[he Stouffville lawn Bowling Club came away with a pair, 0! medals from the York Region 55+ (Ram's in (‘noorgina last week l'hc tandem 0! Sandra and George lwasiw captured the silver medal in mixed pairs. Four other Stouflvillc entries took pan in the games includ- ing the treble; teams of Bob and Nancy Stover and Marg Curtis. Audrey Gibson. Nelda Morley and Kevin McWhinnic, and Ice and Donna “mars and Gary Davis ()n a separate note. two Stoul’fville lawn Bowling (Ilub teams earned high honours when they took part in the club's annual Women’s I‘mblcs ‘l‘ournamcnt. sponsored the local (‘anadh In the same event. the Slouï¬ville team of loan and Iggy Namli wvw awarded the bronze medal. *5 WW 1! at at A, Acem;m3,yau,m?: Sunday Sonic: at 10:00 am www.in20na.ca 410-090-4774 ¢ O I C O a O I I I h I I c I Lawn bowlers roll to silver, bronze at York Region 55+ Games 11:00 am. Sunday, June 30th Service in the Park Everyone Welcome ww stouflvullechnsnanchurch c'a inviting, relational, open 6528 Mam St , Stoufl'vdle 90543402561 Pastor Jnm Amy 18 Civic Amos. Stooffvilh to“ mm m 600M * Sunday Worship STOUFFVILLE ‘ CHRISTIAN CHURCH 19 on the Park The Stouï¬villc team of Gen Bruggor. Nelda Marley and Audrey Gibson were the second high three game winners. an Imperial Bank of (xnmnen‘v branch last "I‘nursday. In the club's upcoming cvcms calendar, they will host the DisIn'm Men’s Singles 'lhumanwm Satur- day and Sunday staning at 9 a.m. The club will also be the site for the Stmwtx'rn‘ h-slival l‘nur Anmhcr Stouï¬ville team of lane “abbey. ludna Pictle and Donna Powers were high two game win- 10:00am Celebration Service Ed antainc Topic: "Soul (are â€" Umtcssion" | ‘mspï¬nmlg.org mamsmm ALLWEMCM8-SEE! Anglican Church u! Canada 254 Sumo! Blvd AXIS-6404461 wwwsnyuï¬x Illcanghcanxa Holy Baptism 8:00 am 8. 10:00 am Eucharist Parish Picnic/BBQ at 1 1 :30am Bring a salad or dessen brouï¬hllc Rd. at Kcnncdy Rd 905-887-565] Sunday, lune 23rd Sunday, June 23rd SPORTS springvale pl! mm In Quebec ’leawaw wuuzq 'l‘he lnurnammu has boon played around 4110 Canada Day weekend in Stouï¬ville for almost a quancr of a century. After their second game. the lxmlers will break for dinner at the Stoufln‘llc lions Beef cue. which has become p’art of the tournament tradition. buwlem and those from many other clubs will e-njuy nus historic contest. tournament tradition- The SIoufTville-based EHR/ Tram 111er Red racing team was 5.?†13m)“ m tun)th lawn Hathaway's past suc- namenl next Thursday starting at I ‘30 pm. Set-ma Sadekar shut a fuur-«M-r par 148 through two rounds to ï¬nish in a four-way lie for 13th place a! (he recent (IN Canadian anvn’s '1 our Quebec i-wm a! the BLOOMINGTON GOSPEL CHURCH ST. JAMES PRESBYTERIAN Everyone Welcome! Sunday; June 23rd Appreciation Sunday 9:30 mm. CHURCH 6432 Main St. Stoufl Music Festival Nouffvillc Unucd Church ‘Mcn of Note‘ chorus Solon! Susan Rymnn Violinist Maflht‘w limlwm 8:0“ pm. 13660 Ninth Linc N. (905) 642 4414 Rn". Peter Pallant Aï¬icnd/yfamily than}! Phone: 901640.351 Wunship Servicc 1 1:00 a.m. Service of Wurshxp 10:00 a.m. Wed. lune 26 Sunday, June 23 Sunday, lune 30 festival Sc‘rvlu‘ Memorial Park 9:30 a.m. The funncr Smuffvillc resfldcm shut rounds of 75 and 73 on the 6.1 lO-qul. par 72 cuurse. (Jub dc Golf (lowansvillc in Cow- ‘ A graduate of the University of [as Vegas Nevada. ï¬n- ished nine shotsubehind winner k'nnifcr Kirby of Paris, Om. who was ï¬ve-under par at 139 (69-70). WWW way start“! the Zim'lap PVt’lll (m the outside of raw three and was in ï¬fth place through 17 laps Moving up into fuunh plau- fur “‘a brief period. [Hathaway den-(10d some vibration in his. car. By the time Hathaway bmughx anwillc. Que. 1%. good omen when it returned for the NAV‘AR Canadian ‘ï¬xe North FMFD '20!) mm in london Saturday. lkm'wr. it wasn't meant to be when Hathaway and the Snap-on tings; gum: QQLL; Klggd_om Rock SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:45AM Chmeseg‘ï¬ngnshmhndren Semce ($4r’§1§€l!m 0 Oscar Petersen Pubhc School 850 Homer Park Dr.. Stouffvme SloufTvillc Pentecostal Church 6853 Mam SL. Slouffville 9056405696 Sunday Service (a; 10 am Sunday School for kids? Everyone “dune! MIC" OFFICE (It...) «647'» 5473618 32 Jamesway Cres‘. Stouflvme stoufhnuebranchflmchcorg mflmflnlmul Lead I’usfur Jeï¬ Laud (Mitten x Pastor 1.091 Attack Pnday'x‘ (1 7:00pm I0pm Youth Pastor [an "drier ( “nuruclnr Bnnnw Brorrhardl Sr High ~ (Ends 9 l After practises in which he was thin! on the spot-d charts and tin ishing sixth in qualifying. Hatha way stand! the ZOOolap went on the outside of row three and was in ï¬fth place through 17 laps, Moving up into fourth place for By the time Hathaway bruught his vehicle to the attention of his pit crew, his left front tire was flat. Hathaway battled back as much as he could but was running on his own lap for the remainder of the race. recommgs some fast laps and working his way back up to 1101 [Pete Shepherd Ill won 'lkmls/luxkstar l-‘nagy I Mn]: I )odgv ï¬nished a disappointing l Hh. Next up is the (‘Jannglon 200 at Canadian Tm' Motorspuns Park near Bowmanvilk' Saturday. A Omn‘h m a Beautiful (“Wade Pastor Walter Robbins 34 Church St. N. - 905-6404163 10:303m Worshup Servme (Maven Sunday. CommumOn Serwce Wednesday, June 26 860 Gone. 8. (lawman! 905-649-128 l 2 infog‘stouffvilkucxa Sunday, June 23 9.30 am Prayer Meetmg Sunday Service 10:30am Lunch to follow “Ilia