Ihv wwnusuk' wrskm of rugby en mayvd by arm high «hunts during the fa†mmuhs was primarin carried nu! an a means of tuning up fur the Iraduional lS-askk‘ York Region Athletic Asstxiatiun «pring wagon. lur a twin-year pcrmd. the admty will he dawned an a prnhalmnary sport. Stvvv Sham]. “MA athletic (‘n-nrdmatnr. n'w'alml u mm'vnwm m haw fall mghy Inroqxr ralnljsn'l mm. as a mu- (m llw whim“! had hem lumul (lnwn lhv km l'uur yt-am But mlh uwvnuxldc rugby mmmg m this fall. Sham] isuptlmlstk lt mll hr m-ll rvu'm-d ~ mgmlullv frum schtmls than do not ï¬eld football trams, Mm'h n-quln-s a higgm mmmimwm in u-nm uf thv numlx-rs ul ('(uu‘lu-s .md tlw ms! fur equipment. Hut whvn 1hr YRAA kicks off its‘ 20!} H fall u‘hvdulc. (how will he mun- eu stake ‘ a titlv fut txrys and girls. "Hw KPH†gut-s. after a (Inflorvm grnup of people." Shunt; send. "1 thunk murv u hlmls wi" Seven-aside rugby tackles ofï¬cial status BY MICHAEL HAYAKAWA min:midwawwmg um: As. well. Shanty. cited with sm‘t'nusidc rugby being a pan of the next Summer Olympics and with Canada having a high degree of succc“ in 1th discipline as (“Human-d with traditional ISvaside rugby. it should become more popular. pm teams in. “Canada lends to do better in sevens ihzill 1?». MW spun will deï¬nith add mun- crulibilily.‘ hound. “I think it’ll hr gum and wv ml! try 10 gm it going," Andrvw lihistmlki. Bur ( )ak mach. said ‘ (fling tht'y‘w laid nul’u fuumlaukm with the start M .I nuth bnyï¬' team this past spring. Hu- sumki was nptimistic it will (‘1'?le 01th nppur mimics fur smdvms In try tho spun Some schools arr already excited the pm» pm! uf ï¬ddng sevens teams. 1 Among thv bem-f'uiarivs will be whtmls than hum-bod rugby pmgmms [hh past year smrh as Bur (Mk Rwandan; School in Markham. whu‘h ï¬eldvd a mniur huy§ tram "I Inpvfully we mu get sumv senior kids tn try plavtng sevens and if we can generate enough intt‘wst wv might be ath to ï¬t-ld u ucninr lSs tram in the spring." hl‘ said. STA" WOTOISJOCID MTTEVCEN SPORTS Smuffvillv Sun-'I’ribunc Stouffville Mustang Thomas Vlahakis (right) battles loshua (‘ihobrial of Kleinburg Noble-ton in under†actionat Ballantâ€" rae Park chnesday. The teams tied 1- I. more photographs from the match at yorkrcgiomcom % At left. Sophia Pollastrone (left) and Kaitlyn Hume ï¬ght for the ball in a Miitchurch-Stouffvillc Soccer (Ilub and Donchstcr Rovers camp for boys and girls Wednesday. Doncmter Rov- ers head (Inch Ben Nawson looks on with other campers at the Stouffville Arena ï¬eldx Also favouring the decision wen: established rugby pmgmmx that mu wwns Ivams such as Smuffville Distrk't Secondary Schuul. As wvll. the spun pmvidvx ï¬rsl~wnr (iradv *9 \tudcnls with an opportunity In In H fur thv ï¬rxl time. If they cmuy it. Hwy might (mm b.“ k In play Fm m lhl' spring. ‘ Hnr smm' schnuls \urh as Aivxandvr \Izu'kc-Ir m' High deul in Ruhmund Hill. tlw lummlmn M a fall wwn'x lvugm' might be thc savmur m Inn-p rugby pmgrums gsflmn (,ulm Butlcr. Alexandr! Mm kvn/iv High School physical (duration hmd. ( ilul ll math-d Ihv ï¬rst mm- in the km NS Wars "W" M hool did not ï¬eld a huys' nigh) lmm AckmM'k-dging the sevens. gamv is a fur mnrv widv upon game than lï¬s. vain “ya the in]! version pruvide-s a good uppununny for play-n In dwelup speciï¬c skills 9m h as hall handling. "We're very excited and pleas'edf said lamw Hl'win. Sinuffvillv's hc-ml wninr hnvs' marh "'Ihcrv’s‘ lots. of toamx thal plmI wwns lnunm moms m the fall.†Nomdolimrasmslhwado! your "1th mark“ and 901 the same or“! rosponu "om youv fler duslnbutoons as chow customon. call us many' 'Salacted «was oniy HOME HARDWARE KDHL 8: FIRSCH LENNDX DEALER MINDTECH MDNTESSDRI " RED PLUM WATER DEPOT To ï¬nd out mom about how to leach visit flyerland.ca Sï¬'h'éTribune 37A†PHOVO’SYFVE SOMf RVlllf