' "SEW-Tribune reg" Dimsch. Maximum um {inn \ll suhmmsmm must he km. than Cm m did uu ludr a W mic-pupae numbn. nun:- urd akin“. 1hr sun lnhune the rï¬n In pullâ€: (It not publish and ‘n «I! hit l hmv and w mm m M. no M I; a mwmn a! the W Mm Crow Ltd a M alum Way 0' W («amazon Busmm We: Ruhr" lazurko WV» MILJMJ isl Yuri chuo Mech- ( mum community I-Lm‘lun m (Jmu Urban: Kelly um O Delivery issues? LETTERS POLICY hm Mason Inwn'wn' um Tï¬mbme SITURDKY FORUM 4,~1~;,:;;;,’:;;3g,;h Do your homework, attend ' " council meetings before voting an Williams Dim. loll. DISIIIWUON Tanya Parha‘n (thisth run ()ord Paolucn Daphne (was mm W rnng um: m wwflmm r' “x; rm human. or Paooucnou [(u'hr Smart “(hm Wrflfl WSm‘Im v ‘1“ In! ‘ZXM' m 1 'ms was: ‘lntematiunally. (anada ranks an Abysmal Nth nm nf l7 num- trics studied when it (‘umm to voter participation. Among young vot- ers. ages 18 to 25. loss than 39 per cent yoted in the last federal election." in Britain. 44 per cent of them Iumt-d up at their polling station. In Germany that number is a whopping 59 per cent. but seen them as distressineg law. But how do you ensure your Vote has the most clout? I [)0 a little much. talk tn the bandidates whocome to your from duor. Read their bmchun-s. [not them up on the Internet to see what their accomplishments arr and whether thrir visinn at the munit‘ipality is ("105010 yuurx. In the last municipal clcctkm, in 2010. only 45 per a-m uf us m Whitchurchâ€"Smuï¬ville bothered L Vm'mg is your privilege. il‘s dun/Wm†force and can make a positive dif~ {creme in your Mick-I): Bul way too few of us am: doing it. You: chance to up mtet par- ticipation starts with the next municipal eleuion in October 2014. I " This love! of govemment has the most immediate impact on your daily life. Think ï¬re services. garbage and recycling pickup. le'mum services and mom~ 10 VUR’ Check lwincr. l-accbook and ulhvr sncial media whvn‘ mmv politicians um aln'ady \Ul‘u‘ssflll Iy tapping into the younger mu: Attend éandidatm mmn‘nés. Mk quvstinns. Road NW Sun- l'ribune . But it election day is (no far away and you just mm mm In see your politicians in aminn. amend a council Inn-ting in thv .'\I “I ill "I I IIHKK'I "P \1 "l'. 15 year; or so. you muld roll a bowling ball through the council mmmn 5mm mom: Harm chambersandhilonlvahandfm mmmmummu of mgulars. a council watduhg m "’0 SWWMN “m‘w†tnvm hall. I l l Mndmml DY. Meeting dates and informa- tion am always poswd in thv Itx‘al puss and on the town's website. nu haw-11'! vutvd in a MW]! municipal vie-o liumWhy not? Other times, there is stand. mg room only. way out the door inltmho hallway. It‘s a sun: hot when something is planned that is too tall. too loud. too close or in the mung spot. maple come tn council- In draws. Sometimes with matching T-shirts and signs or petitions stacked several feet high. 1th meetings are usually When a group of young peo- "ple wanted a better skatepark. they came to council to present their case. (They @t it.) People came to talk about developers cutting down too many trees or bungalows that were too tall. More recently. seniors came asking for a 55 + cenmr (not there yet) and others came ask- twu and a reporter much Ioudet. ing for lights so they could cross from l’arkview Village to Nofrills (done). ‘ ' I )u‘isiuns about new facilities think library. swimming ptml. muwum. splash pads, 19 on the 'le'k. iu' pads and more are made at untm‘il mu'tmgs. l’cnplc mvn't dlwuys, happy with lnml pnlitit'iams’ (lu‘iuinns’. Hut lllt‘ \nst majority ul "matings wow conducted in a cixilxmd. iffl (X‘l‘élhlulldllv luttd. mamwr In general. people have learned that mu don't have t0 thmw stuï¬ to gm wur paint acmxa. Smu' many ()1 us will be Reaching out In our muncdlor 1m help with a pmhk'm or to haw um say at council. why not hvcnmv part of the [Inn‘th now? Ku-p am vyr nut and do yum hummurk. And don't fnrgl'! In vnu‘, Hannelore Volpc LETTERS TO THE EDITOR During Iht‘ lam wwkvnds. I found "our" Mvmnrml Park rinsed for whirlv trafï¬c. [he ï¬rst weekend. thcn' was "minor" damage to one of the gatcs after a car drove right through. I talkvd m a police ofï¬cer. who mentioned lack of warning signs and gates are unattended. The gates two ’ 'I"- I I‘ bWhatdoyouthi issmsotmyomen WWII I saw a large cars Friday an p.m.. including 4 more then 10 ca This is very No reason to keep gates in park When Main Street is congested†many driv- ers take the backmads (it. Blake and Market streets) to get home. were ï¬xed and closed 1215! weekend again. - I noticed more damage at nm' of the 2mm. All that has changed is the diversion of the Friday afternoon and Saturday trafï¬c. Inmead of taking the Park Drive. they are now diverted to the parking lot of our library/swimming pool. meaning the parking lot is now a lhrqway. "It"! [U DUI WI. > Very many pants were quite' upset about and meirconoemxsnsuï¬ed. mm “’d‘ W we have Whalwasonceaparking “WORM bxbmnmanifmunthish- JACKVERHOOG wayfor the enmelengmo MM 7411:†Visiting the area on both weekends. I could found no reason for the clusum. I think it was a wastem taxpayers money. again. PUBLISHER Ian Proudfoo! GENERAL MANAGER'Iohn Willem: iN HOSPITAL' ‘ - ' HOSPITALS ARE NOT HEALTHY pLAczs! r“ NO' ' '- I‘M NOT GOiflGTO WSW HER SPFTALS ARE T HEALTHY ACES! / /’\\. f Fig: . y ‘ 95‘??? FIVJVIIHL' ' ' I saw a large amoum of cars Friday around 6:30 pm. including a line-up of more then 10 cars. This is very dangerous as at least 50 youngsters are leaving the library/pool all at once. They are running toward their waiting parents' car and hardly looking out for moving cars. >Whatdoyoummkolmese Emuwmnm HAVE YOUR SAY, STOUFFVILLE ‘andeveningand dUdaySamrdaxl ï¬mndnobodyinthe On Friday afternoon 'Sbwï¬-Tribune snow-n51 m,o~.m1c7 thevlot. Stop signs are respected. but after mapping, all ran were speeding. I also noticed this on Sat- urday moming. It was ncafly the same. bu! in aftermxm the trafï¬c was Iigh! On Friday afternoon and waning and all day Saturâ€" day, I found nuhud} Ill Hw . Leaves me with one question; Why do we now have gates to cm park? Burkholdcr 51mm in already propefly marked with stop sigma and a tow none. sign at $20 each on either:‘ sidetopost reduced speed lookingbradetmu.ifgates memtoourpark } It’s our treasure, our I took some pictures m pmw this and delivered them to my Councillor. Rub Heme remove the gates»