’ SHE-Tribune 'u .v NV JC‘wrt v 'Mu “\f‘ 9'3‘1 tiliLfl-L‘ .v :.\' w‘vwwfl r-ri . lETI’ERS POLICY AI sulxniuï¬um must be k-ss than can Mink and nuludr a dnyumt- trirptu ll' numhfl. namr alum 1hr Nun†lnhunv m thr mm! to pttllhh m nut puth and to uh! fut damn and spur Imwm ruitm-s and the: law. 100 many agt-nncs) govt-mâ€" Invnt gmupx and school boards Mm dfl' t hdrgt'd mlh the n-xpun sibihty oi safeguarding out i hilâ€" drvn haw mmpcting agendas within thou uwn organizatith Inn llilll'h time is spent "manag- ing" tht- pmhlt-m. nut enough un "ruminating" It. Much depends on funding a gnwmmmt rummitment tn making H‘dl t fungus In attitude dilution and mnscxnwnccs. l'hv t'um‘nt monies nm It is with given sadness and fnistmtinn vw haw Witlt'hl’d sui t‘ldt’S and instances of children in t‘risis cimtintm to risc despite our sung-shuns and "rvaHifv" t'xpcri cums with victimsf [X‘spitt‘ national moguï¬tion. we aim Iargeiy igmired by those in dï¬â€˜lsitnl- making capacities. On behalf of children and their families. wc n'spu‘tfufly Inuit forward to ynur Mimnse. WSWCOWOIWM Pro Sun hour! Um WV " \Lfâ€˜ï¬‚ï¬ a"! 5mm E» a amour r! the mac Hum (3000 no a Imoly ww'. :utuaflwrv 0' W ( 14mm Bushman MANMM Ruhr†tannin Regional Prudm'la and (Justiï¬ed lh‘hm M rllm Vwrk FLA-gum Mtth hump ummumlv hum: us ( mu I k-Imm Krllv ()flkt MW ,\ Irlumr A!!! ulgc' (m min! ‘ I MIN 90‘ I‘M 8144 nl‘c’vufl‘i [mg 1 “in Um 1' Wilhums 9m Ml) 2012 u 91:5 MO 877 In RH ‘nul. Ammum.. I )nwmurm» (and Paula“ I DIIH'mI. ()Hul'mm Rd N \ Mad [m Lw Smut! «14mm: (rm Din-dot M Iun Mason VWW\ I lull-Tit 5 £55 ttl"l\.'\"ï¬(x . nn Dirt-(1m ‘nIpV‘V mg "I" Children don’t need another anti-bullying ’program’ With all due respect, our chil- dmn do not heal another ami- bullying “|m')gr'dm". ()ur childn-n need â€"~ and we have asked fur years ~~~ awareness. cducalkm and vnhm‘vnwm of polity L’ pnr u-dun-s and lhc In». Children haw no such rm‘ourxe. ‘lhey have no uniun rt’prvsemation. They haw limited rights under the law â€"â€" which am vague and ramiy on forced. ~. long standing, gmsx mun “mum/Alums dimctly and only estab- Iishvd In n-pn‘u-m thr- mm“. of ("tildl‘t’ll and ï¬unihvs who haw been \‘K‘tim- ï¬lm! by bullying, "ami-lmllving" advocacy is the solo puqmw u! our organizations. Adults haw born unable to cfl‘u'uwly n‘sulw bullying mum in my workplau- m hunw. “(M cvvr. as adultx. they mm haw deï¬ned k-gal mumrw. wnh um sequences for the uflcmien. ( )pen letter In luum’n Harp". “(’3 national Rm! ( ‘mss untrlmlly» lug program. \w haw no other mandala I agenda or labour ixsm-s. We .uv encouraged a national approach through lhv Rm ( iross is bring considcrui. Howcwr. wv .m' (on u-mvd the approach will mirror rusting Sll’llll'flk‘s that arr not working. Child suicides are increasing, as am menial health and addic- tion msues. l'hv mrrvm monies pm posed fm a Mammal strategy am- Slfi).(lllnati0nw1do. lhis rcp- n‘wms appmximalvly $201!)" pvt pmvimr/u-mmry and m’thm Ontario. ll n‘pu‘scms $483.35 {m Pad} nfnur 72 who"! hmmix WEEKEND FORUM ' '\ rationale he pnmdul m the public as to why the Red ('rnss is tlw sugn‘su‘d load un a lldlknml mm bullying minunw for discussion; 0 (hnsiderau'un he ngn in other gmups spuxï¬ï¬ally (ll‘dlCdl 0d In and nationally nx‘ugn'mul lm thmr work in akin-mung men ml health and bullying. and 0 Most imponantly. (hat xtuâ€" dent.» .m- nnl lx- asked 10 "ï¬x thcmwh'cx"; that adults arr held accountabk‘. m'th clear