TAKE NOTICE that the («rum II at the Cm nation at the ’l’own of Whitthunh ~\tuutfvflk wt I hold a Pub“: Meeting on Tudly. September I7“. 2013 at 7:00 pm. m the (fuuncll Chambers. Municipal Dimes; Ht Sandtford Dnvc. Stout'fwlk. Ontano to wand“ propoxd (“that Finn and Zoning By law’ Amendments by thr town of Whm‘huuh Stout-twill: punuant In Seamus l? and 34 u! the mun-mg Ad SUMECT PRWTY The ("Thai Han and {mung Bylaw Ammdmrms appiy In lands wahm the ('ummumiy of Shuffwlk- Saundary Han Area with m dammed on tht map hXPLANATQRY N0“: ’ Ofï¬cial Plan Amt-admin (hie $0.0PA13 00!} [hr Proposed 0??qu Plan atrocian muhs hum a SIM); nuts; mmth by 1hr ’l‘uwn of thtchunh - 13:10 2m: 20†and a final (mamas): study n-pufl dated h-bruan‘ 20“ which was ï¬nned by Rush (Inunu! m May 2!. 201% as a gmaal ham int 1hr pft'fiaulmfl of amdtmmstummmcul puhuï¬ mthm {hr 8-aner Plan [Tn- sludy' 1%“ 1h: magnets n! the pdst m thc Smum'dk: Secondary Plan and thc rcialed Inning m mectmg tho: nudging “ads at me (“ummun'nv rhc pngmstd 0m ml Plan Amrndnwm addresses various exmmg and pmpmcd nus (lmmmual and hman mm: Arc: Pours wflhm m: (immunity 0! Nxmfivdk‘ month!) Han. l'hu "kinda pulmes Idem! tn the Regional Rem! Art-a. Business Park Area and (many Maud Us: Arc: NOTICE 0f MEETING Pngnm’d {tmmg Bylaw Anwndmcm {hit Nu IBAHCIIW ibc privmcd Zunng By in Amende ammdx (.umpfchcm-Wz‘ [um Hy law 201000! 1.0 [hr prqxntd remnang 1m menu the pulley framnmrk u! the {inï¬rm} “ï¬lm! Plan Amendment In parlnular. t ‘ prophet! Inning Bylaw Amfl'ndnrm ididï¬â€˜i'tf‘n pflmflk'd use» and ccguhtum: fm Linda wsthm "It Rrgxmai Retail Arca cast u! Hzghway 43am! soulhul Huer Park Dmr‘c..md “mid permn humus: senâ€"hrs and aunmry rcsuurants Ls addmunll permitted uses on lands award the EBHM [um gent-talk north of Hoover Parkllkwc west MA Wekkm \trcct and cast of Sandlfnrd Dnvr the pmpw-e-d annulment lunha pmptm to add a span} unrde In ten inm- um m the ngmmd Industrial Arr; Immune: hv prawns Inning As we†u'nam akin-(ma! hunk-d mmmacul um fht amendment further adds Haunts; Services we pume us“ wuhm (MI and (EM: zones and Adds ddmxlmns In the WI! it: Bunn’ess Sauces and Anew)†Rcslaurants REPRESENTATION AXY PERMW may attend the public met-ting and make wmlm a: uni r . tam «the: in m of at m opposition m I: proposed (Wï¬cul mud lnmng Ry law Amt-miman if you ire unable to altrnd. written whmnuufls will ht "moved up In the hm: ut lhv; Inn-1mg NOTICE OF DECISION Pmpmrd ( um.» PLm Anwmimmr I! mu wnh ln ht mmfkd u! tht adoption 9! 1h: proposed ()tï¬ual HanAnmxlnmn.y1m must main: 4 wrmm trqu lolhc‘luwnm Whmhunh Stouflvtlk‘. IH Mndlï¬ï¬d "NW. \mufh INC. ()nlario l 4A 018 Pmpuscd Zomng Bth Amrndmcnl ynu th {n ht mlï¬gd M the passing“ the pmpmcd Inning By law Amendment, “71" mu;l make} w'nm-n [MAW I7. 2013 we pm. (mammalian Ill MM Drive. Sindhi“: Purponed Ofï¬cial Plan I: 7min; By-hw Amndmculs (Loam-Ry cl Scuffvilk Commercial Policy Study File Not. OPA I 3.00! I ZIAUDOZ Tm of WhflchtKh-Sloaffvilk NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING request to the Town at thtchmchflouflvxlle. HI Bandung] Dmr. Nouffvilk. Ontario HAOZS, APPEAL Pug-used 0"}: a! Han A mmdnrnt. If a person or public body does no! malt: and cublmssmns at a public mmmg or makr written submismm to lb: 'l‘uwn of Whmhurch-Nuuifulk hcfon‘ the pmpcm-d (mg m Phn Amendment Bylaw