Fnrty from -yzmi gardens will be mong- 1'm-d by (he Sumffvilk' ( {anim (iluï¬ um Tlnmh. ; During thc- ï¬m two mks of haly. gardvn :iub mcmlx‘rs are travelling lhmughum the municipality kmkmg for gardens worthy of 310 Happy Place Gardeners do no! need to rt-gisu-r or be nominated. All ‘hal is required is the prop- For longtime Sharon resident Donna Bogen Milk-r. the rwws is mk‘mned after hearing the dnw- in chm! this spring. “It's really hard to do things that are fun and 311' good family content." she said. While Mayor Virginia Hackwn is united the drive-in will show mtwios again. she wants Pmmu-r I‘hvatrvs tn M‘nmkk'r the nature. 4 "l thmk they have misnamed it by calhng \t vamarkvt. It's disappmnting 'Ihcy should recount/r what mmmunity it is in." she said, idding she will «Nu the trmnpany tn mnskk-I changing the namv. smarnnfd’vrmg mm flu? obituary for Ybrk Rvg'lon's driveâ€- m the U1? seems a little premature. ‘ Drive-in theatre re-opening Hunt on for blooming-good gardens Drive-in enthusiasts can stay posted about vpening night through the Facebtmk page nd website. he Mr. Bilinski 0me2; it to be on a Friday Pmmier l‘heam‘s is so! to rP-opon the unh York [)rivevln later this month under 2 name, Stardust Drive-In Newmarkct. While it seems slightly m‘mnamed. at least A few hurdles remain. but. the theatre is medmbeopenwithhdwenmrwu elm. Premier ‘flmcatres' Chris Bilinski "Wr- will he "pen as soon as pussible." he L‘ ï¬igns will be cram-d in from of Stnuffviikuarea homes this mnnth. market Ls a link closer to Shawn than Stouffvill Club recognizes tbis H app)" Phase The BY SIMON MARTIN BUSINESS Pm: must be within the ama'hounded by 19m Awnmu Hwy. 48. mamingmn Rnad and ank-Lhnrham line. the garden must also be visible fmm lhf‘ um‘m "By planting a fmdl garden that the whole nvighbuurhmxi can enjuy. you are CUHIIHL uting to thr beautiï¬cation of our town and hctp'mg to make Stnuffn‘ilc a ‘Happy Plum-Z" according club spokesperson Diane Waning It is becoming a pmbkrm with a lot of businesses coming to East (Ewillimbury that identify themselves as Newmarket. “If people don't when: a busi- nvxs is. then we will never have our own iden~ tity," she said. Ynu can expect a few changes in the (ho- atre. In addition to a flush coat of paint. the most notable difference will be in the viewer experience. Mr. Bilinski said. nming the digital equipment cost $300.0“). Premier Theatres will lease the property. but Mr. Bilinski wouldn’t divulge the length of the lease. Hr: did say the drive‘in should be there for a few years. [he company won't invest as much money in the property as it does at the Sunset Barrie Drive-[n or the Starlirc Drive-In in Hamilrr‘m. whet? it Owns the property. “Are you going to put chandeliers up m a hnusc you rent?" Mr. Bilimki said. "It will be a homer looking drive-in xhan what it was. but we don't own the property. so we can't invest vra/le," With a long weekend in Canada just over and one on in the United States it has mated some hurdles for getting the equipment. Mr. Blhnski said the website Ls already designed and mady to go and he wants I! to be ready as soon as possible with the digital t‘quipmcm set to arrive For more infommion. n’sit stardusmew- nmrlwt.uun m thc qulnmln pngr. Wamrosulcflomhplaco Are ynu odd or wen? Mich of York Rvgiun's' ninv municipali- ties has an nutdunr want-r cunwrvuliun bylaw and "lust are now In emu across the arm. As part n1 its uunpaign In mnwrw water. the region is asking you to water mur lawns‘tmwd (m your house num- ht'th. ' All homes and pmpenies with an even- numhcrl-d municipal address. am- permit. ted to water on m'vn-numbcwd days of the month. while those with odd-hum» bored addrt‘ss‘vs zm- permitted in water un mid-numberui days. When water use incmascs. it strains municipal wamr sup- plies and um harm vnwrgcmy supplim and ï¬reï¬ghting uthiliï¬e'a. During the summer months. you can conserve water by: 0 adhering to your muniumlity's out- door water use bylaw. 0 adjusting sprinklers so only the lawn is watered and not the house. sidewalk or pawmvnt; 0 adjusting sprinkler spray lower to lht’ ground; I imtalling row-rs on pool and hot tubs and checking for leaks around pumps and ï¬ttings; 0 using a broom inslmd of a how to clean driveway» and sidewalks; ‘ 0 adjusting lawnmpwer blades :0 a higher swung 2K Inng’cr gngss shades mots andthulds mil nmmuw boner. 0 Using .1 rain harm! to mlku‘wau'r fur plums. Fur nmrc mmnnamon on the rvgiun's water nmsorvation initiatives. lava] numiripal wvhsiu' uddmsws m In lmm how m mnscrw watvr in and «mum! rynur home. visit watcrfbnomommra Yuu can also (‘hn‘k nu! ynur local munu‘ lpalily's website l'm inlunnamm rvgunlmg timeâ€"of-day watering restrictions or visit vorlu'a/summon'nnwrvatkm.