legal. eth- u‘al and pcmml nummibilinm WC resu‘t‘tfully an}. bcfurv an} nfl‘u'iul mammal plan is dwidvd upon. the following Ix! (unsui- on‘d and that money is commit I“! in spu‘iflt (mus Anti-bullying advocacy Is all we do. Each fly we are con- nected directbv to the victims not being heard. - (imwrtmts udvm‘an' urgani» mtinns be consulted and includ‘ rd in the planning pnx‘t‘ss; We are politely listened to but m-ver wally heard because u? are not “professionalsâ€. WSWCOWOIMM RwMtrWCoatboMk lanthanum). mmst months snvp‘mnanmcmmumm CWMWCW.WS Schoolamocmlme 5100'?! W mummare Kathleen mm: MIWMhRMgW Karen Scbbcn LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Whiu’hun‘h was one of H (mimics formed in 1792. h» john (ideP's Simnx‘, “11' ï¬rst lit-uu'namgovernor of l )ppcfl lgmadn. By the “MOS. “erhun'h had 59 grist mills and ma ww nulls. .-\t that time there was grvaz umrcrn‘ the not wry pmspornus Village of Stuut’fn’lk' wmfld b0 swal- lnwvd up the wealthy \fluiu‘hun‘h Imx'nship \ Other towns would welcome Whitchurch l haw hwd m what was \thchun‘h Tmmship since I‘z’mv m rm'isil uur hyphenated name. Whilrhun‘hâ€"5muffuille. I?!» (w to (he «ï¬lm Arnold Neufeldt-lflsl. lune 6. This letter is in response m Mr. Fast. 1 would haw. nut of rt-spu"! Tor his family. used his full name h(M'VCf that duesn'! seem to matter In Mr. lust Sluuï¬ville was founded in mm by Abraham and Him- hcth Slnuï¬m. Hw Nnuï¬m family established its awn $8“ and grist mills. \muf’fvillv hwan a vil lagv m 187‘! and rvmmnod that way untii it was amal- ganmwd with Whitchurch Inwnxhnp in 1971. At that time there was PUBLISHER Ian Proud/bot GENERAL MANAGER Iohn Willems «amiss IHEY‘RE 1N MOURNING~ o «M - POOR BEARS I live in an area that has a number of estate devehpments where the homes generaliy sit on My address remains M'wmarkm and if one puts my postal code imn a (3P8, ynu will not ï¬nd my hmuw. Makes for interesting mn- wrsations with delivery people. It was lung distance In (all the town uf’ï¬t'es. llw kids' school and any other sumffvilk‘ number. I! took xm- ï¬w yeah In cumin“?I Bell Canada to switch out since! to the 540 exchange. 1981. When we moved hour. we had a Newmarket phone number. a Newmket mail- ing addmss. wo shopped in Ncmnarkct and Aurora and_ 7 our chfldmn went to Ballan nae Public School. and one puts my postal code into a UPS, (you will not ï¬nd my house. Makes for interesting mmrrsanons with “Mn rry pmplr ' Sum/fruit Tribune n 6290 Man St Wï¬N MA 167 myukleoonmm Please let me krm‘ what yuu deridv We haw" nn downside and [mu-nliafly tremendous upmkt FRANK I. VAN VEEN “Hâ€! In?!“ H-‘slut Ii \ ill! I know the gnu-d {nlks in Vandorf would jump at llw chance to become part of Aurora and thcir mwn water suppty. and no, yum can‘t have the museum ha: L I know Aurora and New markm would he only too happy tn haw us win (hvm, tx'twu-n (mo and two arms livery developer has had to pay large fees mm the lawn of Whitchurch-Stouffvillc park lmst. l have yet In 800 a néw park built in this ama over the past 32 years. We ï¬nally got reasonable ï¬re pn'necu‘tm. thanks to the devebpmem douars gener‘ alcd the building of the Ballamrae (501i and Country club lifestin community. We have very link: in the way of amenities up New other than 900 acres of York Regional H)an tha‘t WP all cnjuy your mund Sn. if Mr. has! and nth- ers wish to drop Whitrhxm'k‘l from the name nf our umn. perhaps \w shuuld rvn‘si: thv anmlganmnnn.