If you c0uld only use one word to describe China it would have to be epic. lt's an epic country where it's important to be bold and discover personal favourites amid the interplay of temples._ tea shops and tuk tuks. The Sites. Beijing's must-dos are obwous and any comprehenswe tOur Will make sure you see them all What’s implortant IS to take time to look past the postcards and find moments of quiet reflection in the beautiful tree-lined paths of the Temple of Heaven. The Shopping. Take time to explore M China's back alley shops and, be prepared to haggle. Don‘t be surpnsed at you fund yomself in possession of a Mao t-shirt and a year's supply of oolong tea. The Food.‘ Be adventurous wcth your food choices. Most tOurs ensure that y0u round up the usâ€'uai favourites hke a killer plate of Kung Pow chicken. but don‘t be afraud to see} out street food (take some sesame wontons from the city's Mushm quarter) ... I m m g metrolandmodca .mu-uâ€"u 'WI hmw