If you have mnsidgted adopiing a new furry frk'nd. the Ontario SK‘Ava'mcial Education and Animal (Jemm in deumh‘ï¬ouï¬x'ifle haspkntydwppéesandkittmmmedofa loving .Ihe sludge: recently received qua litter of puppies from Timmim and two oflm from Fort Erie. acting branch W lennifer Toof said. explaixmlgme batch is pumped ï¬n adop- tion, while the other! were to be ready yester- day. Late August/catty September is when many people's packed summet schedules start to wind dawn. "It I was getting a puppy. I'd get one mm because that way ytm'm not trying to house train it in the winter. ‘ "It's really the perfect time.†Children enrolled in the centre's childmn's camp have made it their mission to ï¬nd homes for all the puppies and kittens. latemmmmybehecticwimmestan of school, but she said there are a number of mammswhyit isanidealtimetowelmmea new puppy. kinen. bunny or small animal into yum family. ' ‘lhcy haw? even named them after their famumv Tnmma Mank- lraf and ( )mnwa Srna- Plenty of kittens, puppies at OSPCA Rpm n‘eé‘i‘yrmgmom B" SEAN PEARCE ‘Perjéct time’ of year Ito adopt Knew pet torshodaeyplayexsandareeagerloseewhkh team gets adopted ï¬rst- “Both puppies and kittens make gum mm- panions for singles. couples and families of all simsf‘ she “Phase conskier adopting one of these beautiful babies or giving a second chance to one of our many adult pets looking for their tom home.†Hegardleas of whfch “team†wins. Ms Toof hopes all the shelter's animals eventually ï¬nd a mnderfm home. - D if m’mbdrvgtoadomemmaopbyflie mmessemnemnmemmm onviewuvisitthemmnmeadopï¬m (mfamxï¬mmlmmaemfl peacï¬ospca.on.caonisispeac.unaflospa.ca They have even named them after their favourité Toronto Maple lmf and OnaWa Senators hockey players and are eager to see which team gets adopted ï¬rst. Wmmgpark WWW The entire part is summnded by pct- mancndy-instafled six-foot metal chain link fencing In deter any dimers and leap em from escaping. The leash Will ofï¬cially be cut Sept. H at the Stoufl'villc’lbg Park. The off-leash park hem been open fur almost thme years; and is operated by the lovm. in conjunction with the not-for- pmï¬t Sloufl'vilk‘ Dog Owners Association. It is located a! the end of Sam's Way. just southeast of the Walman plaza. 1110 ofl~|eash park is about one-and-a- third acres in size with two sodium. One is for any and all dogs to romp amund in and the other is spariï¬call'y fur small and senior The small! senior dog play ama has its own entrance. The grand’opéning will include (kmc play time, vendur booths. pl'llg's, u harhu cue and face painting. The cck‘bi'ation mm from H a m m 2 pm. I'm more Information. go to www‘ flu'thmxxxhrnm STA" 'HOYOINKK MANVSHV N BY, SANDRA BOLAN sbola n @v r mg."mm Workers will be putting their feet up instead of into a pair of work boots come Monday. as rwrylhing from liquor to gnu‘vry stores and the town hall are closed for labour Day. moo'uoflanjokm In Sinuï¬ville. 11w Boer Slum [£180. Nolï¬lls. Metro. Walman and (hnadian Tire am all closed Monday. too. am all municipal facili- ties. im'luding the! library. pnul. ï¬l ncss centre. nmwum. ar'vnas and town hall. UZBU ugt-ncy slums may be open on labour Day. provided local municipalities do not object. York chiun's only agvnry stow is at the Fundland on Hwy. 48 in Mount Albert. ‘ Businesses and fatililit-s rv- open ’mesday morning as usual. WHY WE’RE OFF WORK Mydowepttheï¬lstMOtnaymSep temberoflevevyyeafltsnsoparemscan mmmmwmmdttiem school panama! beng the buowmg in 1882, an American labOm Meade! saw. ï¬rst-ham. One 0! these Iabouv fesmals We cummm he returned to New York. he omnved the ï¬rst Amencan |ab0m OH. 560‘. 5. 1882 On My 23. 1894, aftel much pressme. Sn John Thampson's gpvemmom made Labom Day an offncuaI holiday Labout Day cetebrates the ‘Nme Hour ‘ Wm“ that Mn m 1869 m Hamnt» ton and spvead to Tomato's pmtcr's mm In 1869. umomzed‘ punters equested then m weeks be snatched to 58 noun. The remest was demed. Thee yeats Iatev. the request became a demand. accunpannd mm a stnhe threat The sum: became a teamy March 25. 18724 Reotaoement wonets new fund and It was revealed. the umon's actions were Wee montm latev. ane Mmtstet Su John “ammo passed the trade Umon Mmmkgflvedamommmnn Almost all umons demanded a 54-h0ur m week movmg Inward But the leisurt' ccnm- pool will he closed from Sept. 2 m 6 for maintenance. Paradesmsupponofmeumonsxook Source, {he Camden tncvclmedoa Better stockupfor Labour Day