Libra At the cm: meeting 0‘ My. Mr 3. commencing at 7 pm. Council will be considering the following: ly-llu Hilda-Fl proposed revisions to Schedule G. Planning Fees in the 2013 User Fees. W 201301034! to delegate routine Council powers and duties to the Director oi Planning 8. Building Servnces pertaining to the authority to approve and execute Site Plan Control Agreements and Site min Control exemptions for single detached dwellings and related nonresidential expansions. accessory buildings and pools. expansion of existing buildings and structures in the Oak Ridges Maraine Conservation Plan Area Men’s 97 in mach-6w“ij mammmwwuwams Come out In: thus phnnmg mtmg to create the Book Club 04 you: LhOKQ‘ MW! romance“. Bung some 50996th mm for descuwon at future meetings ‘ Everyone mkome' ' g WM“. . MAUIâ€! ~ILI.T04P Futurmg 000 000 the Clown. Church sank!“ pancake breakfast, BBQ, bah/cu“ sale. tms‘ maria. pony and ATV rm jumping castles and me entevummem F or a complete schedqu of even“ 90 to www phslbannon (a WMMWWWMME Recreation Proqums - Zumba Goid - Yoga - Pimes - Tau Ch: Registrant: Wm mu be announced on the Town «Dame and m the Lawn eNcws chnupbtmeeuemonumuwmeca/enm ‘ tMNmnflnnnnWaryu-rvvu (lithium .‘~6yv¢. I. Ian-)va 1‘ WIRIIWHAQ†3.6 years Mondays 10:15 a.m.to10:45 am i 7 pm. to 7.30 p m (Wu: yodi Pb) Vuesdays 10.30: m to 11 am ‘ Saturdays 1030 1m 1011; m mmmmmmmmmm m m begin the week at W 23 ‘ m m: m.*owrdws.ulwsphyonlmc 0: m person at the WS Leisure Centre, 30 Burthotder St mm 11 MARKING“ New Co-admatoc oi Yowag Adm! Semccs J! Wu If you‘re between 12-30 molde have odeas abou! what the hbury (ould do 90: you. to! us know on Faxebook. huntth 0: at hhevgotdowhnchurr‘h “bury on (a Inn-th 'm a book me. Of v-deoqame. or in volunteeï¬og’ Get m tch Fromm. mm. new resource}; in? #16797 Visit the ï¬bril web site to add WWW Saturday. 5mm†1 “Jenna. Fund a writing buddy. Limited space avabbh Cost 510 pm MST Register now' “WWW-mm WhatI Apptoxsmatety 50 YET/Viva service changes across Yovk Regoon take .«eo Sunday, September 1 So: the school season. Most High Schoot Specials (400 series) and route diversions to schools return to: the new school yea. All revised scheduk-s are avaiiabk: at ly-Inr 2013-1009 to repeal and replace By~law 2011-001-Sl together with proposed rewslons relating to applicabllrty ol srte plan control to single detached dwellings and related non-residential expansions. accessory buildings and pools. and expansron of existing buildings and structures in the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan Area. Comments and/or questrons on any of the above. should be directed to Alan Drozd at ext. 2320 or Imammmmm Inqumes regarding thls report should be ducted to Michele Kennedy, Town Clerln at ext 2224 or POOI. CLOSURE NOTICE The LOISUIE Centre pool mu be dosed from Monday, Septembev 2 to Fnday, Septembev 6 fat maintenance WNWASERVKECHANGES FORTI'E'EWSG'IOOlYEAR AsofWedmsday.Sepu-mbeummmtom wmm unease and mu be open Mondty "rough Ffiday. ‘1 p m to S p m Spool! paogums sun moon!» attends Phase (3' 9OS~727â€"895£ for more Mamaan WM“ ‘0“.DII... Loam don-yourâ€?! overrun-on and ï¬nd out how m stove hmdy photos and Moon‘s with W S Museum Cumov Stephanie Foley and Mia†House Mama! Huronr 5R! Cantor“! Asusunt Nu oh Iago! Non Members $2000 Members 96.00 Bung tenth along «an you Wuseu mum-mamas Chedmnmlbtuycmnforfne. Nubiaâ€me Wiommwmmpenon? Mmï¬doï¬mmdpkkw Maryann: nyomhome wmamw-mlmsmmm MMQMW Wonkï¬velm‘ngï¬mgivm Hammett. Avaflobteinavmetyofhnguages Pickupyowï¬lEE (opynow' Manning a wedfl‘ig is an exciting, yet sometimes stressful experience. if you have decided on a destination wedding, or if you ï¬rst want something very iow-key and reasonably priced. let us assist you in planning a (Mi marriaga here. our trained marriage oflicrants The Corporation of the Town of Minimuchth reserves the right to accept Or reject a“ or part of any Bed and also reserves the right to accep! other than the lowest 8rd and cancel any Call for Bods at any time, WS-T- 1 3- 36 M.Mn Out-12p... 0:09 :0 to: flu; anoom wofld writing mishap 'or MS! 5500 pachold "mama... {W9 a 19m century In“ Fur. ï¬nd the ‘neecfle in the Mystxk'. 90 oneScwongu Huntmabandea minis! Anna 55 000106 5100 Rodfleplxmntat thebrmechhuvch- 6240 Main wed, Sept. 11 Odom 300 pm ES?