RV (‘Hlll‘i QHANAHAN Hw Red Hilton has landed in Sumï¬ï¬‚lk‘ and him} how kiwi“. lilw Bi“ Pvrrk‘ ('mddn't be happm. Mr. Ferric-'5 Smuï¬viliv l£m1ng(hmpany has launched its debut Red Falcon pmmi- um air in!" wit-Hui bars and restaurant-r. hem and acnm the (ETA and wuthwestcm ()man'u "It has a awn" mull “new with a nun! barley ï¬nish." is how Mr. Pvmv dtN‘rihï¬l his traditional red soon to be available at ‘lhe Beer Sum- and hitting IITBO umk‘ts nvxl spring. It's now being ('Hklyfld in lallhuy cans. a! Boston Pin; and un lap at the lieu! of Whitchunzh pub. The ï¬rst batch of craft bi‘cr was canned and kiwi! lam wvvk at (Lm'lph's Wellington Bravery and Is almady general!ng a hill], on the local bar scene. Wbld bi emulating amoan boot aï¬ckuuxius that if you like the taste of Richard's Red. yuu'll love Red Fakun lx-velopcd by wicran bn'wmaster Paul [ï¬t-key. it's made m small batches using only the ï¬nest bark-ya. malts and other natural ingruhenls. Mr. Ferric. a mum-faceted emmprcneur known far and wide as Canada's Pub Guy. Pub Guy hops into beer industry Server Stephanie Wes! pours a Red Falcon Ale bf brewing company co-founder Bill Ferric at Boston Pizza. It's also on tap at the Earl of Whitchurch. admits the lime-cumuming pawl-$5 of launthing his uwn how is exciting but also somewhat daunting, "It's kind of newnrarking as WP" lx't'ausc now wv haw to sell it." he said. adding that a quality produvt and solid name and logo are mwntial to longtva stK‘t‘t‘ss. "We wanted A strong "flag? and a bird of prey (gives us that) We also wanted a strong logo with the wont mi in it." In reality. them is no such spews as a rod falcon. htMlM'l'. he fell the combination ul thv two words [wiped t‘l’t‘alt' a [xm'rï¬ï¬‚ brain] statement. Add to that a catchy stugan - Taste That Soars Abt'M' the Rest - and the marketing strategy was in place. ‘ Mt. Perrie and company partner lim Wil- liamson of Pickering are now scathing for .1 suitable manufacturing plant so they can Stoufl‘ville Brewing Company launches Red Falcon ale do all «If their Ian-wing locally, "We'rv looking forward to ï¬nding a home in Smufl'villv so wv can fly the flag for the town in the (raft bet-r world." he said. In the meantime. thvy'll mminuv In brew it under contract at the Wellington mit‘mâ€" brewery. ( ‘anada's oldest indepéndcm. The 56‘year-old Smuffvillo msidcnt feels a main appeal of crah heor is that «my brand is unique. alkwving the drinker tn wqwn'vnu' and flavours rpm-«shineg diï¬en’m from the larger. maswd-prtxlucod commercial brands. “I think there is a gmwing tendency for people to try mom local beers." said Mr. Por- rie. whn in his tram-ls zu'nw. thv pmvincv is always discm'vring nmvprmiucls m sdmpk‘ and write about. [1290 statistics Show Ontario craft beer haw intill‘am'd 57 per mm sinu- 2006. “I always say I don’t eat the same food every day, so why should I drink the samc ht't'f vwry day?" he uddvd The hrvwing mm- pany W1" shuwrasv Rt‘d Palmn at thv wumd annual Stoufl‘villc World Music Festival m Memorial Park Sept. 2 l. “ Mt. PPrrio surPIy knuws his lit-rt; he's a virtual when it comm to all tum-rages that .m- Mild, wrt and hungry In addition tn his hn-wing u-nturv. hr pmduu-s ’Hu- Pub Magazine. [he quartt'rty publication is a how kwch delight. highlighting thv ï¬nest Wtflt'l- ing halos Ontario has tn 0â€?! Mr. Panic |\ Jim tlw authm ul wwml books on indqwndt-nl pubs: that wll tram “nu-n he's not oft-wing, publishing, writ mu or promoting. the namr of l )undw. Nul- Iaod. (an be heard us the host of 1110 Pub Radio Shtwv. 'l‘hv program airs on Whisllv Radio 102.7 Salurdays at 7 pm Mr. Pt-rric and Mr. Willmmwn ho! h mug!" lhv craft beer hug In years ago when they founded TAPS mugaujnv. a national puhlica~ lion vxplonog the would of how. And though the two am no kmch mmlwd. the magazine romains a strong industry vniu'. lhvsv days Ihv mm. hot-r lunnrh Is ï¬lling lhcirida'ws to the brim. Awarding In a stau'mvnl at Ihv R00 lul~ um wvhsiu'. www ruifak‘nnalvuIm' "It is an tusydrinhng. nmle‘uu-d hvm man has am initial \‘Wl't‘tflt‘ss folkmt‘d by d dry-roasted ï¬nish Nt'vvr (laying, this boot will satislv yum thirst for wnwthmg (liï¬vn-nl " 57A" PHOYOSYEVE SOME RV! Lu