is mined, the person as UNK body I; murnmlcd to appeal the dcx‘mnn “I! e (‘uunul 0f Ihe 'l'uWrt of Whttchurchflwm‘tlk tn the Ontann Munxlpal Board If a pgmm or pubha body «106 nut make on] whmmsamï¬ a: a publx mating, or main: wntu-n submsssmns to the 'lbwn of Whttchurrh-Mouffwlk below the pfle Ofl'xnl Plan Amendment u admin-d. the persun m WNK body may no! he added as .3 party It} the beefing uf an a i I Mon- the Ontam Municpr Board unit“. m 5:6 mon ntlthe Board. that are rcamnabk pounds to 3:; (ht pennn m pubhc body as a path. hmmg By law Ammdmenr H a pawn or publn body does no! make on! submmmns M a {Ian met-1mg or make written mhmmums in 1hr 'lbwn n! Whmhun‘hu\muftvtlk' bctnn‘ 1hr By- law :s raised. the pemm or PUNK hodv m nut entitled to appqu the datum ut‘ the l‘immxl‘of {hr lawn of Whnchunh-ShMHde In lb: Onlarw Munmpalï¬mrd H a pcan or puhlx body dnfl not make uul hsmns at a pubhc meeting. at nuke wnuen subtmssmns tu thr ann at Whilshunh Muuflnlk hdnrc the By law Is passcd, 1hr pawn u; PUNK body mav nut he addrd an a mm m the hearing ufan appeal Mm- thc Ontario Municipal Board link“. In the 091mm of the Board. that art rcaumabk grounds to do w ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Anm‘nnxm mmkswmx 0n thc pmde 0M)qu Plan Amcndmcm 1nd [mung "By law Anwndnwm .m' avaulahk tor meperhun at the Planning and Bmldmg“ \crvxcs Drpanmmi. Munmpal Offices. Ill Sandxfnrd Dmr. Smuffvsllt during rcguhr business hours (Monday to Inday. R 00 a m tuï¬jmpm.) awomhc'hmn‘swrbulcathttpx' www lawnmws unm‘mmnmualpdk “Nd? 3‘? H wu haw any qucstxms please wnud Alan Druid. Manager. Phnnm Services at cxlcm'nm 2‘20. or mull at Alan drm mwmifm a “A r“) at the TOWN ()l’ WHITCHI'R! H STOL'I‘FVIHJ: this 24th day of Auguxt. 2m 3 Andnm Mchdy. Durant u! Phnmng 8: Building Sauces hum of Whnchunhvï¬lmffwlk I_ n J “a. swamp anmr. Fur. Area XQIICE 95W ’I'AKE NOTKTE that that Council uf the Cmporahon 0‘ [hr [mm of Whluhuru Stouflvllk- wnll hold a Public Mcctmg on Tuesday. September I'hh.’ 20l3 a 7:00 .m. m the Counnl Chgmï¬rrs. Muan Offurs. l I l Sandlfnrd Dmre. Stuuflulk. Ontanu In mnudcr a pnmoscd Ofï¬cial Plan and Inning Bylaw Anwndmmts punuanL lo Mamas I'Jnd M 6‘ the thnmgxhl. ThrOffkanhnand Z'onmg a ‘ By-hw Amendments \ to ~- "‘ the Ballamrac Mus man lake and hummus \ccnndarv Plan Ana Th: Lmds what In (hr lullamrac Mu~~clnun lakr and mems Scwndary Plan Arm vs huh n ~hown nn the map EXPLANATORY NOTE Offqu Plan Amendan {hit .\u ()PAI HKlZ‘ The Proposed Uttx‘ul Plan Amendment vaults hum a study [mu 6“ umdux‘lrd bv the [man u! Whmhun h SLYMEC'I‘ PROPERTY » \lmlIfVIHt‘ln 20H lfllland .1 final mnsultdnt studs report dated Ntwcmher 2012 whtch was adopted by 'IOwnfmxrmlnnDaember 4.2012asagenetalbamtm the {ncparatum nl'amtndmcnls tu thc Sewttdar)‘ Plan The pmptmd ()ttntal Han .-\ mmdnwnl addrcwn thc tull stupor n! lhcxxnstmg \ctundan- Plan pultucs and mapping whcdukw mdudmg pnl'xta rchttng tn land L's: Strategy Including Rtstdcntul. Natural chtage. Transwrutum. Trunk. lkwlupnwnt Rrvtcw. Water and Scum .Nm'umg Strategy. Ops-n Spa“ "Trails Plan. Wdlhcad Prntcct'xm Arrax \‘ouru Water Pmtmtmn and Highway ts (“umdm Puhucs Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendmtm tfllc Nu IBAIHXNU RLPRLSLNTATION ‘ ANY PFRSUN ma» atlcnd lhc pubiu nm‘ung and make wrmcn 0! ma] represcmatum who? In sum"! n! M In «Wmmn tn the pmposcd Official Plan and Inning Bylaw Amcndmcnls I! mu are unabk' to attend. wrmcn wbmmmm Will he mmrd up in thv: tune ut the meeting. EQIICL DEQISK)N Pmpmcd (mml Man Ann‘nduwnl If vnu wnh in bc howled «M the antmn ut tlw pmfuvscdntfkul Han Amcndrnchl. mu must make A written request lulhc ‘l‘uwn n! \\ hmh‘unh Stuuthllkn I ll \anditmd Drum. Smuih'lllc. Onlann 1 4M)?! Pmpu'ncd Wining By law Anwndmml "you wuh to be notiï¬ed nfthc pasdng ofth prupnscd Zoning By law Amendman y‘uu must kar a wnllcn rrqutst to thc 'Iuwn 0| Whmhunh-Nouflnlk. Ill handumd Dnvc. Nuufh'lllc. ()nunul 4A 0/)! APPEAL Proposed Offxul Plan Amendment The pmde running :mplcmtnh lhc pullu tum-wk ut the par-used (mm! Man A mtndmcm and um ludc'u uw and cvclupmrnl rqzulahons tur lands mthm the Ballanxrac Muxwlmm talu- \cumdari' PLm Area affecting (hentral Pmyumns, Himmch Znncs. Mixed L‘se [nuts l-mnmmrnul Zulu-s \lehud Prmutmn Areas Scum.- \\ ale! Protulmn and nunutcd Human; xhcdulu WHITCHURCH~STOUFFVILLE 'owu < v Tuesday. September I7. 2013 7:00 pm. (Zpuncil (lumber; Ill Sandiford Drive. Stouflvilk Pmpoced Ofï¬cial Plan Zoning By- Law Amendments Balk-(neï¬iuudman Lake and Environs Pl“ File Sm. ()PA I 3.002 81 IRA H.008. Town Of Whitchurch-Slwffville NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING H a persun nr puhlu hum dnc‘ nm "1ch out xubmmmns .11 a puhlu mccnng nr makc Mun-n suhmlmum In lhc ‘l'uwn of \Vhlhhunh-Sluunnllc Mun the pmpuscd UHqu I’Lm Anwndmcm Ihldu n axkspted. the pawn m puhln bod} u not cnmlui In wpml 1hr dcxmlm 0! 1h: ( mumi u! the 1mm n! Whlkhunh QIuUMHHc m the Onlanu Mnnmpd? {hard I! a pcer nr puhlk huh docs nut mah' uni submmmns at a puhlu met-ting. 0: "wk: “mm: submnwuns In "In: luwn n! \thhunh \iuuthUc' bdmc [hr pmde Uthual Plan :\mmdnwnl n adanuL lhc prrwn ur pllNk huh m." m r! be addcd 1s a party tn the hearing u! an appeal hchm- thy Unlanu Mumupal erd unlvu. m thc nï¬mmn 0! Nu Hand. lhfll’ an: rraanNc grtlunds In add [hr pun m or puNk budy .h a path Ynnmg 8" law Amendment Mumuml Board H .u pawn nr puqu bud; dun nut w.ch um] subnmmms a! a publu met-Hug. ur nukc Mittm \Uhllll\\lilll\ lu (hr lawn ul “'hmhunh \mutmlh- hctnn- thy B» law I\ pdw‘d. the pctqu m puhlk hum may not he Jddt‘d as a path In the harm; at an annual hrfnrr 1hr “Marin \hmnlpal Ru.an quu m 1h. upmmn n! the Board. then He ruwnahlc gruumh in do w ‘ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ADDIHUNAI [\I‘URMKHUN un H": pmpuwd mm“! Plan .\nwndmml and [mung H; Ln. Anwndmcnl arr anuhblc tut inxputmn a! flu Planning and Bulldmg \rrwuw lk‘partmcm Munmpal 0mm Ill \andnuni Htxw. \mmul‘.‘ during rcgular buum'“ huun SMnndm lu Ind.» h m a m to 300 }v m ) un lhurMLn \uguu 29 .‘HI ‘ and un thc' luwm wrh Mr M hnp ’ any» hm nun“ mm hallamrac muw‘lman Likc um (phian If mu haw am qurstmnx plum ummu \Lm Urn/d Manager. Planning \(‘Y\‘k€\ a! cxxcnsmn .‘ ‘2", ur mull at alan druldw tnwnutm a [M It!) at the TOWN 0? WHITE!“ R( H SHR'H‘V'II l k 1h“ Nth den nl August. 20“ A ndrrv. Mt Nwh Him In: at Manning 8: Building \crvk cs 'luwn u. \thhunh \lnufh IHI' It a ptrmn or puhlu huh docs not mah nu! \uhmmmm at J PUle nk‘rtmg nr mah- mum} \ubnuumm in (In hm" u! \Nhlhhunh-‘vlu-unnlh Mun: 1h: 8\ II“ I\ pessrd. the perum m puhln hum Is no! mulled m appeal 1hr dumun u: my (humfl n! lhl‘ l‘nwn n! \Vhlkhunh \Inufhlnc In lht‘ Hnlarm