Cody Hodgsun of the Buffalo Saba-s greets fans during 'the third annual Hockzy Night in Stoufl‘ville at the Stouffville Arena Thursday. 11K game $78,400 for Markham Stouffville Hospital and $10.(X)0 for the Markham Stouffvifle Stars girls’ hghdtty axmciatkm. LAUGHS 0N ICE Sluuflville mnivc and pru gnalic Lil Knnx was mustanding for the winning team. ('hrk Tana. Stephen Weiss and Hhan Wen-k sham a laugh during ‘hc prr-gamo u'rcnmnics. photography by Nick Iwanyshyn ringithe third annual Night in Stouï¬ville at the o )for Markham Stuuï¬ville Hospiml and $10,000 for the I \ _; £3 (b-host and MP Paul (hlandra tries out tabk' hockey in the lobby.