Alumnusqmmmh- Nthmmuldtmi mmle Mum-“ha. mun-mm m Sunmlnmem ï¬rmlme l’llflMlflmufl! fut clufltyandqur £qu \mk qumn Mada ( .mup u mme nmpdfl‘fl '59 Sun Inbum W My. than», and m s a mu 0' w W m: Grow no a moth mnec museum «W: (5430th quonal Products du ulmnubwnq vow "no "In I 'vmlhm Mrlumc' Armdxr lEITEIS POUCY (JuwM‘alldaan Diuu'mn .thmum.. Dunn-mun: (hm! Punlm r1 n|.m~n¢1~mg.m In: 3- mm m Imwms pm mm wumnmm l)lll.('l’0I. ()rmnoss Bur N Mark l khm erln lacâ€"kic- Smart Diana 0! hm Mast)" Region’s red-light cameras only costly to rule breakers a Red-light cameras. which will impruw Saft’t)’ and save lives. according to the ri‘ginn. are just days away from being Operational. But some motoristx are sim- ply wcing red at whaL they view as nothing murc than a hash grab. ' Hamilton. for example. was one of several municipalities in iiistall the cameras in 2000. During the ï¬rst eight ycars. l‘hv Hamilton Speclaiuir rvponed Overall collisions at trafï¬c signals fell 32 per cent. At rod-light camera lm‘aliuns. accidents fell 41 per cent and (langi-mus‘ hmadsidv risith at rml~light comers declined 63 per cent. / Ream‘nd collisions a! rod- lighl interwclions climbed .75 pct cent during the same time. likely causéd by drivers slopâ€" ping quickly fm yellow lights. It appvars both sidvs arr (ur- nu. As for the cash-grab claim. it's true the program is expected to cost 3.5.! million in the first two years. but it will bring in an estimated $4.5 million in ï¬ne revenue during that period. At the very worst. the region anticipau's it will break own. l'hat moans laxpuyrrs will no! fool the bill for this pro- gram lung-1mm, l‘hv only Editorial ISSUE: York Rrgion about to flip mild: on 20 red-light cameras at dangerous intense-diam. urk Region drivers will 5mm haw 20 (:dnr eras monitoring your bchaviuur an inn-rave lions. WEISH IN ON HIE DISCUSSION .. Hm mat: in innuen@mum 77%} Z; MW/e people who will have to pay are those who choose to break'thc law and run rod lights, What's wrong with that? In Watcrltm last year. 16 (mm-tax tssuvd 9,257 tickets that put 52 million into regional gtwernmcrit coffers. In Hamilton. the city paid about $691,000 to operate its mmvras. hm ï¬ne rvvenue was more than $900,000. 5 l‘hatis a lot of money that can he used to ï¬nance other municide priurilics. speciï¬â€˜ cally ruudvsalcty pmwcls, [how are lhnsc who helium a but!†wlunun would be extending amber lights by one m Mu wunuls Sn. in main}. lt'x a cash grub that ( an saves “Vt-s. . Hm! (‘an't he a bad thing How impurmmly it appears m hr working. In Hamilton. md~light vio- lulinns haw fallen annually 9mm 2005. By am“. [here were just 30 pct cent of the number rcrurdod when the cameras were Installed. But that snlminn is only suc- cessful If we assume people are only running rvd lights because the amber lights are too short, Amber lights should be the same length at all intersections. so [new are nu surprises fur motorists. but than} not going m “up pvnpk‘ l‘rnln pushing the limits and fun‘mg then way thrnugh rvd lights. Hut 5325 ï¬nes might ramrras prom: lu saw Iivrs and only ms“) to motorists who break lhc- law. BOTTOM LINE: Red-light II»‘lull\.u. l'l’l‘ urn lhn< ' Stouflvillefromname? ENTER 0? 