to be m availabh later this The Writ Region Dis- trict Schml Board has 122 elementary schools offer ing fun-day kindugnncn panama and anticipates all |55 of its sites will have auvday leaning m plat? by the province's (alga of fall 2014. 'l‘heWtkCathdicDis- tr'nSdumlBoaxdisina snufluspm.with57olics schools offering all-day learnhgbrpmâ€"schoolets andmeremainingiilare antagome kinderganen program by mesmnofdwnextsdmol intendtm of education. gtadmseethehm-day kin- m he‘th the She further expressed hope the We will con- tinue in its mmmitmem to translate into increased sums Eur students. she saidhane-mafl. ‘ TOMMMMMNM put-mummy!!!» “Wmmmm Wantoch uWmefly. gurï¬-Tribune M an.“ of lhe board 5W the province stay die‘coume and continues to support professt learning for teachers and why child- Kathy Wilhelm said full- ï¬rmkindcrganenhasdeï¬â€" niteiyhadapositive irnpact on education and those childxen who have pm mmugh twopyean of the pmgmm have experienced memostbcncï¬t. m board has waived manyenmuragingremarks ï¬omparemsandeducamrs sincemepmgmmlaundled four years ago even just in lenm of how young stu- dents self-regulate and adiusttomeschoolmuï¬ne. shesaid.h‘stakingacouple ofweeks to settle into (he school rhythm rather than the month or two it once Msheadded. hood educators. tandem of cummlum and *Ihal's a real bonus for Save $1.00 on any Buifoni Pizza ~wm: ï¬les from Simon Mam‘n Get your coupon“ at www.save.ca ‘ Hannah Wilkinson, 4, was all set for the riggors of senior kindergar- 1tell at Phoebe Gilman Public School in East Tuesday. EIOV€.CO “Lt MYWIKE BARR! H