1m: WEEK I am pan of your community and con- wrned with the wellbeing of our town. Since the announcement of the of the Pick- ering Airport plan. I worry about our town, our quality of life. quality of employment and what may cause our town to have an wonomk bust. I thcmfom joined a group of concerned citizens called [and Over Land- mgs Pickering Airport bad news for our businesses, environment ‘ Ry: Airport means jobs. business for Smufl'ville' mayor. lune I 3. I, along m'th many others. do not want a Ramon-Rizal airport hem â€" the current plan 15 to have this airport be twice the size of Pearson. No longer could we claim “I nuntry close to the ctty" as our motto. We mll vnd up being the Brampton of the east. 11w construdion )obs will end and we will he left with minimum-wage employ- mmt Big box stores. chain mtaurants (think .‘sklmnald's. KHZ. etc.) and hotels will dot what watt beautiful. fertile coun- trysulv that nm‘v put {rash local food on our tables. Instead. we will welcome smog, "Olst’. strip< of hotels. more trafï¬c. wider roads and luwvr property valtws. Nu lungcr Ls them protection for migrat- ing birds. N'o longer will I hear or see the l‘hc residents of the northerly pan of \fluu‘hunm-Stuuffvillc live closer to Aurora and Inarkvl than Smufl‘vilk'. Time to rerun qur hyphenated name. Whurhun‘h ï¬tuufll rally. h’t- ter (0 the editor by Arnold Nrufrld!‘ Fast. [mm 6. Before Wh iu' hurch v Smuffu‘lle. Whitchulth was a unmship. Smuffville was a village. Mr. Neufeldbl‘as! says "the population in the ham- lvts uf Ballamrac. Vandorf. Muxselman's lake and 13 other Whilehumh hamletS. will decline in the coming wars. according to town planners llnlexs dew-k)de by \flutchurch-Stouï¬ville as has! (:willlmbury has. the lmundan'es of Whiu‘hurch- Stoufl’villc could change. _ Aurora and Ncwmarke! wuuld like to expand. but have very limited space in pmpcnics. Newmarkel and Aurora Mt very well look to the pracedem set by the City of Barrie. which mm to cxpropn‘ate large tracts of SWUFFVILLE deoyouMof MMNWM? EMW PUBLISHER Ian Proudfoot Canaan. MANABBI lohn Willem: which to do so. The land vast 0f Hwy. 404', from Bloomingmn Road to Green (LS industrial pm;th Aurora and Ncwnwrke: would like to expand; but have very limited space in which to do so. The land cast Hwy. 404. frum Bloomingwn Road to Gram lane. would be appealing as industrial herons that fly overhead. the Oak Moraine Protection ital] but destroyed. the silentgfldersoverheadwiflbemplacedby soundofjel engines. Tramc will jam our cunendyquietstreetsandme reasonswe allliveherewfllbegmte. lfyoummiswinbegmdforour yummJedfligmceTakeadrh/etomewes! endandseeMIatitlookshkeoulmem Mtchmesmgonthehorimnasyouhead mmmmmumwasmflmfed Our Main Street stores win not hoid up to what will be mound the airpott Did you knawdroselivhgmmesoumeastcouldbe ascbseasmteekibmeuesfmm rumw‘rays? Thinkabout it.spea.kupandleamwhat ismlthmtaspodasdwfedflal or our municipd W13 are making it out to be. ‘ Please think about what could happen. Look at both sides of the coin and if you are concemed. visit Iamï¬wedamï¬ngsunn and get invotval with ending this once and for all. ,, Once the land is gone. thtn: is no mm- ing back ’Siï¬'iï¬i'ibune WMSL LM 167 Tm of hmisï¬l For 504mm. our address has been Nemnarket. h is umfuxing when I lei] people that our address is Newman- ket. but we pay our taxes to WhitchurdrStouï¬vifle. Since the needs of those in the northern pan of Whimhutch-Slouï¬ville difâ€" fex from those of “The Town Close to Markham." maybe like most hyphenated names. the 1351 pan of the name should be dropped. Stouffvifle can then take itsphoeasatm withlhe land from the neighbouring hats in the Township of DONA WILLIAMS Mincm 'RCH 51m 'I-H'u 1.1» HAVE YOUR SAY, SWUFFVILLE S. NAGEI. ST" ’(ZH‘TIU. b